Rer Bardheere high ranking officials: "Axmed Madoobe not welcome here either"

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The Third Sade Reich is my dream, A mareexan dynasty:salute:



but your langaab, you have no votes,

you have 12 mps out of 75,

you have 120 ergo out of 1,000 ergo

majorty rules, minority rights,

sorry langaab boy, there is no immediate cure for langaabness,

and if yall get cocky, we will jsut take the 2 jubbas and our half of gedo,

you can take your half of gedo and join south west state or be ruled by xamar directly,

Yeah I think HG is langaab also. I can understand why sacad can only pull 100 men sxb from intelligence reports in a war now. Hobyo and Baraxlay mooye meel kale ma degan, they don't even reach cadaado 50 kilometer away. Them cayr niggas are about marehan size in gobolada dhexe but their not equal haday habar gedir racdo in gobolada dhexe. However they could be close haday gedo is racan iyo gobolada dhexe.

But I found this strange thing about sayidka. No mention of hawiye besides abgaal, they must of been non-existant or possibly like the way we dismiss madhiban or midgos today. Maba la soo hadal qaado kkkkk. Maybe sayid saw it like that with many clans. He never recruited HG in his thing. I noticed HG hal degmo malahan tarikh ahan.Dhusomareeb was marehan, galkayo was mj, koonfurta mogadishu 1990 bay soo degeen. There is really nothing loogu tago. Waxay iska ahayeen baan gaba dadka eelayda manta oo kale meel walbo iska degi jiray like a guest or sida sheikhaal. Those nigga history waa completely 'zero' sxb when u research into it.


but your langaab, you have no votes,

you have 12 mps out of 75,

you have 120 ergo out of 1,000 ergo

majorty rules, minority rights,

sorry langaab boy, there is no immediate cure for langaabness,

and if yall get cocky, we will jsut take the 2 jubbas and our half of gedo,

you can take your half of gedo and join south west state or be ruled by xamar directly,

oh dat was badddddddddddd :damn:
but your langaab, you have no votes,

you have 12 mps out of 75,

you have 120 ergo out of 1,000 ergo

majorty rules, minority rights,

sorry langaab boy, there is no immediate cure for langaabness,

and if yall get cocky, we will jsut take the 2 jubbas and our half of gedo,

you can take your half of gedo and join south west state or be ruled by xamar directly,

Do you just pull numbers out of nowhere? :drakelaugh:

Ogaden have 21 mps and Mareexaan have 19 mps in Jubaland parliament. Even though I disagree with this number and MX should get more.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Do you just pull numbers out of nowhere? :drakelaugh:

Ogaden have 21 mps and Mareexaan have 19 mps in Jubaland parliament. Even though I disagree with this number and MX should get more.
Ignore this Teeri character he claims to have a PhD in Economics but can't even spell, read or use basic grammar.:drakekidding:


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
@Sheikh is a known coward ok he was born a coward. Do not call for help.

Waryaa Doctor Kaniini the Sheikh is a honorary Sheikh and a honorary Ugaas only known coward is you Kab iyo Lax boys that were born coward tendencies. Who even needs your help fam? :mjlol::pachah1:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
@Teeri-Alpha @DR OSMAN By Allah I will PayPal you guys 1000$ each if you guys can name one district in Gedo that is majority non Mareexan Sade and name which clan is bigger just one @Ferrari Gedo is the most populous region in Jubbaland that’s a fact how many districts do Cagdheer dominate only two Afmadow and Badhaadhe which is a jungle that Axmad Madoobe gets most of his charcoal from nobody lives there Saakow and Buale is shared between Cawlyahan and Raxanweyne Jilib Jamaame are majority non Darood minority clans stronghold Kismaayo districts is shared between all Daroodand the Giirgiir Alliance you guys aren’t from the Jubboyinka so I wouldn’t expect you guys to know these things
As farole famously once said 'qabiilkasi masjid ma buxin karo iska daa degmo' kkkk I wont mention who it was kkkk but SADE you need to grow your numbers

You can say MX is low in numbers which is a big lie, you comparing us to dhulbahante shows your lack of knowledge on our numbers. We will take what is ours through the ballot or through force. Madoobe came under the kenyans and the way he has handled jubbaland showcased his ineptness and servitude to kenyan orders. We had kismayo on lock and under us the shacab did not feel threatened and were free to do as they wished. Under madoobe it's a different story. But don't worry the situation will be handled. Gedo is literally bigger than both of the jubbas combined and there is not a single town where MX presence isn't the majority let's not kid ourselves Ditoore kanini.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
amrehan has 12 mps from gedo, gedo waa 6 degmo, 4 mps each, yall get 12 mps signed and sealed

yall get the 12 mps from 3 degmos in gedo, thats it,

so please name me any other degmos in the jubbaland yall get mps for, please do,

only 3 degmos in whole of gedo,

yall share gedo with eley, cawlyahan, gadson, ajuuraan, garre, so please name me other than the 3 degmos yall get from gedo since siad barre days until today in ujubbaland, please name them,

i will be waiting,

your talking to a native reer waamo who was sitting next to ahmed madoobe in the shirs between 2013-2015 and knows how the region was shared,

Marehan does not get a single mp either for the federal or jubbaland parliemt from the 2 jubbas, only 12 mps and all from 3 degmos out of 6 degmos from gedo,

****** who do you thinking your talking to? some farax who doesn't know his region,

nigegr i own the place, waa Kuumade asli place, adn we are even using the seat allocations of siad barre so no one can cry foul, siad barre rules, still yall are langaab,

marehan has 12 mps out of 75 mps for jubbaland parliemnt, and all are from gedo, 3 degmos from gedo, half of gedo

i dare yuo to deny that, proooooove me wrong B000n boy, prove me wrong,
Your absolutely nuts and anyways your not reer Waamo stop lying Kablalax oo dhan has 28 (which is naked injustice) and Sade has 19 and 18 from Gedo and 1 from Kismaayo your a midqaan Ilkadheer from a Gabooye marriage aa tahay kadaab tuug ah from DDSI otherwise you would know this stuff and not your post blatant lies your incredible no one can take your words serious


@Teeri-Alpha he thinks he can come into JL and start crying ' I am Sade' Give me more seats. War degmo sheego ayaa lagu oranaya based on your ADEER borders(which was cadalad daro to begin with and heavily in favor of non darod clans).

I mean them rahanwayn niggas are within 100 kilometers of each other from one end to another and get like 3 gobols. Imagine new york one city was made into 100 gobols sxb, it's garbage how he shared the regions siyad. Banadir was given a state like wat the f*ck, it's only a fuckin city and should join the shabellaha at best.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
@Teeri-Alpha he thinks he can come into JL and start crying ' I am Sade' Give me more seats. War degmo sheego ayaa lagu oranaya based on your ADEER borders(which was cadalad daro to begin with and heavily in favor of non darod clans).

I mean them rahanwayn niggas are within 100 kilometers of each other from one end to another and get like 3 gobols. Imagine new york one city was made into 100 gobols sxb, it's garbage how he shared the regions siyad. Banadir was given a state like wat the f*ck, it's only a fuckin city.
The question is Jubbaland maxaa u taqaanaa is 3 gobols or 2 gobols then we can debate


The question is Jubbaland maxaa u taqaanaa

Explain why your uncle gave the north 5 regions(awdal, waqoyi galbeed, sool, sanag, togdheer) when it was only 'burco and hargeisa' originally?. From one end of Awdal Zaylac to Las anod is 500 kilometers in google maps. Yet it's 5 states. That is per 100 kilometer you gave a state. But ignored Puntland which is 750 kilometers From Bosaso to Galkayo because cuqdad nafsiyan ayaa kugu jiray. We should get 7 states if we follow the 'northern formula'. Or we should get at least the same amount as hawiye who owns the exactly the same land mass from galkayo to mogadishu of 750 kilometers and it's 4.5 states(galgaduud, south mudug, hiraan, shabella dhexe, banadir). While you gave rahanwayn oo dhagax isku turi karo from one end of baydhabo to hudur. Abaha iyo waxad tahay wase, ha nagu celin tarikh horey, somali radin baan ku jirnaye. Duli duli dhalay ba tahay weliga.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Explain why your uncle gave the north 5 regions(awdal, waqoyi galbeed, sool, sanag, togdheer) when it was only 'burco and hargeisa' originally?. From one end of Awdal Zaylac to Las anod is 500 kilometers in google maps. Yet it's 5 states. That is per 100 kilometer you gave a state. But ignored Puntland which is 750 kilometers From Bosaso to Galkayo because cuqdad nafsiyan ayaa kugu jiray. We should get 7 states if we follow the 'northern formula'. Or we should get at least the same amount as hawiye who owns the exactly the same land mass from galkayo to mogadishu of 750 kilometers and it's 4.5 states(galgaduud, south mudug, hiraan, shabella dhexe, banadir). While you gave rahanwayn oo dhagax isku turi karo from one end of baydhabo to hudur. Abaha iyo waxad tahay wase, ha nagu celin tarikh horey, somali radin baan ku jirnaye. Duli duli dhalay ba tahay weliga.
My uncle gave our gob brothers Dhulbahante and Warsangeli their own majority states are you mad at that it’s your own Harti brother Siyad Barre loved the Warsangeli Sultanate and the Dervishes:chrisfreshhah:


My uncle gave our gob brothers Dhulbahante and Warsangeli their own majority states are you mad at that it’s your own Harti brother Siyad Barre loved the Warsangeli Sultanate and the Dervishes:chrisfreshhah:

You probably didn't even go out there with a team to examine settlements, camels, water wells(if there is less number means less nomads and camels), how many tuulos are there, what's the major tuulo it all reports to for services, the distance between them being greater then a certain 'kilometer' not like hudur and baydhabo oo dhagax isku turi karo from one end to another, key defining ranges that change in terms of geography like rivers, mountains, even the sand color. You know things called 'sharci' or law that is applied to all with the same mechanism used for all somali areas. Not just declaring a state for every fuckin tuulo that exists in somalia.

f*ck you waryaa, ha nagu celin tarikh horey oo majerten lagu dulminaye.
Yeah I think HG is langaab also. I can understand why sacad can only pull 100 men sxb from intelligence reports in a war now. Hobyo and Baraxlay mooye meel kale ma degan, they don't even reach cadaado 50 kilometer away. Them cayr niggas are about marehan size in gobolada dhexe but their not equal haday habar gedir racdo in gobolada dhexe. However they could be close haday gedo is racan iyo gobolada dhexe.

But I found this strange thing about sayidka. No mention of hawiye besides abgaal, they must of been non-existant or possibly like the way we dismiss madhiban or ****** today. Maba la soo hadal qaado kkkkk. Maybe sayid saw it like that with many clans. He never recruited HG in his thing. I noticed HG hal degmo malahan tarikh ahan.Dhusomareeb was marehan, galkayo was mj, koonfurta mogadishu 1990 bay soo degeen. There is really nothing loogu tago. Waxay iska ahayeen baan gaba dadka eelayda manta oo kale meel walbo iska degi jiray like a guest or sida sheikhaal. Those nigga history waa completely 'zero' sxb when u research into it.

runti thre is no somali hisotry with out Ogaden/ Absame Kuumade and harti and jidwaq,

will waal, farah wiil waal,

they say the most famous somali men known for their arrogance and toughness


Raage Ugaas= Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Maaalinguuur ( Ugaas samatr Xirsi, Twin Brother of Ugaas warfa)

Ugaas Nuur Cubudiye : Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Ugaas

Sultan Ahmed Magan : Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa - Bahan Magan

Wiil Waal, = jidwaq

Garad Moxumad Waal = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Dalal

Garad Mataan Ciideed = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Dalal

King of the Somalis, Sayidka = Ogaden, Bah Gari , Reer xamar (xamar just means light skinned, nothing to do with xamar)

Garad aqtal dahir = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer Isaaaq, Grandfther of WSLF and ONLF , he would sit infront of haile selasi and call him ina makonon, son of a dog,

Sultan Yusuf kenadiid = Mj, osman Muxamuud,

QWaman Bulxaan: Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa - Bahan Magan

waa Ogaden/ Absame and kenadiid who was Mj,

famous warriors, fighters who karbahsed their enemies

other fmaous men in there will be Raage Ugaas,

do you see any hawiye that ha made history or written a poem

a hawiye once came to the seat and begged him to listen to his gabay, the sayid said only Ogaden and harti do gabay, so he gave him a chance , the dude went on about the sayids horse and how it defacates etc, the Ogadens were shocked, such inferior brain the hawiye is, they wanted to kill him but the sayid said no, he is just a hawiye

these people were primitive when we were making history Yusuf kenadiid was invading them and colonising them in 1890

truth is about from harti and absame kuumade, all other somalis were sleeping on the wheel and did not have hisotry before 1960,

have yall ever heard about marehan, abgal, habar gidir, eley before 1960, is there hisotry, warriors, inavders, conqurors, poets, men of honour and hisotry like Raage Ugaas,?

do they have explorers like the famous makahil Ogaden dude who explored what we call Ogadeniya in 1520? Haasan cabdi, the men who would name the 7 highest mountains in Ogadeniyas Imay region,

what about the men who opned jubbalnd, NFD, the hardy tough Ogaden men who used to fight the British in nairobi and lake Victoria as late as 1880s,

hawiyes waa moldova, we are like Rome, Italy, an ancient people with culture and history,

no wonder all they did was rape and destroy xamar in the 90s and 2000s even though they had the presidency and the monster darood left to their regions,

car name me hawiye hisotry prior to 1960, i dare ya all yall cannot,

yet all the statues the somali govebnrment build in xamar after 1960 waa

xawo taako= abaskuul jidwaq absame, (even the only somali female hero waa from us)

sayidka = Ogaden absame

Raage Ugaas, Ogaden absame

Qamaan Bulxaan =Ogaden absame

Garad will waal = bartire jidwaq absame,

instead hawiyes looted them and sold them to UAE and now the arabs have them in a museum,
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