runti thre is no somali hisotry with out Ogaden/ Absame Kuumade and harti and jidwaq,
will waal, farah wiil waal,
they say the most famous somali men known for their arrogance and toughness
Raage Ugaas= Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Maaalinguuur ( Ugaas samatr Xirsi, Twin Brother of Ugaas warfa)
Ugaas Nuur Cubudiye : Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Ugaas
Sultan Ahmed Magan : Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa - Bahan Magan
Wiil Waal, = jidwaq
Garad Moxumad Waal = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Dalal
Garad Mataan Ciideed = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa Reer Dalal
King of the Somalis, Sayidka = Ogaden, Bah Gari , Reer xamar (xamar just means light skinned, nothing to do with xamar)
Garad aqtal dahir = Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer Isaaaq, Grandfther of WSLF and ONLF , he would sit infront of haile selasi and call him ina makonon, son of a dog,
Sultan Yusuf kenadiid = Mj, osman Muxamuud,
QWaman Bulxaan: Ogaden, Mohamed Zubeer Reer cabdulle Reer Ugaas Xirsi Reer Ugaas Maga Reer Warfa - Bahan Magan
waa Ogaden/ Absame and kenadiid who was Mj,
famous warriors, fighters who karbahsed their enemies
other fmaous men in there will be Raage Ugaas,
do you see any hawiye that ha made history or written a poem
a hawiye once came to the seat and begged him to listen to his gabay, the sayid said only Ogaden and harti do gabay, so he gave him a chance , the dude went on about the sayids horse and how it defacates etc, the Ogadens were shocked, such inferior brain the hawiye is, they wanted to kill him but the sayid said no, he is just a hawiye
these people were primitive when we were making history Yusuf kenadiid was invading them and colonising them in 1890
truth is about from harti and absame kuumade, all other somalis were sleeping on the wheel and did not have hisotry before 1960,
have yall ever heard about marehan, abgal, habar gidir, eley before 1960, is there hisotry, warriors, inavders, conqurors, poets, men of honour and hisotry like Raage Ugaas,?
do they have explorers like the famous makahil Ogaden dude who explored what we call Ogadeniya in 1520? Haasan cabdi, the men who would name the 7 highest mountains in Ogadeniyas Imay region,
what about the men who opned jubbalnd, NFD, the hardy tough Ogaden men who used to fight the British in nairobi and lake Victoria as late as 1880s,
hawiyes waa moldova, we are like Rome, Italy, an ancient people with culture and history,
no wonder all they did was rape and destroy xamar in the 90s and 2000s even though they had the presidency and the monster darood left to their regions,
car name me hawiye hisotry prior to 1960, i dare ya all yall ******s cannot,
yet all the statues the somali govebnrment build in xamar after 1960 waa
xawo taako= abaskuul jidwaq absame, (even the only somali female hero waa from us)
sayidka = Ogaden absame
Raage Ugaas, Ogaden absame
Qamaan Bulxaan =Ogaden absame
Garad will waal = bartire jidwaq absame,
instead hawiyes looted them and sold them to UAE and now the arabs have them in a museum,
Yeah the Sayid was massive, even my father gets his glasses on when he is talking about 'sayid' like it's a serious topic kkkkk and when he sees 'xaad and diriye' on tv, wallahi he just tells my mom, i am going to sleep hurdo ayaaba igu timiye kkk. He has a little respect for isaaq gabya's but that's it. Hawiye nothing at all except abgaal. But it's the sayid that gets his largest attention from what I saw.