Right wing media bash Ottawa cops for hiring criminal Somali to the force

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They were forced to hire any Somali by the government. The Somalis and the local government are in bed with each other. The Somalis are their #1 ethnic group support.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
They were forced to hire any Somali by the government. The Somalis and the local government are in bed with each other. The Somalis are their #1 ethnic group support.

How do you feel about how I get the scoop of your own background

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Don't understand. Why would they hire a criminal and not a suitable Somali applicant. I am sure there were many!!

Why are you participating in this place you call a cesspool

I demand that you apologize !

Somalia is one of the worst places in the world. Life expectancy is barely 50 years old. Only 37 per cent of people can read and write. But Canada takes in Somalis by the thousand.

How’s that working out? A lot get mixed up in the drug trade. And remember the Somali who went into a Toronto military recruitment office and started hacking with a machete?

The Somali terrorist group Al Shabaab has called for attacks on the West Edmonton Mall. They attacked the mall in Kenya three years ago, killing 67 people.

Then a few weeks ago, a Somali man in Ottawa named Abdirahman Abdi was allegedly sexually harassing a female customer at a coffee shop. Abdi died after his confrontation with the police. Some reports say he was autistic. It’s under investigation, but still, Black Lives Matter got involved.

The Ottawa police chief panicked.

On the very day that Somali suspect died, the police chief hired a Somali cop.

Christina Benson, the civilian hired by the Ottawa police to do a deep background check on prospective hires, told the police department he was unacceptable. I’ll tell you what she found out about him. But the chief went ahead and hired him anyway.

Benson was so shocked, she resigned.

And you know what? I bet this sort of thing happens all the time...
for a bunch of hardcore right wingers that was pretty tame. i would be outraged by the slander but its not like he's lying about canadian somalis being xoolo. 41 retweets on the op is hardly "outrage".



I got boomer connections
Ottawa police department hires Somali with a bit traffic violation background, but these idiots bash Somalia and Somali's? Inbred idiots:chrisfreshhah:
They were forced to hire any Somali by the government. The Somalis and the local government are in bed with each other. The Somalis are their #1 ethnic group support.

Nonsense! He was qualified candidate, met the merit criteria and was selected based on comprehensive analysis.

No one with any serious "red flags" would ever be selected by any police force in Canada. I know this because I have first hand experience with the process.

There was nothing controversial or unusual about hiring this Somali dude other than the fact that some so-called investigator decided, for reasons we don't know, to publicly derail this dude's nomination.
Nonsense! He was qualified candidate, met the merit criteria and was selected based on comprehensive analysis.

No one with any serious "red flags" would ever be selected by any police force in Canada. I know this because I have first hand experience with the process.

There was nothing controversial or unusual about hiring this Somali dude other than the fact that some so-called investigator decided, for reasons we don't know, to publicly derail this dude's nomination.

Ottawa police background investigator resigns, says Somali-Canadian hired for 'political reasons'

On the same day Abdirahman Abdi was pronounced dead, Ottawa police moved to hire a Somali-Canadian man who had failed a background check, prompting the civilian investigator in charge of vetting officers to resign, Postmedia has learned.

Chief Charles Bordeleau told Postmedia he approved the hiring of 19 new officers during a previously scheduled meeting on July 26. Postmedia has learned that the approved list of candidates sent by the recruiting section did not initially include the applicant. All police candidates are presented to the chief, who is responsible for signing off on their hiring.

The applicant is active in the Somali community in Ottawa. All potential police officers are heavily screened prior to being hired.

Benson, a background investigator on the force for more than five years, alleged in her resignation letter that the service has “disregarded their own hiring standards.”

Benson said it was with “great regret” that she “must resign,” in a letter dated Aug. 4. Benson had conducted the background investigation on the applicant.

There are currently eight other employees — five officers and three civilians — who identify as Somali-Canadian on the force.

The investigator’s report found that the applicant had a handful of speeding infractions, four licence suspensions and had attempted to get a new licence while his was suspended. Benson found 16 convictions under the Highway Traffic Act.

Benson also raised red flags regarding a 2013 incident where the applicant falsely phoned police, according to the report. Police found he had a history of negative behaviour when pulled over by police and that he had several different dates of birth on file.

Benson also found inconsistencies in the application. The applicant had said he was selected by the Somali government for a program, but the report found that a friend had actually been selected and that the friend asked the applicant to go in his place instead.

The application was, however, supported by multiple letters of recommendation from people already employed at the police force.
But they have. Ottawa Citizen broke the story.

No they haven't and you don't know what you'er talking about. If we are to believe the so-called "investigator" then this guy had some questionable items in his background check. But that in of itself is not grounds for being eliminated from the selection process. Just that the hiring folks have to do some "risk management" where they weigh the negative items against the positive and make an informed decision. This happens ALL THE TIME. It's nothing new or special.

Having a criminal record does not exclude one as candidate so long one received a pardon.
No they haven't and you don't know what you'er talking about. If we are to believe the so-called "investigator" then this guy had some questionable items in his background check. But that in of itself is not grounds for being eliminated from the selection process. Just that the hiring folks have to do some "risk management" where they weigh the negative items against the positive and make an informed decision. This happens ALL THE TIME. It's nothing new or special.

Having a criminal record does not exclude one as candidate so long one received a pardon.

I provided quotes. Read it. Extensive criminal record

You should actually read what you post. The Ottawa Citizen article doesn't say he has a criminal conviction for which he hasn't received a pardon. So, why are you slandering someone you don't know?
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