Rival Clan Militias clash in Saaxo, Mudug




Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Galmudug and PL have been peaceful for ages.

I seem to forget who was president when they last clashed. It’s on the tip of my tongue…



LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🀐πŸ₯·
Aabo hsm is back now the hg grew their balls again lol. They usually start their offensive in galkacyo why do they want saaxo this time isn’t it sum shithole wagardhac village? Deni should sell it for a nice price since it brings no benefit.
Galmudug and PL have been peaceful for ages.

I seem to forget who was president when they last clashed. It’s on the tip of my tongue…

Don’t be so self absorbed kid. It’s just one of the many regular hg and mx clashes. Nothing to do with reer fanaaye mj
Habar Gidir strategy in Central Somalia:

1. Attack other people's land.
2. Claim some false historical connection to the land
3. Ask for 'peace talks' and "shared grazing"
4. Claim they own the place and they will scream for political representation.
5. If the plan fails/they lose the war; they rename one of their own towns after the town they want.

If Wagerdhac wins, they will call a town in HG land "Saaxo". But this is their last resort.
Nothing? Saaxo has HG geeljire, they have a right to take their land and expand in a time of drought.

I am a peaceful person and inshallah this is done without blood. I support a peace deal where HG takeover without a fight

You have no right to expand into other people's territory and claim it. In times of drought, civilised clans go to other regions to drink and then they say 'thank you' and leave. You HG like to attack other people shamelessly.

Walahi, yar iyo wayn, there is a steak of criminality and audacity. One day, nobody will let you in to drink and then you will learn.


You have no right to expand into other people's territory and claim it. In times of drought, civilised clans go to other regions to drink and then they say 'thank you' and leave. You HG like to attack other people shamelessly.

Walahi, yar iyo wayn, there is a steak of criminality and audacity. One day, nobody will let you in to drink and then you will learn.
Somalis have been expanding since our inception.

Listen I don’t want any harm or war but in time of drought it’s fair for whoever is stronger to move in to the place they can hold and those who can’t to move out given they can live somewhere else they inhabit with more of their people so they can find it easier to defend

If the inhabitants don’t have enough people there then why can’t HG who number in the millions and don’t have enough land move in? Geeljire only understand xoog.
Somalis have been expanding since our inception.

Listen I don’t any harm or war but in time of drought it’s fair for whoever is stronger to move in to the place they can hold and those who can’t to move out. If the inhabitants don’t have enough people there then why can’t HG who number in the millions and don’t have enough land move in? Geeljire only understand xoog.

You are working really hard to excuse criminal behaviour. Saaxo like everywhere else in Somalia, already has a population. Nobody invited you, nobody wants you there. Like it or hate it, most Somalis consider Habar Gidir to be a criminal entity that masquerades as a clan. Even if you don't care about reputation, maybe fear Allah and the day of judgement.

I don't like even like Kacaanists and their Saaxo village, but I will call out injustice. Guul to the real owners and death and eternal curses upon the aggressors.
Somalia has its own Jews vs Palestinians going on constantly, with invading, delusional people who attack innocent people and steal their land. Who the hell do these sociopathic people think they are? They will also call themselves "Muslim" after bathing in the blood of innocents.

They even rape, kill and burn women in these Central Somali clashes. I kid you not, google what HG did to Dir during their conflicts. Acuudhu Bilaahi Minashaytaani Rajeem.

