Rival Clan Militias clash in Saaxo, Mudug

The only displacing going on is hg. You where in Ethiopia doolo fighting in qorof 8 years ago. Then pushed out of Ethiopia, then pushed out of dachdeer and kaxandhaale, pushed out of forinta foore then saaxo. The last 8 years to war has been going in one direction. Wagardhac expanding then a new front is opened getting closer and closer to hg towns like galinsoor.

Anyone who paid attention to the fights or has basic understanding knows that hg are being pushed.
we are still present in all these places it’s just under Ethiopia now. The areas in Somalia all in our hands, tuulo qorax laanwaaley, ceelmuudan, mircawleed, galgalad, deeqlo. This is only on Sacad front you can’t drive from saaxo to goldogob staying Within Somalia all this and galinsoor cadaado etc was Marexaan not long ago:pachah1: keep coping Reer jalaf and Reer xirsi making them calaacal on federal level


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Silly dameer, not only are you a naked futoqoyane Madow hyprid but you are also a moriyaan apologist, pick a fucking struggle.:mjlol:
His dameer uncle signed away 7 blocks of Somalia oil for merely 20 million dollars, they are the lowest of the low.

your moriyaan apologist gibberish got the reply it deserves, and a good evening to you too donkey, perhaps next time you will come correct.
Your clan have a very bleak future ahead of you dude. I’d focus on that if I was you. Completely stateless and Second class citizens to hg and og. Gedo looks the same now as it did back in the 1800’s


Your clan have a very bleak future ahead of you dude. I’d focus on that if I was you. Completely stateless and Second class citizens to hg and og. Gedo looks the same now as it did back in the 1800’s
I thought you ended the convo, why you still quoting me:chrisfreshhah:

Lets talk facts, stop the emotional shit waryaa.

Yes some MX are part of Galmudug, but you cannot say HG rule us, the reality is since we joined in 2012 only 10 years ago, we have consistently gotten the VP post, in Galmudug a dual leadership system runs unlike the other FMS, but same as the FGS, so that VP post alone should tell you something.
Beyond that we actually share top cabinet post with Iljeex.
Everyone else are loomaoyans in Galnus, and your donkey race worst of all as you are also abused by Alshaydaan lol.

So no Iljeex do not rule us, they just gave us a foot in Dusomareb, but they have no jurisdiction over Caabudwaaq, Dhabat or Balanbale, just like we don't have jurisdiction over their towns.

But you know something, I say to MX leave Galnus, because how can we be equal partners with people who was below us for more than half a century, Iljeex were our slaves from when Dusomareb became second capital of X-mudug, right up until 1991.

Get your fucking facts straight.

As for Gedo, you are diverging way too far from the thread, not even going to respond to that calaacal too tough, all I can say is Gedo has developed on its own independent of government more than your backward homeland despite being in close proximity to the seat of the government and having access to government build infrastructure.


Where are these Oromo descendants today? Were they Somalised/Sheegatised? I know the Marehan in Gedo for example, adopted the Oromo Hunter Gatherers (Boon) they enslaved. What happened to the others?
Some died, some left across the Tana River and became the Orma tribe, rest were enslaved. The OG Wardey slaves were emancipated in the 50s and 60s where they crossed over the river to join their cousins. Slaves came from all OG subs as strict rules meant they weren't absorbed.

There's a story that happened. Shortly after the conquest a wardey slave killed his master. An emergency meeting was held and it was decided to improve their living conditions and rules were implemented to prevent them being absorbed. The only clan that refused was MX. They said as long as the slave master relationship continues we there will be no peace. Every wardey slave was freed on condition he claimed his master's MX sub. So come 1960 when the wardey were freed, not a single one came from the MX...

Reference Herder Warfare by Gufu Oba (a Kenyan Oromo)


Let him cook


