Russia-Ukraine War Updates



Russia just captured berdyank. things are looking very bad for Ukraine. they are now on the move to Mariupol. the Nazi's are about to be surrounded.

I wonder where our favourite british gopnik bald and bankrupt is?

He went from Poland to Ukraine the day before the russian invasion and he went to the russian ukrainian border north of Harkiv....


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@Apollo Trump predicted this three years ago Germany got cucked by Russia's natural gas and was giving them billions. Hes right America cant defend yall if your feeding the Russian machine. Biden reversed NORDSTREAM 2 sanctions and now this happens, remember when the left ridiculed Trump foreign policy



Forza Somalia!
Zagreb orchestra cuts Tchaikovsky pieces over Ukraine, calls to boycott Russian cinema, authors, etc, Eurovision in somehow don’t want any one from Russian to sing because of Putin, Poland will not play against Russian players. What’s going on? Why the citizens face the out come?


@Apollo Trump predicted this three years ago Germany got cucked by Russia's natural gas and was giving them billions. Hes right America cant defend yall if your feeding the Russian machine. Biden reversed NORDSTREAM 2 sanctions and now this happens, remember when the left ridiculed Trump foreign policy

Trump is a moron it is in the American foreign policy to make their allies weaker militarily so they solely rely on the American military.


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