Sabaean scripts found in Xafuun 2023

To make idols you need craftsmanship which Somalis lack.

Plenty of detailed votives have been found and looted from ancient tombs and gravesites in Somalia. If the country had a healthy archaeological department and trained staff, they could have used those artefacts (and any recovered or dug up in the future) to determine whether they have regional or international equivalents. If they don’t, then they’re native, so I wouldn’t rule ancient Somalis out.

In-fact, if you look at the detailed patterns and designs in traditional Somali woodcarving and engraving (see Somali Wood Engraving by Vinigi L. Grottanelli), then craftsmanship was never an issue.
Plenty of detailed votives have been found and looted from ancient tombs and gravesites in Somalia. If the country had a healthy archaeological department and trained staff, they could have used those artefacts (and any recovered or dug up in the future) to determine whether they have regional or international equivalents. If they don’t, then they’re native, so I wouldn’t rule ancient Somalis out.

In-fact, if you look at the detailed patterns and designs in traditional Somali woodcarving and engraving (see Somali Wood Engraving by Vinigi L. Grottanelli), then craftsmanship was never an issue.
From reading a lot I have understood that most of these items found in these tombs were foreign and were brought to the Somali coast via trade. Correct me if I am wrong.
From reading a lot I have understood that most of these items found in these tombs were foreign and were brought to the Somali coast via trade. Correct me if I am wrong.

Prestige items like vases and jars sure, there is a continuation of similar prestige items found in tombs between ancient Somalia and ancient Sudan, but the votives that were apparently looted from ancient tombs in Somalia have not been examined yet. Remember that ancient Somalis imported tin, though the author never explained what for, it is safe to assume that local artisans used it to manufacture local trinkets, including religious ones.
Prestige items like vases and jars sure, there is a continuation of similar prestige items found in tombs between ancient Somalia and ancient Sudan, but the votives that were apparently looted from ancient tombs in Somalia have not been examined yet. Remember that ancient Somalis imported tin, though the author never explained what for, it is safe to assume that local artisans used it to manufacture local trinkets, including religious ones.
What was the time period again of these tombs found in Somalia?
What was the time period again of these tombs found in Somalia?

Hafun, Daamo and Xiis sites would be between the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD, based on current finds but that could stretch much further back if they deployed new technology like LiDAR and had actual decent funding to do an extensive archaeological expedition.

There is also the issue of existing historic cities like Mogadishu or Berbera that most likely have very ancient layers below the medieval ones. When Chittick worked in Mogadishu he stopped at the 10th century AD layer for example if I remember correctly.
Hafun, Daamo and Xiis sites would be between the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD, based on current finds but that could stretch much further back if they deployed new technology like LiDAR and had actual decent funding to do an extensive archaeological expedition.

There is also the issue of existing historic cities like Mogadishu or Berbera that most likely have very ancient layers below the medieval ones. When Chittick worked in Mogadishu he stopped at the 10th century AD layer for example if I remember correctly.
Ah yes that is us proto Somalis from 200 BC to 500 AD. Non of the clans today existed however 🤣.
Ah yes that is us proto Somalis from 200 BC to 500 AD. Non of the clans today existed however 🤣.

We are still proto-Somalis bro with these clans, stumbling on like an unfinished project. Inshallah the ‘Perfected Somalis’ will fulfil our destiny as Masters of the Horn.


Garaad Awal

Former African
Amazing to think we connect with the Nubians and Sudanese 5000 years ago. That’s the early Old kingdom period of Egypt and Sumerian period of Mesopotamia. The drying of the desert made a group of us go towards the horn while the rest stayed farming on the Nile
Cushites only entered the Horn 4500 years ago
Cushites only entered the Horn 4500 years ago
This is what I meant when I said we connect with the Nubians 5000 years ago. This was pre dynastic Egypt era just shortly before the 1st pharaoh would come into existence. We must have moved to the eastern desert (Sudan, Eritrea and Southern Eastern Egypt) and stayed there for sometime and gradually moved towards the horn.

What lineage did Kadruka carry again? They seemed to have pushed southwards towards Sudanese Nile instead of the eastern desert. Different lineage- Different occupation?
It’s highly possible that Ancient Somalis followed a Pre-Islamic Arabian faith, due to the great cultural influence of the Sabaeans. These findings are lending more credence.
The prior belief system in Somalia, known as Waaq, differed significantly from the polytheistic practices of Arabs, who worshipped idols and dates. The religion of Waaq was more aligned with monotheism, resembling Islam in many ways. Hence , when Islam reached Somalia, its acceptance and integration into Somali society were smoother compared to the arabs due to the existing similarities in faith and way of life.mind you waaq was cushitic religion not just followed by somalis but other cushities as well


Everything unuka leh
The prior belief system in Somalia, known as Waaq, differed significantly from the polytheistic practices of Arabs, who worshipped idols and dates. The religion of Waaq was more aligned with monotheism, resembling Islam in many ways. Hence , when Islam reached Somalia, its acceptance and integration into Somali society were smoother compared to the arabs due to the existing similarities in faith and way of life.mind you waaq was cushitic religion not just followed by somalis but other cushities as well
whoa (1).png
don't put islam and waaq in the same sentence bro
All religions are polytheistic except for islam

