Salafi muslim claims women can’t add perfume in public


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
there's a lot of kuffar here who just like to see muslims get riled up and like to spread seeds of doubt into younglings here.

the guy that started this thread is a kaafir murtad, dont bother dealing with them other than perhaps from time to time refuting their false notions.
The seeds of doubt aren’t only being spread on here but in the outside world as well. Doubts like this only arise when you are influenced by other ideologies and their metaphysical assumptions.

This question for example can only be asked by someone who has been indoctrinated by the modern secular system and has internalised it’s assumptions. The sameness of the two genders and their substitutability. Like we are a cog in a machine, oh the male broke so just replace it with a female since they are the same and a ‘woman can do whatever a man can do’.

Of course all of this is promoted by the secular nation-state which is not neutral in the matter since it directly benefits from this by increasing its taxable base. It idealises work as things that bring income and if you are homemaker they plaster you with a denigrating label like voluntary idle as if homemaking isn’t a full time job. You also see it when you bring up being housewife to a lady who has finished university and she’ll say that she isn’t ‘doing anything which her degree’. What is ‘doing anything’? Of course it is waged labour since that is the acceptable categorisation of work in the eyes of the secular nation state. Or when Obama told the King of Saudi something along lines of Saudi Arabia will not prosper with half its population at home as if human beings are commodities and numbers that bring in income taxes and prospering is having a higher gdp rather than having a moral society and raising the next generation to be moral. But then again the nation-state doesn’t want you to do that so they force your children to attend their public schools so that they can teach them their values and mould the child into the type of human they want. It’s a absolutely laughable when people say secularism is the separation of church and state and it’s a neutral playground where all religions can come under and operate. The secular has its own idea of what a human is, what religion is and what types of religion are acceptable and the value and legitimacy of religion. It is far from separation of religion from governance, rather it restructures religion to fit inside its box and anything that falls outside of it is backwards and barbaric and belongs to the 7th century and we are people of 21st century so update as if the truth changes and ‘moves forward into the future. It is particularly egregious when a Muslims buys into the secularists self-mythologising since they have a historical memory of secular states imposing a world view on their societies.

Okay rant over. That’s my Ted talk for the day

