Salaxaad turns to agriculture

Lol fafaan produces 50% of agriculture products in somali region the farmers who feed somali region are Geri jaarso and gaadabursi Somalis not ogaden

Jidwaaq have the most farmers because they make up majority of Fafaan region and own most of the districts. In Fafaan region, Ogadens exclusively live in Goljano district, they also have sizable population in Gursum

Here’s Dhagaxle town in Fafaan where many Ogaden farmers are currently struggling with massive flood & rain storms affecting their crops

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Ogaden have very fertile land in erer and nogob and babille yet they don't farm everyone knows that fafaan is the breadbasket of somali region 50% of farming products come from this region

Shabelle region is the breadbasket of DDS when it comes to agriculture. Fafaan is closer to the border towards rest of Ethiopia, that is why it’s the richest because of this strategic corridor.
Last year, Salaxaad residents received and treated President Mustafe Cagjar and his cabinet as honorable guests during his visit to Salahad.
President Cagjar made a lot of promises to help develop Salaxaad and improve its status, but none of it has been kept or even begun.

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The roads in the district are able to be accessed during the rainy seasons because of local isxilqaan. Imagine if the regional & federal government’s did their part and help build long lasting infrastructure?

Jidwaaq have the most farmers because they make up majority of Fafaan region and own most of the districts. In Fafaan region, Ogadens exclusively live in Goljano district, they also have sizable population in Gursum

Here’s Dhagaxle town in Fafaan where many Ogaden farmers are currently struggling with massive flood & rain storms affecting their crops

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Clearly Gadabursi are the biggest farmers in Faafan because they make up the majority of the region. Even if Wajaale town that GB share with Isaaq is deducted from that 84k out of the 480k, approximately 90%+ of the district is cultivated regardless.

Jidwaaq the most districts? Apart from Jigjiga district which is only approximately 60% Somali and further settled by others like Dir and Isaaq, they have Qabri-Bayax district with the representation split 3 ways in the local council there with 10 Jidwaaq, 7 Isaaq and 2 Akisho. Isaaq even dominate that district with the biggest farming town Harta Sheekh.
It's good to see you guys catching up @SPMLegend I remember reading this snippet of a Gurgura elder mocking yous.

You probably put a smile on the face of that Oday if he's still around knowing you started farming :obama:View attachment 266230
The tolomoge and bahgeri are the biggest IG farmers and have always been around the shabeele river. Being nomadic has helped us in many ways though considering the majority of the settled somali farmers have been lost to oromo. Farmers are the first to be conquered and subjugated while a nomad maintains his freedom and language.
Being nomadic has helped us in many ways considering the majority of the settled somali farmers have been lost to oromo. Farmers are the first to be conquered and subjugated while a nomad maintains his freedom and language.
We're not full fledged farmers but Agro-pastoralists.

Lost to Oromo? you mean they joined Oromia. If what you say is the case then Reer Salaxaad wouldn't and shouldn't be farming on the border of Oromia no?
We're not full fledged farmers but Agro-pastoralists.

Lost to Oromo? you mean they joined Oromia. If what you say is the case then Reer Salaxaad wouldn't and shouldn't be farming on the border of Oromia no?
Lo’leey and farming right same shhiiit Weren’t you dancing for an oromo take over on your farms ?
We're not full fledged farmers but Agro-pastoralists.

Lost to Oromo? you mean they joined Oromia. If what you say is the case then Reer Salaxaad wouldn't and shouldn't be farming on the border of Oromia no?

Majority of Reer Salaxaad are nomadic. the border with oromia you are speaking about we consider that area in Bale region as our territory and Somali state boundaries.
Do you consider Raayitu to be ogaden land?

I don’t mind it being a chartered town. I would like to see the Oromia administration building roads and infrastructure that can help improve the lives of both communities along the border, but sadly the oromia junta led by shimelis only wants war whether it’s to grab land or water sources belonging to Somali pastoralists/farmers. Land & water is the biggest factor for war.
I don’t mind it being a chartered town. I would like to see the Oromia administration building roads and infrastructure that can help improve the lives of both communities along the border, but sadly the oromia junta led by shimelis only wants war whether it’s to grab land or water sources belonging to Somali pastoralists/farmers.
It can’t be chartered bro no Somali clans live there only one Oromo clan lives there but yeah inshallah they will build roads and infrastructure
It can’t be chartered bro no Somali clans live there only one Oromo clan lives there but yeah inshallah they will build roads and infrastructure

We may be politically marginalized and ethnically targeted but we are the 2nd major community in Raayitu. Raayitu as of right now is a small town and only cities big as Harar or Dir Dhaba can be considered charter. Oromos are majority of the town but the district of Rayitu has a lot of Somali villages and population.