The issue is we have many projects.@FBIsomalia we need to hurry up our infrastructure projects not make it lasts 5 years, becuz that will be broken down year to year on our GDP. So if we paved 50 km in 1 year, that's all their going to add to our GDP growth for that project in that year.
Can you give us a run down on the current on going projects?Gudoomiyaha Hay’adda Wadooyinka Puntland Mudane C/Fataax Maxamed Sugule ayaa kormeer shaqo kutagay dhismaha wadada Sheerbi - Dhahar oo ay ka socoto shaqo.
Waxaa wafdiga kormeerka kamid ahaa Xildhibaan C.qani Nuur Faarax iyo xildhibaan C.rasaaq Maxamed Cawaale iyo Madaxa xafiiska Puntland ee save children Maxamed C.qaadir oo fulinaysa Mashruuca.
Waxaa ladhisay 20km oo wado carrokaawo ah, waxaana dhiman 15km. Baaxada shaqada wajigaan Dhahar-Sheerbi waa 35km.
Waxaa dhisaya wadada Shirkadda Suudi Construction , waxaana kormeeraya hubinya tayada Hay’adda Wadooyinka Puntland. Shaqadun waxay u socotaa sidii loo qorsheeyay.
Can you give us a run down on the current on going projects?
Any other projects water de salination,installing mini power grids?It's 35 KM gravel road between dhahar n sherbi, 15 km left till completion. I think the dubays r getting up cuz of the el-dahir to erigavo paved road project.
Any other projects water de salination,installing mini power grids?
We are landeer sxb, we build our own citiesI suggest to all puntites living outside the galkayo-bosaso-garowe epicenter, to follow @FBIsomalia carmo and the galdogob ppl, who r the MVPs right now of rural development models.
its still in Laas-DeeroThis road is almost finished.
Ulxeed Laasqoray
Be that as it may, it is in my interest to have access to as many ports as possible. If reer Sanaag do build a port in Laas Qoray, we will welcome it. More competition means lower prices and better qualityFollowing on from comment raised by people in another thread, pertaining building a port in LaasQoray.
Sanaag is possibly the wealthiest region in Somalia. Building another port, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. That amount of money should be used to build more roads and to invest in safely extracting and processing the gold and precious metals the region has. If locals are trained in the art of jewerly making and selling, the middle-men will be removed and more $$ will enter Sanaag.
@Tropical Breeze
Definitely better than selling rocks rawFollowing on from comment raised by people in another thread, pertaining building a port in LaasQoray.
Sanaag is possibly the wealthiest region in Somalia. Building another port, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. That amount of money should be used to build more roads and to invest in safely extracting and processing the gold and precious metals the region has. If locals are trained in the art of jewerly making and selling, the middle-men will be removed and more $$ will enter Sanaag.
@Tropical Breeze