Sanaag elders send the last warning to the NEC

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My thoughts:

-Statements of the foreign observers need to be taken with a grain of salt. These people have a limited understanding of Somali society and are
prone to manipulation by their handlers. In Kenya, the foreign observers at first claimed Uhuru won in an election free of significant irregularities and only reversed course after the supreme court there ordered a re-vote. This shows how these people are naive and fickle.

-Many factors point to widespread election manipulation by Kulmiye: their insistence on certain ballots from the UAE; photos showing hordes of children and Oromo-looking people voting in their areas; the harassment and physical assault against Wadani observers in multiple locations; the massively inflated votes coming in from SM areas, etc etc.

Folks this election was RIGGED.
That is fake.

Thanks to you sore losers, all
The hard work has been for
Nothing and your ppl have
Jeopardised our chances
Of recognition!

I shall Collect on my bet as
soon as It's officially


Like waraabe said you can't
Force ppl to be pro wadani

This isn't a dictatorship
alot of people's true colours are showing. :ehh:which is why somaliland will never progress or prosper.

Recognition? :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

democracy? :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

fukk up on outta here with that bullshyt. :camby::childplease:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Inshallah it will be a peaceful transition
Peace only comes to those who want it. Right now it looks like people are angry and has right to be. Hopefully they do another recount or something to fix this.

Even if a recount happens and other party still rejects that they lost than this whole election has been a fail.

At this point i would actually not care if cirro gets the presidency for the sake the country doesnt go to chaos for f*ck sakes.

We had one chance to show the world that democracy can work and we are just going to f*ck it up.
Peace only comes to those who want it. Right now it looks like people are angry and has right to be. Hopefully they do another recount or something to fix this.

Even if a recount happens and other party still rejects that they lost than this whole election has been a fail.

At this point i would actually not care if cirro gets the presidency for the sake the country doesnt go to chaos for f*ck sakes.

We had one chance to show the world that democracy can work and we are just going to f*ck it up.

Don't be disheartened walaal. A lot of people are exaggerating and every random fight and false events that didn't happen are being linked to the election.

Somalis are their own worst enemy sometimes. Even if another party is winning, not keeping peace and order makes us all look bad.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Peace only comes to those who want it. Right now it looks like people are angry and has right to be. Hopefully they do another recount or something to fix this.

Even if a recount happens and other party still rejects that they lost than this whole election has been a fail.

At this point i would actually not care if cirro gets the presidency for the sake the country doesnt go to chaos for f*ck sakes.

We had one chance to show the world that democracy can work and we are just going to f*ck it up.

But shoving someone that had a very prominent role in a bloody and bitter civil war is a very bitter pill to swallow. He was forgiven but that doesn't mean the feelings are forgotten. If he had any redeeming qualities he would stay in the background. HY could also assemble their civil war militants as well, but they brought a Miskeen from Finland.

A colonel that massacred your people becoming the president by way of rigging. That's just too much.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Don't be disheartened walaal. A lot of people are exaggerating and every random fight and false events that didn't happen are being linked to the election.

Somalis are their own worst enemy sometimes. Even if another party is winning, not keeping peace and order makes us all look bad.
Its hard not to be disheartened when you got fellow tribesmen advocating for war even when the result of the elections hasn't been shown yet. Either i really hope this gets fixed soon cause another civil war isn't in our best interest after what our people went through already.
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