Sanaag elders send the last warning to the NEC

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@The Cushitic One didn't you admit you don't even like dating HJ guys (your own people) ?
I am afraid @iNutEasily is right
in this case.

I love them :ahh:HJ men are
The best

It says a lot about so called men
Who attack female posters

Am I such a threat?
Nah it was your mother, I hear
You can smell her fishy gaping
Pussy from space

Still she had to make that money
So she could feed you and yours

Your a loser just like your party

You will forever be ruled by the
Trinity of us

:pachah1:Musa bixi won you
Must be crying somaha! Did
He kill any of your family
I wonder?


Seems like i clearly hit home with the habar jeclo women are hoes facts. :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

But then again, can't say i'm surprised. Most are nut receptacles. :umad:

And how does muse bixii sabotaging the countries integrity have anything to do with my family?

Again, pathetic attempt at you trying to hard wallahi. :mjlol:


I love them :ahh:HJ men are
The best

It says a lot about so called men
Who attack female posters

Am I such a threat?

You are no threat. I can simply make you disappear from Somalispot with 1 click gitmo style. Lets hope Muuse Bixi can free you from the Wadaniland representative in SS.



Far from it. My idea of a separate federal state has been implanted in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people. It is a win for me. :manny:
Your idea? You mean my idea. You finally came round to it when you realized the HA + HJ hegemony wonโ€™t stop miyaa? :ayaanswag:


Your idea? You mean my idea. You finally came round to it when you realized the HA + HJ hegemony wonโ€™t stop miyaa? :ayaanswag:

kkkkk so now Wadaniland was your idea miya? at first I supported elections as long as they were transparent and fair but now there is no hope for that shithole land gaalo raac. I am from mamuulka Wadaniland abaayo wabilahi tawfiiq.



kkkkk so now Wadaniland was your idea miya? at first I supported elections as long as they were transparent and fair but now there is no hope for that shithole land gaalo raac. I am from mamuulka Wadaniland abaayo wabilahi tawfiiq.

It took you a while to realize.
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