Sanaag Liberation Thread

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I wanted to make this thread for quiet some time.

Sanaag will be liberated inshallah.

As usual Somaliland will leg it back to Ceerigaabo and claim a moral victory while clearly running out of Eastern Sanaag as things get heated.

Stay tuned.
Commander Fuaad Xanaano reached Yubbe outskirts where Somaliland troops made a foothold into Eastern Sanaag.

Fuaad Xanaano is fondly remembered during Al Shabaab invasion of Mudug and parts of Nugaal and the heroics he displayed there.

Here he is in Tukaraq in the middle

Tucking you know Somaliland doesn't venture into parts of Sanaag that isn't settled by those from beesha dhexe hence their authority over there is minimal and the place considered 'disputed'.

With the stepping of foot into parts of Sanaag that is not under Somaliland is a declaration of war.


سلطنة مجرتين
Tucking you know Somaliland doesn't venture into parts of Sanaag that isn't settled by those from beesha dhexe hence their authority over there is minimal and the place considered 'disputed'.

With the stepping of foot into parts of Sanaag that is not under Somaliland is a declaration of war.

Declaration of war by whom and who needs liberating, what districts are occupied, I don’t get it:cosbyhmm:
Everyone knows Somaliland only captures and ventures into places that have substantial support from local clan militia like in the case of Sool.

This clan militia are paid extortions to carry out Somaliland's agenda in those places and do the heavy lifting.

Somaliland brought it might and all it had to Buuhoodle and lost so they did in Dhahar when they last ventured into Sanaag that wasntt theirs.

Siilaanyo found out the hard way.

The same fate awaits them this time around. As usual they will back off and retreat.
Somaliland read (clan beesha dhexe) transgressed clan borders by stepping into another clans territory and occupying a foothold to test the waters with dozen tchnicals and troops.
Lordilord last time Somaliland ventured out their Commander in Chief was nearly murdered.

They came strolling into Dhahar into the heart of the local clan that resides there.

This was a huge humiliation for Somaliland and they had to sack Commander of Chief of the army.


سلطنة مجرتين
Yubbe, dhahar, hadaaftimo and xingalool all had SL bases built by and manned by locals, Their elders made this possible in agreement with SL. Xingalool is also the seat of maakhir state/northeast state who have bases and a fighting force who cooperate with SL. Any additional force “beesha dheexe” were invited by locals, so what exactly needs liberating and who else should “liberate” when locals won’t fight.

Xingalool base

Hadaaftimo base

Yubbe base

Maakhir state troops

There won’t be no war in Sanaaag as it’s just the latest mashruuc for Warsans to hustle SL and PL for funds, and if fighting breaks out not a single casualty will be warsans as their plan is for other clans to battle while they watch from the sidelines:feedme:
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