Sanaag Liberation Thread

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Mehmet indeed

Don't mind Puntite she's bit 'nutty' she has a few issues. We pray for her deliverance from that affliction of hers.

May her demons vanish for once and all.


سلطنة مجرتين
you said dhahar not boocame. dhahar there is not one single somalilander there u liar. its litteraly 30 minutes away from qardo. and i dont know why abdalla liked your post. i knew he was a somaliland spy
Boodacade not boocame idiot, Boodacade is in dhahar district just shows who's lying.
I worked there for PL ministry of interior I know that region inside out.

Why you mad though maxa kaa galay dhahar naagyahow.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Liberation kulaha :mjlol:

Saahid will slap y’all silly please don’t make a fool out of yourself all this talk and no action


Boodacade not boocame idiot, Boodacade is in dhahar district just shows who's lying.
I worked there for PL ministry of interior I know that region inside out.

Why you mad though maxa kaa galay dhahar naagyahow.
i dont know about that but while i was there in the city of dhahar not even a flag of somaliland is allowed in the city. i dont know about boodacade. im talking about dhahar the city not district.


@Saahid Qamaan Mudane, I heard Nuh Ismail Tani is in Yubbe now and is bringing more men from Maroodi Jeex. His forces are station in Yubbe and is planning to close the Sanaag borders but we don't know when. He's also there to capture the traitor Caare.

Do you know any other intel you can tell us?
Factz that is the latest news. By the look of it it looks like showboating.

Somaliland is smart not to make mistake that will damage its image, which a defeat in Sanaag would.

What is hard is for people to understand that this people are people with determination, integrity and common purpose.

Any stay will aggreviate situation and damage Somaliland.

They have been living in this parts for centuries and don't like people pushing into their ancestral home.

If I was a betting man the stakes are at odds and I would bet for the home and root team.

Lastly the mindset of the people there are totally different to those in Sool.


Reformation of Somaliland
Factz that is the latest news. By the look of it it looks like showboating.

Somaliland is smart not to make mistake that will damage its image, which a defeat in Sanaag would.

What is hard is for people to understand that this people are people with determination, integrity and common purpose.

Any stay will aggreviate situation and damage Somaliland.

They have been living in this parts for centuries and don't like people pushing into their ancestral home.

If I was a betting man the stakes are at odds and I would bet for the home and root team.

Lastly the mindset of the people there are totally different to those in Sool.

You said the same thing about Sool.

We're much smarter than your militia, werew just buying our time to reconquer when it seems best for us.

Remember you e hist dealing with the Sanaag Battalion not even the full one Scott 50 men and you all panicked. We'll see after a full mobilisation
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