Saudi ex-Muslim Terror attack in Germany kills 12 people during Christmas Festival


Even this Zio can't lie today

Feels more like a tongue in cheek tweet. Also, many of these guys are now claiming that he probably faked being an atheist to gain asylum, yet conveniently ignore the fact that he is wanted in Saudi Arabia.

When the attacks become this ridiculous in relation to the perpetrator’s background, it becomes even more obvious that it’s a false flag.


Forza Somalia!
Well, look how all the bots, far rights and AFD were celebrating this.

The guy probably wanted to throw himself under the bus to get AFD more voters. One glance of his tweets shows he is very anti-islam, even more than far right.
I’m genuinely confused. How can people who claim to be Muslims commit such acts? How do they justify killing innocent people using Islam? Nowhere in the Quran or Hadith does it say to kill innocent people
If you look at Twitter you will realise he was an atheist, pro Israel and supported the afd right wing German political party.. He hated Islam with a passion judging from what people are sharing, also keep in mind Germany is soon going on election so naturally him being an arab this would help them get more votes, also Elon musk now openly supports afd.
Man i hate these arabs so much Its always them doing shit like this. Why would somebody drive tru a christmas market

Shaking Head No GIF by GIPHY News
This whole thing doesn't make sense.

At first I thought, damn this will add even more fuel to the fire for the Muslims in Europe.

But now it's like:what1:


Guul iyo Gobanimo
I don't know where you got 12 dead, so far 5 have died but it will probably rise since more than 200 were injured
ex muslims will start their terrorism in the hopes that muslim lives will be difficult
Them and the Shirazi monarchists (also occupied by gaals) are absolutely deranged groups.

They larp as WigNats whilst causing fitna for Muslims by cosplaying as them and bootyclap Israel out of pure xaasidnimo.
The amount of hatred these ex-Muslims have for Muslims should be classified as a mental illness. Look at this Iranian monarchist spinning the story to pin it on Muslims for crimes committed by a member of her own cult-like group. Even though it’s well-documented that he is an ex-Muslim, she’s desperately trying to shift focus away from her group and blame Muslims instead. I doubt you’ll ever meet people more hostile than these derenged ex-Muslims.:pacspit:

Despite claims made by the German press, Taleb Al Abdulmohsen is not an ex-Muslim atheist, nor is he a fan of the AfD or Elon Musk. While he may have spread this misinformation himself, it aligns with the practice of Taqqiye, an Islamic doctrine that permits lying and deception to advance Islamic objectives. In reality, he is a radical Shia Muslim, as evidenced by his name and numerous tweets and chat leaks circulating on Arabic-speaking platforms like X. Disturbingly, his plans to carry out mass killings of Germans were brought to the attention of German authorities by a Saudi woman. Tragically, the police ignored her warnings.



ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Why do you always sound like a white trump supporter you know North Dakota has nothing but white Germans living there i even heard farms are pretty cheap to :sass2:

So because I disagree innocent people being mowed down, I am a white Trump supporter? I'm not white or an American to be supporting a foreign politician.

I fear for the future of white people. White people are under attack in every conceivable way all over the world. White peoples' biggest flaw is being too empathetic. It will lead to their complete downfall.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
So because I disagree innocent people being mowed down, I am a white Trump supporter? I'm not white or an American to be supporting a foreign politician.

I fear for the future of white people. White people are under attack in every conceivable way all over the world. White peoples' biggest flaw is their suicidal empathy post-war. It will lead to their complete downfall.
Good riddance they pollute the rest of the sane world with there strange ideologies that are leading to there extinction

Even white people themselves know there era is over Mexicans are replacing germans in America and anglo whites/french in Canada Indians are replacing them due to there immigration policy

Historians will remember a people that claim there are more than 2 genders and promotes homosexuality will inevitably perish never to be seen again

Even the guardian in 2000 said the white world is coming to an end

He was deluded. Why attack white Christian’s celebrating a non-Muslim celebration? Attacking Muslims doesn’t make it better though.


He was an ex-Muslim Zionist neo-Nazi, a wanted criminal fugitive that trafficked young girls. The Saudi government requested the German government to extradite this terrorist multiple times, but each time they refused and protected him.

Mac sonkor.
They are already burying the story and moving on. I bet they were jumping on thier tippy toes when it happened and now they are angry and pissed off.

Internet Nomad

First the story in Britain during the summer and now this. Next time they should know not to jump the gun and blame muslims instantly.

WHO IS “SHAYKH” SULAIMAN AHMED? Before Andrew Tate’s online ascension
was unknown (outside of X, he remains unknown). This obscure grifter built his entire online existence on the back of Andrew Tate’s conversion to Islam, and then jumped on the Gaza genocide which he shamelessly monetised on X. No one, absolutely NO ONE, can vouch for who this clown is before Tate’s conversion (November 2022) or before October 7th, 2023. There is no public record of any mosque, Muslim organisation, Islamic movement, university ISOC, scholar, imam, pro-Palestine activist or campaigning group in the UK platforming him, nor has his “journalistic” works been published or broadcast anywhere. He has a habit of taking people’s content from which he has amassed a following on X while sitting in his basement. The only reason he attacks “Salafis” and “Dawah bros” is because he is jealous — he doesn’t have any platform of his own or anything meaningful he’s built from scratch with the support of any community. He’s still burning inside for not being invited onto Piers Morgan’s show. He is as “mainstream” to Muslims as the Mormons are to Christians — he speaks on behalf of a community that does not know him, and has not given him any mandate to do so. My brotherly advice to Muslims on X, stay far away from this charlatan. My humble advice to non-Muslims on X, you can choose to engage with Sulaiman at your own risk, but just know that outside of X, he is a non-entity in every field and profession he claims to be an “expert” on.


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