Serious Discussion About Culture

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Let's all agree that there is not ONE single culture on this planet that is ultimately superior or better than ALL other cultures. All cultures are unique.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
it makes more sense and is ultimately more helpful to respectfully point out the bad aspects of certain cultures (no culture is perfect) and try to change them instead of gloating about X culture is superior to Y


Accomplished Saaxir
it makes more sense and is ultimately more helpful to respectfully point out the bad aspects of certain cultures (no culture is perfect) and try to change them instead of gloating about X culture is superior to Y

Moral relativism is an insidious view to adopt.
I think measuring the superiority and inferiority of a culture isn't a good way to go about evaluating it as what is considering important in cultures greatly differ depending on which one we may be referring too. It's all relative...


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Moral relativism is an insidious view to adopt.
is it? is there a cultural merit formula i'm unaware of?

it's not even about just morals tho. u can say that in X culture they eat with cutlery and in Y culture they eat with their hands therefore X culture is superior to Y. it's completely arbitrary, subjective and reductive to discuss the inferiority or superiority of cultures
How would you measure the superiority of a culture to another?
On purely "circumstantial" and "arbitrary" factors like


You know what? Regardless Muslims/Somalis need to be bombarded with this inferior culture shizzle because they need to wake up!
It's complete nonsense because good and bad are subjective terms. There is no way of measuring.
Good and bad are definitely subjective terms but we can't ignore the reality that some aspects of some cultures makes them inherently weaker and less prone to development. An example would be the historic ostracization of the craftsmen madhibaan community who in many ways are the drivers of industrialisation

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
On purely "circumstantial" and "arbitrary" factors like

Research enabled by exploitation of cheap resources from the global south while also fighting movements for self determination and nationalization who usually were fighting against backwards practices .
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Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Now would an inferior culture be capable of doing all those things you mentioned above?
These things are driven by existing material conditions and not by cultural customs. Not having child marriages isn't a prerequisite to a successful moon landing.
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These things are driven by material existing material conditions and not by cultural customs. Making a cave man a feminist wouldn't enable him to build a rocket.
If I were being honest I would argue it's a combination of both. You telling me if we give the sentinelese people 100 years and no outside interference and exploitation they would be able to build a rocket ships and escalators? Well youre wrong they people have been largely untouched for more t 10,000 years and the most complex thing they have invented is building a fire. :pachah1:


Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
If I were being honest I would argue it's a combination of both. You telling me if we give the sentinelese people 100 years and no outside interference they would be able to build a rocket ships and escalators? Well youre wrong they people have been largely untouched for more t 10,000 years and the most complex thing they have invented is building a fire. :pachah1:

I said material conditions to support it and tbh that argument just undermines your own. Making them more progressive might make their society more egalitarian(most hunter-gatherer societies already are) but hardly an advanced civilization capable of launching rockets.
Samuel P. Huntington

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion […] but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”
Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order

I call your bullshit on what it is OP, bullshit.
You're belief in the ideas that some cultures are superior to others is based on beliefs ingrained into us by the masters of mankind. Europeans know deep down that they are not superior to any other living people, which is why they suppress and violently shun the advancement of other groups of people at every turn. Your constant call to images of so called 'savagery' and the use of adolescent marriages, of non europeans mind you, prove your bias here. These aren't occurrences for their own sake, but because circumstance brings about such actions. Europeans themselves were marrying off their young daughters to older men no matter how much they suppress the idea that they were, and only through industrialization were they able to claim a higher moral standing. If, say, the chinese had industrialized before them and through complete avarice invaded, slaughtered, and senselessly killed for their own prosperity do you not think they would have tried to rationalize their barbarity to those of their populace with any shred of empathy or a thinking mind?
To this day we still have garbage like this flowing around with the tacit and silently agreed upon undercurrent that european cultures/beliefs/religions are superior to others thus their enslavement/murder/thievery/and all around monstrous behavior is just fine because they are 'civilizing' the savages. GTFO here with that garbage. They're just like everyone else, except far more successful at murder and cruelty.

My stance has always been the same. No culture is superior to another as long as there is no provably correct circumstance of existence. As in, there is no definitively correct way of living and customs of following. Until god, scientific evidence, and or some other apparatus proves without a shadow of a doubt that they are culturally superior then keep your now barely dog whistles to yourself.
I never said Europeans weren't inferior at one point in their history. The caliphate of Andalusia were probably light years ahead of the rest of Europe when it was facing it's dark ages.

Middle Ages Europe




Oh past glories
Thing is if those hadza dif what they're doing right now 10000 years ago they'd be considered superior
Wrong. 10,000 years ago Mesopotamian cultures have already discovered agriculture and we're building rudimentary granaries and farming equipment
I guess the main factor that makes a culture superior is what the people of that culture achieve. Simple as that. Some peeps just have a hard time admiting certain cultures are inferior.
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