Serious question for reer uk SSPOT


Wow a girl studying engineering damn. Do you actually like it or are you being forced to take it?
I genuinely like the maths and physics in it. Plus i like the fact that I can do a lotta things with the degree like finance or i could break into tech with it. Idk whether to do chem eng or plain chemistry though
How are you planning on going into nursing proffesions but want to study the humanities? Try to balance things, did you not speak to your schools career councillor?

In any case, consider visiting the Help with your exam results section of the GOV website, where you will find answers to a number of questions. They also have a helpline (0800 100 900) you can call where you can speak to a counsellor or a specialist.
The opening times are:
  • 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday
  • 10am to 5pm Saturday and bank holidays

You will probably prefer the "Chat to an adviser" webchat though, it is subject to the above opening times.
I genuinely like the maths and physics in it. Plus i like the fact that I can do a lotta things with the degree like finance or i could break into tech with it. Idk whether to do chem eng or plain chemistry though
It’s a good degree for sure, make sure you focus long term prospects though. Spring week > summer internship > grad job. The job afterwards is way more important than the degree all you really need is a 2:1. And honestly you can break into finance but with chemical engineering it’s only a certain type. The degree itself is pretty restrictive. How important is chemistry?

Good luck though, you’re going to be surrounded by boys everyday for 3 years
Oi missy, be not disappointed, nor let exam results deter you. GCSE exams are rite of passage, as it were, put it differently just like riding a bike: you may fall off, but then quickly get back on the saddle.

As the sage opines: 'Failure is an opportunity to do it again wisely'. Another quipped: ' Greatest glory is not never failing, but rising after every fail'. I am paraphrasing. Success develops from failure, and as is said: it is not about the fall, but how quickly one gets back up. So, saddle up, missy, think of this as a lesson learnt, and get back on!

O' by the by, in the business world, transcripts / exam results hardly amount to much, but the desire to restrategise and manoeuvre from a position of greater certainty matters a great deal more. Best of luck, and soldier on!


I’m so disappointed in my results I’m going to resit them 😭😭😭
Its not the end of the world! As long as you got above a grade 4 in your core subjects, your fine. If not, you can still go sixth form and do your subjects, however it would mean you would need to retake them.


Entitled uppity East African
It’s not the end of the world! As long as you got above a grade 4 in your core subjects, you’re fine. If not, you can still go sixth form and do your subjects, however it would mean you would need to retake them.
I’m going to resit in college I don’t like my results :jcoleno:
I’m going to resit in college I don’t like my results :jcoleno:
don’t worry abaayo it’s not the end of the world! GCSEs don’t really matter past 20 anyways I took mine off my CV.

How does resitting work? Can you resit and do other subjects at the same time?


Entitled uppity East African
don’t worry abaayo it’s not the end of the world! GCSEs don’t really matter past 20 anyways I took mine off my CV.

How does resitting work? Can you resit and do other subjects at the same time?
Yes I’m pretty sure but I need to see if I get into the sixth form I want to go to.The enrolment prompt online isn’t working


Entitled uppity East African
Do you have grade 5 and above in like 5 subjects. Relevant to your a level?
I don’t even know wallahi im in pain right now all I know is I disappointed in my results and that I need to resit I don’t even want to look anymore f*ck edexcel 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽