More than half of my WHOLE paycheck goes to her. More Like 60%
Im left with scraps. Plus i got car bils rent
I pay for babysitter,food,clothes,her stuff , her enjoyment,
I cant do it anymore
Pack up and go back to the litt village you descended from bc honestly you will be worn out faster than that shirt you got on.
At 36 you'll look like a 50 year old'll take a toll ..
I got a stupid dumb hoe threatin me. Ungrateful Nd for her i gotta work crazy 12+ hour shifts. 6 days a fkin week pay for stuff that goes straight to her.
I dont even get to chill anymore or go out. Best (cheapest) forn of entertainment is chillin ps4 or my phone watchin vids postin here. I even borrowed cash of this bish
Im 22 but feel like 50. I haven't went out since January cause im broke. Tryna avoid child support so i work work like a slave.
This my last post. Im gonna go work drunk today fk it.