Sex exchange for grades in universities in Somalia


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
So only the exception is your parents πŸ˜‚ and the rest of Somalis are xayawan πŸ’€
dead GIF


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Cousin told me her macaalin keeps on trying to flirt with her and pesters her for marriage.
i've seen this in kenya. old ass macalins akhas hitting on my cousin, she was to scared to say anything. wallah I went to him and give him a piece of my mind. he had the audacity to call my mom and say "gabadha iga qabso" fucking shit, your rotten and old qooq naga qabso


East Africa UNUKA LEH
A few troubling observations she is blowing the whistle on:
  • A corrupt system where bribing staff is common to cater for the middle classes,
  • An exploitative practice targeting female students,
  • An awfully low standard of education judging from their text messages. How could she be in Uni when writing as if in kindergarten.

However, she was willing to bribe him off, and commit 'fusq' not permissible in Islam to advance her position, but had trouble with offering herself, a greater transgression of course, but a type of 'fusq' nonetheless; is she as culpable? Or is this a case of 'I do not feast on the carcass, but could gulp its broth'. In other words, willing to be dined and wined dancing the night away, but will not go to third base, and if I do not get my way, I'll scream from the roof tops.

In legal quarters, she has no leg to stand on. In Islam, she is at fault, granted scale of transgressions are not the same. In Kant's ethical doctrine, she is 'bad' at her core.

Another observation: Mother looks typical eedo, speaks perfect Somali, but the daughter looks quite not so Somali, and speaks as if foreign-born, a phenomenon more noticeable in young people in the whole country.
yeah she was wrong but her school and teacher are even more wrong. whats your point?


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
It's hilarious when people have a positive image of Somalia. It's the exact opposite; it's the world's most corrupt and morally bankrupt place. Somalis are the masters of gaslighting and portraying themselves in good light when they are not. Shitty people make shitty countries. If it was a country full of good people, it wouldn't be the way it is.


Plotting world domination
He is right. Everyone back home is barbaric, uncivilised, low IQ, bottomless pit brain cawaans.
@Nin123 felt some type of way because he shares the same IQ level as the barbarians back home :mjlol: .

Whole country is packed with niggas as stupid as him.

The scary part is that there are spaces back home where he might possibly be the smartest person in the room. That's honestly scary to think about :damn:


Plotting world domination
This is not surprising. I know at least 5 girls off the top of my head who were dating their professors back home in Hargeisa. I've heard of multiple that ended by marrying their dugsi, tutor or professor. It is an irresponsible act by a teacher and a dangerous type of relationship to pursue with the teacher-student power dynamic being skewed heavily towards the macalin, Somali society back home sees this as a non issue. I got many weird looks whenever I pointed out that a teacher-student relationship is not normal.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is also very common. Male employers will pull the "do this, this favor for me if you want to stay employed" card. All of this is common throughout the world, even in the Western nations that have laws against these issues, where it's easier to speak up about such events, where there's an actual non corrupted judicial system that will put the perpetrator on trial and give them a punishment.

What do you expect from a third world, backwards, uncivilized nation(s) with one of the most misogynistic cultures on this planet?

What do you mean by β€œthe daughter looks quite not so Somali?” And what does that have to do with sexual harassment by Somali professors onto their students?

We legit have a 23 year old teacher that married a 17 year old on here

Buddy was at school scoping out potential wives