Sex exchange for grades in universities in Somalia

A few troubling observations she is blowing the whistle on:
  • A corrupt system where bribing staff is common to cater for the middle classes,
  • An exploitative practice targeting female students,
  • An awfully low standard of education judging from their text messages. How could she be in Uni when writing as if in kindergarten.

However, she was willing to bribe him off, and commit 'fusq' not permissible in Islam to advance her position, but had trouble with offering herself, a greater transgression of course, but a type of 'fusq' nonetheless; is she as culpable? Or is this a case of 'I do not feast on the carcass, but could gulp its broth'. In other words, willing to be dined and wined dancing the night away, but will not go to third base, and if I do not get my way, I'll scream from the roof tops.

In legal quarters, she has no leg to stand on. In Islam, she is at fault, granted scale of transgressions are not the same. In Kant's ethical doctrine, she is 'bad' at her core.

Another observation: Mother looks typical eedo, speaks perfect Somali, but the daughter looks quite not so Somali, and speaks as if foreign-born, a phenomenon more noticeable in young people in the whole country.
I find it strange that she didn’t question the other women students on how the guy was able to solve their issues. Which leads me to believe her fomo about graduating really blinded her to the magnitude of her show of desperation. The first guy she spoke with told her point blank to do whatever the abdisalan guy asked her even if it’s flirting and getting to know him and she still went along with it. Should have ended it there but she willingly still engaged with these men. The fact that she keeps lamenting about how much time she spent in school as if her acts of desperation were justified is strange as well. All she had to do and can still do is retake the courses to graduate.

The nail in the coffin for me is her mentioning her fear of Allah when it comes to zina but not about her willingness to do corruption just to graduate. Any man who isn’t conscious of Allah would see a woman at that level as someone he can persuade to commit another sin because he doesn’t believe she is religiously committed. She needs to hold herself accountable first then seek means to rectify her situation. Bringing this info to light in a very corrupt lawless place won’t get her justice. Munasar the reporter can’t help her and the general public has no power either. It’s been two years I hope she heals and tries to move on from this.
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