Sex thread. Questions, comments, education.

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Im Am Barkhad now
Im ever getting a xalimo best believe she will look like this

Not this



Prince of East Africa
What L?

You look like you walk 40 miles to get water, you thirsty buffoon. Your face is an L.
Why you so insecure tho? Why do you care if I rate Somali tings or not.Is my opinion that important to you? The amount of insecurity and fake confidence that you show on the forum shows that you are nothing but a Burnt fat ting with chicken legs aka BurntDrumstick(your new nick btw).Take this eternal L for getting your feelings hurt on the net precious.


Suicidal men adore me.
Somali women are so beautiful that I don't think they'll care about a few faraxas opinions. It's not like the avarage Xalimo does not get both Somali and non Somali suiters. Plus Somali women look better than the men


Prince of East Africa
Somali women are so beautiful that I don't think they'll care about a few faraxas opinions. It's not like the avarage Xalimo does not get both Somali and non Somali suiters. Plus Somali women look better than the men
Loool Xalimos only get Madow niggas who f*ck anything with a heartbeat.Then they get dumped with a couple nappy headed nigglets and have no job/education smh


Suicidal men adore me.
Let's be honest here guys. I've seen men desire and chase Somali women. But I only see ajanib women talking about how ugly faraxas are. Our dating pool is larger than yalls. Remember that it's only Somali women that give y'all a chance


Prince of East Africa
Let's be honest here guys. I've seen men desire and chase Somali women. But I only see ajanib women talking about how ugly faraxas are. Our dating pool is larger than yalls. Remember that it's only Somali women that give y'all a chance
Idk what's happening in Sweden but Somali tings get no ratings here in Toronto but Habeshas do.Habesha girls>Dark nappy headed buck tooth Xalimos


Suicidal men adore me.
Loool Xalimos only get Madow niggas who f*ck anything with a heartbeat.Then they get dumped with a couple nappy headed nigglets and have no job/education smh

I will always find it funny when Somalis call other blacks . Aren't you aware that you're in the same if not a worse position than them? Aren't you super religious? Does your religion condone racism?

And only blacks? I know of a few Somali women both in my family and outside who have married whites, middle Easterns and Asians. I don't support it but facts are facts. Somali women's dating pool is large
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