"Shaykh Said al Kamali responds to the Madkhalis and their likes"

Omar del Sur

and then there's Shamsi...


wait... not that one... here it is....

Shamsi Accuses Palestinians Of Shirk, By Jalal Abualrub @DUSDawah

this is the Sheikh who translated tafsir As-Sadi and tafsir Ibn Kathir into English, he is calling out Shamsi for backstabbing the Palestinians. there are many examples of the treachery, honestly I can't remember them all. I doubt many people can and it would take a long time to post all the examples.

Omar del Sur

Acting treacherously towards the Palestinian cause? A very comical statement from the ahul sitters. Please name those treasons and don't send me videos of Saudis eating food as a sin, comparing it to Muslims in Palestine.

What have those people you slander as Madkhali done that is not part of the Sunnah, which you class as treason? I don't plaster and point the finger at the rulers, spending my day looking for every shortcoming and then labeling them as kafirs and inciting hatred against them. It does not make me a traitor, but of course, it is to your sickened Khawarij brain.

ok I'm on my laptop now. it's easier for me to post.

anyways... look how you misrepresent what I actually posted

I'm criticizing them for eating food and saying it's a sin to eat food? that's what you said. look how you blatantly, deceitfully misrepresented what I posted.

I had a problem with them doing this silliness given what's going on. and this isn't even anything to do with any government or ruler or making takfir of major sin. what does this have to do with the madhab of the khawarij? you need to hush with this khariji accusation. not being a saudi superfan does not equal being a khariji. you've accused like five people on here including qeelbax of being khawarij. you need to stop throwing that word around so loosely. even if you agree or disagree with my criticism- criticizing that silliness has zero anything to do with what makes a person a khariji.


I put Books to the Test of Life
ok I'm on my laptop now. it's easier for me to post.

anyways... look how you misrepresent what I actually posted

I'm criticizing them for eating food and saying it's a sin to eat food? that's what you said. look how you blatantly, deceitfully misrepresented what I posted.

I had a problem with them doing this silliness given what's going on. and this isn't even anything to do with any government or ruler or making takfir of major sin. what does this have to do with the madhab of the khawarij? you need to hush with this khariji accusation. not being a saudi superfan does not equal being a khariji. you've accused like five people on here including qeelbax of being khawarij. you need to stop throwing that word around so loosely. even if you agree or disagree with my criticism- criticizing that silliness has zero anything to do with what makes a person a khariji.
Can you believe the audacity of that scumbag's tweet, connecting people enjoying their meals to the tragedy of Muslims in Palestine? It's nothing but blatant propaganda and an obsession with Saudi Arabia, all aimed at stirring up hatred and rebellion.

Sharing that tweet here with a negative undertone implies an attempt to generate disdain against them. Your fellow comrade linking that video to the deaths of Muslims is a prime example of a keyboard Khariji. I wouldn't be surprised if he's comfortably situated behind his screen in the West, paying taxes to non-Muslim authorities and going about his day.


I put Books to the Test of Life
and then there's Shamsi...


wait... not that one... here it is....

Shamsi Accuses Palestinians Of Shirk, By Jalal Abualrub @DUSDawah

this is the Sheikh who translated tafsir As-Sadi and tafsir Ibn Kathir into English, he is calling out Shamsi for backstabbing the Palestinians. there are many examples of the treachery, honestly I can't remember them all. I doubt many people can and it would take a long time to post all the examples.
May Allah Preserve Shamsi and expand his grave and to also save him from ahul desire and the plotting of the sitters just as he once saved Shamsi from the path of Sufism.

Omar del Sur

Your fellow comrade linking that video to the deaths of Muslims is a prime example of a keyboard Khariji. I wouldn't be surprised if he's comfortably situated behind his screen in the West, paying taxes to non-Muslim authorities and going about his day.

this just shows how much you are playing with that term. some guy posting a video of people doing silliness in Saudi and criticizing them- that is an example of kharijism? how you are treating that term is a joke. criticizing those people has nothing to do with what makes a person a khariji or how classical scholars defined that term.


I put Books to the Test of Life
this just shows how much you are playing with that term. some guy posting a video of people doing silliness in Saudi and criticizing them- that is an example of kharijism? how you are treating that term is a joke. criticizing those people has nothing to do with what makes a person a khariji or how classical scholars defined that term.
Yes, it is a trait and character of Kharijism. I promise you, if I went through the guy's Twitter history or thread, he would fall under Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah. You need to study in-depth that type, and most people don't even realize they fall under it. It's personally the most dangerous one and the cause of many destabilizations. It's a tool and tactic that benefits the Yahud and the West.

manhaj of the Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah (sitters). This group is from among the sects of Khawarij who are revolutionaries, instigators and agitators.

This group did not fight and revolt against the Muslim rulers instead they sat back (hence the name Qa’diyyah (sitters)) and provoked the lay-people to hate the rulers by making takfir of the rulers, talking about opposing the rulers as they are unjust, backbiting the rulers and slandering the rulers in there gathering (those who traverse their manhaj today do the same things but they add to this: they also use protest, demonstrations, sit-ins, talk about the rulers legitimacy and they talk about how the rulers should be opposed as they are bidah (innovated) ruling system all this is done with the aim of stirring up hatred between the common folk and the rulers).

Al-Azhari said: “al-Qa’d: plural of Qaa’id and the Qadee is from amongt those Khawarij…they sit back from the revolt against the people.” (al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3006)

Omar del Sur

Yes, it is a trait and character of Kharijism. I promise you, if I went through the guy's Twitter history or thread, he would fall under Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah. You need to study in-depth that type, and most people don't even realize they fall under it. It's personally the most dangerous one and the cause of many destabilizations. It's a tool and tactic that benefits the Yahud and the West.

manhaj of the Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah (sitters). This group is from among the sects of Khawarij who are revolutionaries, instigators and agitators.

This group did not fight and revolt against the Muslim rulers instead they sat back (hence the name Qa’diyyah (sitters)) and provoked the lay-people to hate the rulers by making takfir of the rulers, talking about opposing the rulers as they are unjust, backbiting the rulers and slandering the rulers in there gathering (those who traverse their manhaj today do the same things but they add to this: they also use protest, demonstrations, sit-ins, talk about the rulers legitimacy and they talk about how the rulers should be opposed as they are bidah (innovated) ruling system all this is done with the aim of stirring up hatred between the common folk and the rulers).

Al-Azhari said: “al-Qa’d: plural of Qaa’id and the Qadee is from amongt those Khawarij…they sit back from the revolt against the people.” (al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3006)

ok.... so some guy who posts something criticizing some people in Saudi (who aren't even with the government)... eating some biggest piece of food while the Palestinians starve.... case-closed, that guy is from the sitting khawarij....

well here is Albani, criticizing the Saudi governments, criticizing the governments of Muslim countries across the board, calling for rebellion- even saying it's wajib..... so given that who was mentioned before- case closed, according to you that's a kharij from the sitting khawarij... Albani must be super mega ultra khariji!- according to your standard.... but the reality is you just go and make stuff up.... you apply one standard to the first case but you apply a completely different standard when it comes to Albani or Uthaymeen criticizing governments.... and you apply a different standard when it's the Saudi government.... if you weren't playing around and you held a consistent standard, you would have to call Albani a khariji for criticizing the Saudi gov.... but according to you, it's ok to criticize HSM, it's ok to criticize Hamas... the standard only applies when it comes to the Saudi gov rather than the Somali gov or Hamas... and if your name isn't Albani... Albani gets a pass.... and Sheikh Ibn Baz literally called for rebelling against governments that have dismantled the shariah... you will never call him a khariji but some twitter account criticizing the silliness in Saudi with the big piece of food... that guy gets called a khariji




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Omar del Sur

"Madkhali" Takfirism (when the title says "tabdee'i" it's referring to "Madkhalis")-

Tabdee'i Takfeerism: "Uthman al Khamees is Khariji and Khawarij are Kuffar."​

this is Uthman al Khamis-

Uthman al Khamis is a well-known scholar and not remotely a khariji. and this person in the first clip is just casually labelling the man a khariji.

people need to understand how this group works and how very serious what they are doing is. mass labeling Muslims as khawarij is not a small thing and is not a joke.

you can see from the first clip, how this hizb (and whatever name call them- "madkhalis" or whatever- is besides the point)... this hizb throws around the khariji term way too loosely.

and what Bro Hajji says here is correct... and I don't agree with... I disagree with a lot of Bro Hajji's views actually... so just because I post him saying something doesn't mean I agree with everything else he says... but this is correct (although I'm not endorsing or agreeing with his view on MIAW, that's another topic)


the other day I met a Salafi from Libya. he was from Tripoli. he told me how Haftar claimed that Tripoli was full of khawarij and how this was a lie. Haftar used this to justify attacking Tripoli and killing Muslims there.

this practice of mass labeling Muslims as khawarij was used as a pretext for mass killing Muslims in Libya.


this Libyan scholar was kidnapped and killed by this group.

mass labeling Muslims as khawarij just like mass labeling Muslims as kuffar is a big deal and is a very serious thing.

this is an actual classical definition of the khawarij from al-Shahrastani:

"كل من خرج على الإمام الحق الذي اتفقت الجماعة عليه يسمى خارجيًّا،سواء كان الخروج في أيام الصحابة على الأئمة الرشدين أو كان بعدهمعلى التابعين لهم بإحسان والأئمة في كل زمان"

translated, it's something like this-

"Everyone who rebels against al-imam al-haqq who has been agreed upon by the jamaah is called "Khariji" , be it rebellion against the Khulafaa rashideen during the era of the sahaabah or be it against the tabieen and the imams in every era."

so ask yourself- some guy who calls for protests (which I don't do btw), some guy who criticizes some degenerate concert in Saudi or criticizes UAE for legalizing alcohol- this falls under the same category as "someone who rebels against al-imam al-haqq" ie a guy who goes out with his sword against al-imam al-haqq?

this is not the meaning of khawarij. they are playing with the meaning of this term to make the definition "guy who criticizes Saudi"... or guy who criticizes Sisi, UAE gov (but not Hamas, Morsi, Taliban or Erdogan... you can see this hizb openly criticizing these rulers, which according to their own rules should make them khawarij), or if you're in Libya- guy who doesn't go with Haftar. you see one of those govs blatantly cooperating with Zionists... you have a problem with Saudi halloween, you say something- khalas, case-closed, you're a kharij, put him in prison and torture him. or you're in Libya, you don't want to submit to Haftar (who is a rebel who rebelled against the Libyan gov btw)- khalas, they've taken such a person, murdered him and put him in a mass grave.

really think about who you're supporting before you support this hizb. they're nowhere near as innocent as they present themselves.

my stance on rebelling is this:

وَلَا نَرَى الْخُرُوجَ عَلَى أَئِمَّتِنَا وَوُلَاةِ أُمُورِنَا وَإِنْ جَارُوا وَلَا نَدْعُو عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا نَنْزِعُ يَدًا مِنْ طَاعَتِهِمْ وَنَرَى طَاعَتَهُمْ مِنْ طَاعَةِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ فَرِيضَةً مَا لَمْ يَأْمُرُوا بِمَعْصِيَةٍ وَنَدْعُو لَهُمْ بِالصَّلَاحِ وَالْمُعَافَاةِ

We do not rebel against our leaders or those in charge of our affairs, even if they are tyrannical. We do not supplicate against them, nor withdraw from obedience to them. We view obedience to them as obedience to Allah Almighty, an obligation, as long as they do not order disobedience to Allah. We supplicate on their behalf for righteousness and wellness.

-Al-Aqeedah Tahawiyyah

but that doesn't mean we support this other extreme of mass labeling Muslims as khawarij.


"Mufti" Muhammad Muneer - Hadith Disciple Beware of Labeling Others Khawaarij​

btw people should really listen to what Mufti Muneer says here and think about what's he saying. and he exposes the manipulation that is going on with the misuse of this term. a Muslim should not play around with casually calling other Muslims khawarij just like he shouldn't play around with casually calling other Muslims kuffar.
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Omar del Sur


"Hypocrisy of the Madkhali's - Dr.Shadee Elmasry"​

(btw that obviously is the title of the video- and not my words, I don't accuse this group of being munafiqeen, though I think some among them likely are)

Idiotic "madkhali" approach to the genocide in Palestine - Dr. Shadee Elmasry​

notice how this zionist account and this prominent "Salafi" (ahlul starbucks) account were promoting the exact same propaganda (the "Salafi" account did remove it- but only after an enormous backlash)

and here is a "madkhali" Sheikh explaining why according to him you shouldn't support the Palestinians. I am not an ikhwani, khariji or anything like that. I am simply an anti-colonialist, as I always have been. every anti-colonial struggle has to go against the collaborationists and... it's as though any anti-Zionist efforts can't move a step without this hizb trying to undermine any such effort against Zionism. protests are haraam, boycotts- you need the ruler's permission (which is something completely made up), don't speak out, don't fight the information war against Zionism (leave it to the rulers and the "senior scholars" in Saudi who haven't said anything), don't worry about what's going on in Palestine as it doesn't concern you (yes, I have seen them promoting this idea), attacking the resistance, etc., etc.

Chronicles of the Tabdee'i Traitors - "Palestinians are Shi'ah and communists so don't support them"​

How does "you are a khariji" only apply when it comes to UAE and Saudi but not when it comes to Hamas, Taliban, Erdogan, etc.?

How does "you want millions to die in chaos and anarchy due to rebelling against the ruler" only apply when it comes to UAE and Saudi but not when it comes to Hamas, Taliban, etc.?
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