She’s not going to win after saying this


Coping through the 1st world
She mastered all elements

She’s a women: if you’re not gonna elect her, then you’re sexist.

She’s half black: if you’re not gonna elect her, then you’re racist.

She’s half Indian: if you’re not gonna elect, then you’re anti POC

Infinity War Avengers GIF by Marvel Studios

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Coping through the 1st world
Damn I don’t see the pajeet in her, would’ve never known wlhi

Click on this post. I’ve already explained:
Half. Half Indian (from her mother side) and half Jamaican (from her dad side).

View attachment 335273

Remainder: India and Jamaica was once a colony of Great Britain. A bit of a story

At an off-campus space at the University of California at Berkeley in the fall of 1962, a tall, thin Jamaican Ph.D. student addressed a small crowd, drawing parallels between his native country and the United States.

He told the group, a roomful of Black students, that he had grown up observing British colonial power in Jamaica, the way a small number of whites had cultivated a “native Black elite” in order to mask extreme social inequality.

At 24, Donald J. Harris was already professorial, as reserved as the Anglican acolyte he had once been. But his ideas were edgy. One member of the audience found them so compelling that she came up to him after the speech and introduced herself.

She was a tiny Indian scientist wearing a sari and sandals — the only other foreign student to show up for a talk on race in America. She was, he recalled, “a standout in appearance relative to everybody else in the group of both men and women.”

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