She Got Rejected For Marriage Because She's "Black"


No, I mean some xalimos who marry out wouid anything for the ajanabi, there was once this xalimo who was getting abused by a madow dude she was with, she even used to clean him in the toilet to please him.
Clean him in the toilet 💀💀 this Madow put sixir on her 😂 is there thread about this incident?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm sorry. I had to laugh. I'm reminded somehow of that Palestinian guy who was in that Garage band (Magic!) singing about his failed attempt to impress his Becky's father that probably considered him an unemployable WOG.

I would change the lyrics of the song for her. Instead of marry that girl, marry her anyway. And start a family.

Don't marry that boy, no matter what he say! Unless you want a broken family.


People need to raise their daughters with the mentality that any man is replaceable no matter how good that guy is. Or else this fear of "missing out" will have their daughters reconsidering terrible situations to marry into :ivers: her stupid sisters aren't helping:francis:
When will people realise that Arabs don't like marrying into non-Arab people? Maybe if she was a white Muslim like Bosnian or Chechen she'd have a chance but even then it's not guaranteed.
When will people realise that Arabs don't like marrying into non-Arab people? Maybe if she was a white Muslim like Bosnian or Chechen she'd have a chance but even then it's not guaranteed.
Chechens aren’t White, they’re West Asians just like Turks, Armenians and Iranian groups.

Arabians are the most insular out of all the Arabs when it comes to race mixing.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
good news guys! she didn't move on with that ajinabi guy. she's looking for a somali man

Got rejected by the palestinian guys parents then writes a post generalizing somali men and now talking about " i want my kids to look like me"

Joe Biden GIF by PBS NewsHour


good news guys! she didn't move on with that ajinabi guy. she's looking for a somali man
Not going to sugar coat it, I understand where she’s coming from. She sees more non Somali guys so interacts with them more, Somali guys in the west, especially the ones past high school age to 25 don’t have much going for them, they don’t even go into trades like she mentioned which would at least keep them off the streets.

Just last week I heard of a bunch of Somali guys rob another Somali family in their own home. What I’m saying is, we can’t complain when Somali women with degrees and a stable income would want someone of their calibre, if they date out, who cares.

I think this is why dating/marrying out is more common among women too, lack of options within the community.
No, I mean some xalimos who marry out wouid anything for the ajanabi, there was once this xalimo who was getting abused by a madow dude she was with, she even used to clean him in the toilet to please him.
I remember that toilet paper meme that was peddled here. It was a legendary thread full of laughter.
Ana Arabs on suicide watch


they be like but but but SOMALIA is part of the arab league why wont they accept the somali queen , but but but she has slim nose we are one my palestineee beople why you call us blick.


imagine trying to join a family who will call your offspring abeeed and hate you for your brown skin and then getting on reddit for advice from strangers .

SELF HATRED in the somali community is just as bad as any other black community.

The worship of lighter skin people whether that be whites middle eastern east asian etc etc is within black/african communities .

it all comes down to having lighter offspring and the grass greener on the other side mentality .
Not going to sugar coat it, I understand where she’s coming from. She sees more non Somali guys so interacts with them more, Somali guys in the west, especially the ones past high school age to 25 don’t have much going for them, they don’t even go into trades like she mentioned which would at least keep them off the streets.

Just last week I heard of a bunch of Somali guys rob another Somali family in their own home. What I’m saying is, we can’t complain when Somali women with degrees and a stable income would want someone of their calibre, if they date out, who cares.

I think this is why dating/marrying out is more common among women too, lack of options within the community.
its great seeing the comments finally understand this. It wasn’t just a matter of finding someone who has a degree but meeting someone organically through proximity which is the preference for most women. I don’t think Somali guys understand what it’s like to see your Muslim ajnabi girl friends be able to easily meet their husband in uni while you can’t. It naturally makes you feel envious and messes with your own self worth. For the last 10 years people have demonized Somali girls for even asking this. If a girl meets someone who isn’t a crazy dhega cas, timo jilaac, dusty cadaan , or self hating madhow then she should consider it tbh. There’s no point in holding out for a Somali guy in OPs situation.