Should Somali youth stop using the N word.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Since Somalis don't indetify themselves as Black. Is it time for them to stop using the N word. Especially the youths in North America. Should black people tell them to stop using the word?

European and Australian Somalis do you guys use the N word with your friends? Is it normal to use the N word as an endearment word around friends?


Suicidal men adore me.
Yes somalis please stop. That is not your culture, you'r ancestor were not slaves. Stop imitating goons. You are descended from noble nomads start acting like a beautiful historical piece.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
nigga is primarily only used by African Americans and other American subgroups (Hispanics, Asians etc). Even in UK blacks there never really use "nigga" in their vocabulary, apart from in a few songs, but not in day to day conversations.

I got no problems with it unless people use it excessively. Then it just sounds retarded.
Since Somalis don't indetify themselves as Black. Is it time for them to stop using the N word. Especially the youths in North America. Should black people tell them to stop using the word?

European and Australian Somalis do you guys use the N word with your friends? Is it normal to use the N word as an endearment word around friends?

Reiko, Have you not seen twitter ? :lol:

So many of them begging black people for acceptance it's honestly embarrassing.

a while back I came across some Black American women who were making degrading jokes about Somali women who try to hard be black and retweeting the shit out them and wlh some Xalimos came and were being apologetic to them and saying things like "stop causing disunity among the black community". It's been 3 months since I deactivated my account. I couldn't take it anymore :O27GWRK:
Since Somalis don't indetify themselves as Black. Is it time for them to stop using the N word. Especially the youths in North America. Should black people tell them to stop using the word?

European and Australian Somalis do you guys use the N word with your friends? Is it normal to use the N word as an endearment word around friends?

You should've rearranged the title of the thread so it read as ''Somali youth should stop using the N word.''
I swear African Americans have the worst culture of every ethnic group in the entire universe.

No they don't. Do not conflate this coonery with African American culture as a whole.
They are innovators and we wouldn't have jazz, rock or a whole host of other musical greatness without their ingenuity.
Also they gave birth to the likes of our brother Malcolm X.
It's a shame what 30-40 years and the crack epidemic did to them to destroy the family structure of such a resiliant ppl.
*editors note: i am not an SJW begging to be black just my observation


No they don't. Do not conflate this coonery with African American culture as a whole.
They are innovators and we wouldn't have jazz, rock or a whole host of other musical greatness without their ingenuity.
Also they gave birth to the likes of our brother Malcolm X.
It's a shame what 30-40 years and the crack epidemic did to them to destroy the family structure of such a resiliant ppl.
*editors note: i am not an SJW begging to be black just my observation


Like Somalis and khaat.
No they don't. Do not conflate this coonery with African American culture as a whole.
They are innovators and we wouldn't have jazz, rock or a whole host of other musical greatness without their ingenuity.
Also they gave birth to the likes of our brother Malcolm X.
It's a shame what 30-40 years and the crack epidemic did to them to destroy the family structure of such a resiliant ppl.
*editors note: i am not an SJW begging to be black just my observation

SJWs don't have the brain cells to write such things. you're far from one barwaqo. :)

I agree with you though ... It's honestly sad what happened to black people!! They were flying so high and doing really well back then but are broken people right now. I hope they improve themselves because this is definitely shit and not what their 20s - 70s black people wanted for them.
SJWs don't have the brain cells to write such things. you're far from one barwaqo. :)

I agree with you though ... It's honestly sad what happened to black people!! They were flying so high and doing really well back then but are broken people right now. I hope they improve themselves because this is definitely shit and not what their 20s - 70s black people wanted for them.

Thanks bro, and you're right. There is a concerted effort to make sure they never return to their former glory.
Somali SJWs think Afro American culture began with twerking and the right to be a hoe. African Americans should be offended. All of these new black movements are a joke and should be called Gay/Trans Lives Matter, not representative of wider black society at all.
You even see how they are controlling the airwaves, when was the last time you saw Cornell West on tv? But i see that Deray guy everyday. It's ridiculous. Only on the Tavis Smiley show do you get to see the real discourse African American intellectuals are having.

American culture (a large part of it anyway) IS African American culture)
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