Since when were Somalis slaves?

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Allah I humbly take this L on behalf of my people

I told you. Even when you're Somali puritanical fanatics are quiet on this subject you should suspect something. This "we wuz slaves" thing didn't come from the mind

You can either:

1. Accept your people were enslaved and sold to others and move on.

2. Reject the notion they are your people and you are distinct from them and have your own heritage and ethnicity like my friend cog.

I gladly accept either of these realities.

Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
It's facts, I met a hawiye family that was owned by my great grandfather, they even adopted his nickname which is unique only to him.
When we look back your real history, your forefathers were SLAVES from Zanzibar. I can post here a link which will explain well. History is written, you can't re-write,


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
When we look back your real history, your forefathers were SLAVES from Zanzibar. I can post here a link which will explain well. History is written, you can't re-write,
:ftw9nwa: Mareexan iiiislavis weeye boowe beertaa bey faali jireen sidi loocda ba ba boqortooyada majeerteenia ku shaqeysan jiray most of them waa boon kids nasab hataa ma ahan war illahay hadu ku roon yahay 65% darood hataa ma ahan boowe

Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
:ftw9nwa: Mareexan iiiislavis weeye boowe beertaa bey faali jireen sidi loocda ba ba boqortooyada majeerteenia ku shaqeysan jiray most of them waa boon kids nasab hataa ma ahan war illahay hadu ku roon yahay 65% darood hataa ma ahan boowe

Bowe, Why you sound like puppet? waa isku xaadhey, nacas af kala qaadey baa tahay oo la dhibaateeyey two decades, hadii Marehan boon yihiin, Majeerteen muxuu noqon kartaa? "tumaal injirle", waryaa small-minded bigot baa tahay, think before your post nonsense!

Do you know the history, tell me, Ahmed Ali Egal married to Maryan mursal, do you know who forced him to marry? inaa gumeed. iga dhuumo.

Quick question: Marehan, did they rapped you in real live?
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Bowe, Why you sound like puppet? waa isku xaadhey, nacas af kala qaadey baa tahay oo la dhibaatey two decades, hadii Marehan boon yihiin, adigu maxaad noqon kartaa? tumaal injirle, waryaa small-minded bigot baa tahay, think before your post nonsense!

Quick question: Marehan, did they rapped you in real live?
:ftw9nwa: Boon foqol boon ainga MJ ba ahay alhamdulillah illahay ba weyn oo mahad leh, boonka iga foogay kuwas ma arki kari boowe wecelo weeye oo nasab aheen vermin weeye oo bela dhiig ah lugu shaqeysto waa dhad madaxa lagaa heesto sidi African Americans weeye boowe
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Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
:ftw9nwa: Boon foqol boon ainga MJ ba ahay alhamdulillah illahay ba weyn oo mahad ah boonka iga foogay kuwas ma arki kari boowe wecelo weeye oo nasab aheen vermin weeye oo bela dhiig ah lugu shaqeysto waa dhad madaxa lagaa heesto sidi African Americans weeye boowe

If I were MJ, would have commit suicide long back walahi. Allah igama dhigo, ee isku xishoo, Hasheegan kuwaas oo kale. Waa ceeb!

Duqa fiiri, Mareexan bulshada Somaliyeed weey ka muuqdan marka intaas baa ka maseersantihiin, laakiin idiin joojin mayaan. iibaashaal

We do everything to humiliated your tribe, still waa naga daba hadhi la'dihiin. Barxada kala reebtada nakeena. Teeska idinku xadeena iyo sabaaxad. damn it.

Xataa, dhulbahante ugu dambeeyey idinma maqli karaan weey idinka carareen, qof idin rabo walaahi majiro.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If I were MJ, would have commit suicide long back walahi. Allah igama dhigo, ee isku xishoo, Hasheegan kuwaas oo kale. Waa ceeb!

Duqa fiiri, Mareexan bulshada Somaliyeed weey ka muuqdan marka intaas baa ka maseersantihiin, laakiin idiin joojin mayaan. iibaashaal

We do everything to humiliated your tribe, still waa naga daba hadhi la'dihiin. Barxada kala reebtada nakeena. Teeska idinku xadeena iyo sabaaxad. damn it.

Xataa, dhulbahante ugu dambeeyey idinma maqli karaan weey idinka carareen, qof idin rabo walaahi majiro.
Boon ba tihiin saas ba ku wacan tihiin dhad laa iisticmaalo sidi condomska camal ba tihiin kalay boowe meeyey dhuuso mareeb? Boon kids waa lagaa qaatey hawiye ba meesha la wareegay? MJ bulshada makaa dhex mooqdan? Boowe dal Udug ba haaysana puntland waa qaran boowe oo isku fiilan ma garatey qof aa u bahan nahay ma jiro illahay ka sikoo waa illahay mahadiisa alhamdulillah dhad oo iis jecel oo isku duuban ba nahay iyo Iska kala dhambeeyo ba nahay oo calan wadaago iyo dal udug boowe

Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
Boon ba tihiin saas ba ku wacan tihiin dhad laa iisticmaalo sidi condomska camal ba tihiin kalay boowe meeyey dhuuso mareeb? Boon kids waa lagaa qaatey hawiye ba meesha la wareegay? MJ bulshada makaa dhex mooqdan? Boowe dal Udug ba haaysana puntland waa qaran boowe oo isku fiilan ma garatey qof aa u bahan nahay ma jiro illahay ka sikoo waa illahay mahadiisa alhamdulillah dhad oo iis jecel oo isku duuban ba nahay iyo Iska kala dhambeeyo ba nahay oo calan wadaago iyo dal udug boowe

Caruur baa tahay. Dadka caqliga lahaa ee beesha mj aawey, ha ila hadlaan. adiga cowska cun orod. Get the f*ck out of here.
Why do you guys waste your time with this dude @Cognitivedissonance? Waan idin la yaabey.

I'd never respond to @waraabe forget going back and forth. Dudes are straight trolls who don't represent anyone but themselves.

As for MJs enslaving Somalis that's a lie, nigga who the hell is gonna believe you.:mjlol:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Kkkkkk @ I'm Isaaq. I'm Maxamud Saleebaan through and through deal with it.:mjohreally:
What tribe is your mother? I saw how you were foaming at the mouth last time I made a thread about idoors. Which habar is your hooyo?
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