SJW Somali's hatred for Arabs and arguing that we were slaves...

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
These BLM xalimos are now trying to argue that "WE WUZ SLAVES" now ffs

Imagine that.. these people take pride in calling themselves slaves to fit in with AA's. Who the f*ck makes up this type of history? :mindblown:
arab never slaved Somalis, it was crime to slave Somali and we were called hurr (free)


I got boomer connections
lol Someone tell her Somali's were the middle men and collected heavy tax on the bantu slaves transiting in the Somali port's. :yloezpe::yloezpe::yloezpe: Basically her ancestors contributed to the Arab slave trade & she don't want to take anyblame. :icon mrgreen: :yloezpe: :icon lol:


The same way u get Somalis bending over backwards to asslick arabs. I swear ppl bend both ways.

If no Somalis were taken as slaves ever, why was 23&Me providing free tests for Somalis, among other countries? They must've picked Somalia out of a hat or something:cosbyhmm:


I got boomer connections
The same way u get Somalis bending over backwards to asslick arabs. I swear ppl bend both ways.

If no Somalis were taken as slaves ever, why was 23&Me providing free tests for Somalis, among other countries? They must've picked Somalia out of a hat or something:cosbyhmm:

23&Me project is spearheaded by madow trying to link the Atlantic Slave Trade to Somalia but we all know no slaves were taken from Somalia, look up what happened to the Portuguese prior to slavery when they tried take Mogadishu. During the Atlantic Slave Trade Somalia was ruled by powerful Somali suldans.:icon lol:


I got boomer connections
Even the Oman ii bantu slave traders were forced to pay heavy tax when they tried to build castle in Mogadishu let alone enslave Somali, we ain't bantus or negroids.


23&Me project is spearheaded by madow trying to link the Atlantic Slave Trade to Somalia but we all know no slaves were taken from Somalia, look up what happened to the Portuguese prior to slavery when they tried take Mogadishu. During the Atlantic Slave Trade Somalia was ruled by powerful Somali suldans.:icon lol:
My point is, why would they purposely lose revenue by singling out and providing free tests to select whole populations of people without some sort of lead pointing them in that direction? That is a waste of money, and not how research works. I'd buy your version of events in the general sense, but to claim with 100% certainty that there were never any Somalis who were enslaved hundreds of years ago, remains a lofty one and unverified. The fact that we have clan hierarchies complicates the matter. It's very possible lower clans were not treated as the others.


I got boomer connections
My point is, why would they purposely lose revenue by singling out and providing free tests to select whole populations of people without some sort of lead pointing them in that direction? That is a waste of money and not how research works. I'd buy your version of events in the general sense, but to claim with 100% certainty that there were never any Somalis who were enslaved hundreds of years ago, remains a lofty one and unverified. The fact that we have clan hierarchies complicates the matter.

There is not one documented slave taken from Somalia Im basing my analogy based on that. And the fact the Atlantic Slave Trade took place the opposite side of the continent. The question of why waste money, ? I told you the madows are desperately trying to link the Atlantic Slave and Somalia there is no other explanation otherwise link us the documents of enslaved Somalis. Non..


There is not one documented slave taken from Somalia Im basing my analogy based on that. And the fact the Atlantic Slave Trade took place the opposite side of the continent. The question of why waste money, ? I told you the madows are desperately trying to link the Atlantic Slave and Somalia there is no other explanation otherwise link us the documents of enslaved Somalis. Non..
Our history is mainly oral is it not? Anyway, I'm not claiming anything or committed to any side, half devil's advocate half erring on the side of legitimate data. We'll see the findings I guess, esp in the coming years as more and more ppl take these tests.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
The same way u get Somalis bending over backwards to asslick arabs. I swear ppl bend both ways.

If no Somalis were taken as slaves ever, why was 23&Me providing free tests for Somalis, among other countries? They must've picked Somalia out of a hat or something:cosbyhmm:
Arab this iyo Arab balaayoo bla bla. Maa Arab baa ku waase Nayaa? How redundant and tired ass shtick is this. The whole anti-Arab rhetoric people on here have become accustomed to which you display by projecting it on Somalis.

We don't have Slave Master relationship with Arabs the way other Africans have with Europeans. We are largely indifferent to them , waa dad iska nool.

First it was Somalis think they are superior and know it is is asslicking arabs? Waa yab what heavinly words will come out of your anus next?:axvmm9o:

Somalia did not supply slaves -- as part of the Islamic world Somalis were at least nominally protected by the religious tenet that free Muslims cannot be enslaved. holocaust.htm


I got boomer connections
Our history is mainly oral is it not? Anyway, I'm not claiming anything or committed to any side, half devil's advocate half erring on the side of legitimate data. We'll see the findings I guess, esp in the coming years as more ppl take these tests.

Our history is not all oral but that doesn't mean others haven't documented our history, plus the Somali oral history does not mention Somali enslavement-if such existed our poetry would've mentioned it; not.

I'm telling you few Somalis were tricked into european Zoo. that is After slavery was abolished but that is all im aware. What new findings tho? Just like the 23&me assertion? :icon lol: I don't believe anything is hidden.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Our history is mainly oral is it not? Anyway, I'm not claiming anything or committed to any side, half devil's advocate half erring on the side of legitimate data. We'll see the findings I guess, esp in the coming years as more and more ppl take these tests.

No Slavery in Somalia very well documented as early 16th centry as it is written in paper by both Somali,Arab and European writers. We were never enslaved but we ourselves engaged in the trade acting as middle men by enslaving Bantus , Oromos and Nilotes.

Findings? What are you guys expecting to find? One Somali kidnapped in a raid? wtf.


I got boomer connections
Arab this iyo Arab balaayoo bla bla. Maa Arab baa ku waase Nayaa? How redundant and tired ass shtick is this. The whole anti-Arab rhetoric people on here have become accustomed to which you display by projecting it on Somalis.

We don't have Slave Master relationship with Arabs the way other Africans have with Europeans. We are largely indifferent to them , waa dad iska nool.

First it was Somalis think they are superior and know it is is asslicking arabs? Waa yab what heavinly words will come out of your anus next?:axvmm9o: holocaust.htm

"Somalia did not supply slaves -- as part of the Islamic world Somalis were at least nominally protected by the religious tenet that free Muslims cannot be enslaved."

We protected ourselves, not some religion protection spouted all over that statement.


Our history is not all oral but that doesn't mean others haven't documented out history, plus the Somali oral history does not mention Somali enslavement-if such existed our poetry would've mentioned it; not.

I'm telling you few Somalis were tricked into european Zoo. that is After slavery was abolished but that is all im aware. What new findings tho? Just like the 23&me assertion? :icon lol: I don't believe anything is hidden.
White Europeans and Americans overpower these heritage DNA tests, other backgrounds are only recently picking up the ball. It could be that they're encouraging other backgrounds for a more diverse array in their database, but the stated reason is curious. It's not like AA's run 23&Me.

Anyway, nice talk.
Arab this iyo Arab balaayoo bla bla. Maa Arab baa ku waase Nayaa? How redundant and tired ass shtick is this. The whole anti-Arab rhetoric people on here have become accustomed to which you display by projecting it on Somalis.

We don't have Slave Master relationship with Arabs the way other Africans have with Europeans. We are largely indifferent to them , waa dad iska nool.

First it was Somalis think they are superior and know it is is asslicking arabs? Waa yab what heavinly words will come out of your anus next?:axvmm9o: holocaust.htm
Somalis don't asslick Arabs?
Go get some air. I won't make myself your problem.
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