Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
"Somalia did not supply slaves -- as part of the Islamic world Somalis were at least nominally protected by the religious tenet that free Muslims cannot be enslaved."
We protected ourselves, not some religion protection spouted all over that statement.
I agree. There were several factors why Somalis were not enslaved
1) Is that we participated in the Arab Slave trade as middle men in the trade, Since we had a stake in the trade and were important business partner we avoided getting caught up in it.
2) We had strong centralized States Ajuuran,Geledi,Adal,Hobyo,Majerteen,Dervish etc.. which fended off Somali territories against external aggression and domination.
3) We were not technically conquered or colonized by outside forces until the early 20th century. You cannot enslave people you don't conquer , the fact that we have a long track record of being organized and self-governed most of our history facilitates this.
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