Somalis were definitely not slaves but he who knows his history would know that we played a huge role in the enslavement of many innocents.
This should also be a reminder for all those Somalis who are quick to point out the woes of the past committed by the "evil white man" and reflect on their history and see that they too have the stain of slavery on their past. Understand that it was the imperialists who outlawed slavery in our lands. How shameful!! /s Africans and Europeans were jointly involved in the Atlantic slave trade it was Europe dominated the connection, vastly enlarged (from a crack to a canyon) the slave trade, and continually turned it to European advantage and to an African disadvantage. Basil Davidson states that within both European and African institutions there were also differences, and these differences, however "minor," created a decisive outcome, which allowed European total domination evolving into colonialism and today's neocolonialism.
how trustworthy is African Holocaust?
the name alone depicts a serious lean towards African ethnic groups
I disagree with this part.
Somalis did not profit from the Slave trade in any kind of systematic or institutional level to which we still benefit from today unlike the Europeans. The Imperialists did not outlaw slavery in our lands they practiced it, the Italians continued to enslave and use Bantus as plantation workers on their owned farms. No other nation still inherits the wealth of their former slaves like the West.
I see you are among many who run off with Eurocentric interpretation of history. The attack on African history manifests in blame reassignment, normalizing (everyone had slavery), and statistical downsizing. Blame reassignment refocuses study
on African and Arab slavery.
But murderers don't get off by pleading to the judge that someone else committed an equally bad murder, or that the murder was less server because the victims parents handed them the knife.
Somalis were skinnies, that is why they lucky not to be slaved. They can't even pick up 10lbs. Lol
ok the site is purely panafrican in its presentation but the statistics can be found here if anyone really wants to go through everything
but the total that is consistently linked to the Arab Slave Trade is pretty alarming. Even without the estimations, the actual literary texts cited put that number over 10 million.
essentially more slaves died in their travel to the New World than the entire population of African Slaves over a 300 year period in the Muslim World.
Yeah there is NO comparison between the African Slave trade by Europeans to pretty much any enslavement period in our history. As far as we can concretely tell, that one was the absolute worst.
I disagree with the part "Somalis did not profit from the Slave trade in any kind of systematic or institutional level," Somalis absolutely benefited from slavery in every possible way. The legacy of slavery can still be felt by the Bantu population in Somalia who are still referred to as "adon" and called other derogatory words. Somalis benefited financially and even those wealthy enough owned slaves themselves. There are over 1.2 million Bantus in Somalia accounting for about 12% of the entire population. The British outlawed slavery pretty much as soon as they took over the nation and I'm assuming the Italians did the same as there was an international consensus among all colonial powers that slavery must be abolished.
I haven't in any way tried to downsize the slavery of many Africans by the Europeans but the Arab slave trade was larger and even lasted longer then the Atlantic slave trade. It's highly dishonest to vilify the Europeans for an act that was regarded as completely normal all over the world (that doesn't of course mean it was morally right). Understand that this was 200 years ago. The Afrocentrists only focus "the evil white man" but never try to look at the enslavement of Africans by the Arabs.
I highly reject Afrocentrism.
ok the site is purely panafrican in its presentation but the statistics can be found here if anyone really wants to go through everything
but the total that is consistently linked to the Arab Slave Trade is pretty alarming. Even without the estimations, the actual literary texts cited put that number over 10 million.
essentially more slaves died in their travel to the New World than the entire population of African Slaves over a 300 year period in the Muslim World.
Yeah there is NO comparison between the African Slave trade by Europeans to pretty much any enslavement period in our history. As far as we can concretely tell, that one was the absolute worst.
Soo the soo called wealth and profit we gain is the simple term ''Adoon''? LOOL!. Which btw isn't synonymous to any group of people let alone bantus, it is just the word for ''Slave'' commonly used in different contexts even in Somali poetry to metaphorically to refer to subservience and submissiveness.
Secondly Somalis did not benefit financially and systematically in which we still continue benifit until this today. If so what are these present institutions that reek these soo called material benefits?
This isn't a simple case of ''Evil white man''.One should never entertain is this romance of Good Black people vs. Bad White people. The wickedest European nation is only as wicked as their power to do wickedness, their capacity for evil. Having dark skin or being the victim of racism does not automatically imply you are righteous or moral (two different conditions: being oppressed and being conscious). It just means one's propensity for evil is limited by lack of power.
I highly reject Afrocentrism. Afrocentricity is a psuedo history that came as a reaction to Eurocentrics. Which is the European form of Afrocentrism.
Whats more they have so many organizations, businesses and institutions founded on and profitted from Slavery until this present day in Europe and America.
And also the fact they gave reparations to Jews and Japanese but can't even give greatest ongoing sufferers (Africans) reparation. What is up with that?
In what way do Europeans still benefit financially from something that was abolished 200 years?!!This is simply a "blame the evil white man" shit!
I said that they still suffer from societal discrimination by being called "adon" and derogatory words like that. The f*ck does poetry have to do with that!! It's not a secret that Somalis treat the Bantus terribly due to their past.
The Africans who descended from the slave trade are on the bottom of the social economic ladder and their is a clear and evident systematic racism towards them in the Arab world. They constantly complain about being called "abeed" which means slave and they're treated like absolute shit!! The Muslim only began abolishing slave trade in the 20th century.