Skynews wanted to post footage of Somali girl going through FGM

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A while back there was a video of a old halimo (over 30) getting her zig zaged ceeb repaired . I think it
all started with that video. The moment you tell white people come record me they will think you are all the
same with no dignity. That is why some of those anti fgm activists should be careful opening
pandora box.
Exactly! It is how you show people you want to be treated. If you show people that you are maskaiin uneducated group of people that will sit idly by as they are shamed and their little ones are displayed on TV for all people to watch and use that call us backward and barbaric then that is exactly what will happen. Somalis in the UK need to start protecting their own from exploitation. This would not happen had people hired a lawyer and thrown a litigation letter at sky news or whatever they are called.

The real question is how much can the average cadaan do for us in countering FGM? The answer is absolutely zero! Why then should we tell them or teach them or show them anything? This is like going to an engineer for a medical this scenario we are the doctors because we are the ones who can remove this sickness from our culture not cadaans who will watch these things and either laugh or insult you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@DiricLover you didn't have a problem bringing my mother into this conversation yet you got the audacity to sulk guzzling iskoronyo, let this be a lesson to you keep my mother out your dick sucking lips.


@DiricLover you didn't have a problem bringing my mother into this conversation yet you got the audacity to sulk guzzling iskoronyo, let this be a lesson to you keep my mother out your dick sucking lips.


@DiricLover you didn't have a problem bringing my mother into this conversation yet you got the audacity to sulk guzzling iskoronyo, let this be a lesson to you keep my mother out your dick sucking lips.
you asked me what something meant I said go ask your mother :comeon: there was no disrespect at all. Why are you so emotional? Bisinka iyo yasin loooooool :chrisfreshhah:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
They've aired the segment without the FGM clip.

This has caused White people to go mad. Here's one liberal vegan hippie defending Skynews' decision to record the abuse of a child and not intervene

"Jesus it goes on every day so stopping it would have gotten nothing to change the world with. They have the footage now to change things"

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