So how many Somalilander gaals are in this forum?

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That is not scapegoating, thats what they did lol. They stole my mums house, my dads 3 houses, killed my grandpa, killed my grandma, killed my auntie and her husband
"Hawiye people made me an atheist"

That's not scapegoating, right?

If I was born in Somalia during this madness I would probably despise you guys as well lol.
Afweyne killed, exiled and imprisoned our people; we just returned the favor.

Laga bartaa laga badiyaaa :icon lol::icon lol:

Despise us and cry all you like, there's no love lost.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
"Hawiye people made me an atheist"

That's not scapegoating, right?

Afweyne killed, exiled and imprisoned our people; we just returned the favor.

Laga bartaa laga badiyaaa :icon lol::icon lol:

Despise us and cry all you like, there's no love lost.

Who? Adiid and a few other officer?

Waa Systematik Oppreshon walahi. :drakekidding:

I will never expect love from many of you guys, the qabiilists like you. You are quite sick actually lol.

Idiots like you are Somalia's biggest problem. I hope there is a culling one of these days so we can purify the gene pool.
Who? Adiid and a few other officer?

Waa Systematik Oppreshon walahi.

I will never expect love from many of you guys, the qabiilists like you. You are quite sick actually lol.
I'm not going derail the thread but ilaahay marnaba gardaro raali kama ahaado.
We took back our rightful throne and kicked booliqaran looters out.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to pray to Sheikh Habr Gedir instread of Allah.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga that would say RadhiAllahu'anhu every time after the name Aideed is mentioned.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to eat cambuulo because he thinks its the food of gods.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to make intercession from sheikh Habr Gedir before he pulls out his rusty ak so he can pillage a village.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to pray against Darood during every fardh salah.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to back 'Ahlu Sunnah' because they are Habr Gedir (this one is actually true guys, not making this up).
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to blame Darood for the intra clan fighting of Hawiye 1992-1993.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to say Daroods brought Amisom to Somalia when his people brought AIDS carrying soldiers to his hometown.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to pray to Sheikh Habr Gedir instread of Allah.

@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga that would say RadhiAllahu'anhu every time after the name Aideed is mentioned.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to eat cambuulo because he thinks its the food of gods.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to make intercession from sheikh Habr Gedir before he pulls out his rusty ak so he can pillage a village.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to pray against Darood during every fardh salah.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to back 'Ahlu Sunnah' because they are Habr Gedir (this one is actually true guys, not making this up).
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to blame Darood for the intra clan fighting of Hawiye 1992-1993.
@Boqor Geeljire252 is the type of nigga to say Daroods brought Amisom to Somalia when his people brought AIDS carrying soldiers to his hometown.
1) Are you Muslim?

2) What's wrong with saying "may Allah swt be pleased with him"?

3)Cambuulo is a blessing from Allah

4) next :icon arrow:

5) @Boqor Geeljire252 doesn't hate clans, I dislike individual leaders and their lackeys. Every clan has good and bad.

6) Ahlu Sunnah is at war with Galmudug, I don't support one over the other, I support peace talks between the two, instead of more bloodshed, something your small brain can not get around.
Also there are probably more mj in ahlu sunnah than sacad, so don't try to use the "clan card".

7) next :icon arrow:

8) Who brought AMISOM and Ethiopians into the country?
Was it not Abdullahi Yusuf?

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf has asked the AU to provide between 15,000 and 20,000 troops.

Stop pulling up "darood" card everytime you want a debate, there were many who were against the illegal Ethiopian occupation.
It was a war between good and evil, not a clan war.
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:kodaksmiley:Leave out the rest of HG will ya?

I'm the only Salebaan and @ghost is the only Cayrbender on this site :bell::pachah1:
Nah man, I have no beef

It's just that we're the ruling class
That is not scapegoating, thats what they did lol. They stole my mums house, my dads 3 houses, killed my grandpa, killed my grandma, killed my auntie and her husband. If I was born in Somalia during this madness I would probably despise you guys as well lol.

In the aftermath of the Ogaden debacle, a group of disgruntled army officers attempted a coup d'état against the regime in April 1978. Their leader was Colonel Mahammad Shaykh Usmaan, a member of the Majeerteen clan, which resides mostly in northeastern Somalia. The coup failed and seventeen alleged ringleaders, including Usmaan, were summarily executed. All but one of the executed were of the Majeerteen clan. One of the plotters, Lieutenant Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmedescaped to Ethiopia and founded an anti-Siad Barre organization initially called the Somali Salvation Front (SSF; later the Somali Salvation Democratic Front, SSDF).

The Red Berets systematically smashed the small reservoirs in the area around Galcaio so as to deny water to the Umar Mahamuud Majeerteen sub-clans and their herds. In May and June 1979, more than 2,000 Umar Mahamuud, the Majeerteen sub-clan of Colonel Ahmad, died of thirst in the waterless area northeast of Galcaio, Garoowe, and Jerriiban. In Galcaio, members of the Victory Pioneers, the urban militia known for harassing civilians, raped large numbers of Majeerteen women. In addition, the clan lost an estimated 50,000 camels, 10,000 cattle, and 100,000 sheep and goats.
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