So, what’s post-recognition, Somalilanders?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I’m from a noble lineage my peoples got land and houses in my city foh talking bout 4th class my history is bless u wanna talk bout dead folks go dig up ur aunties and uncles bunch a fuckin victims getting blown up daily now they wanna cry for independence. Don’t duck the question u gonna put $100 down or is it all a front and u know deep down u ain’t getting that stamp of approval from trump pussio.
LG got blown up on camera pal

Garaad Awal

Former African
I’ll tell you what happens next America grants recognition in exchange for a completely unfair deal straight up extortion. Now ur govt is americas lackey forced to do their bidding probably gonna make u send all ur soldiers to Yemen so they can die horrible deaths. All for a recognition that will be useless because they won’t be a UN member hell they won’t even be an AU member. Unless the Somali govt itself grants them a referendum to decide on whether or not they stay the recognition of one country by itself is useless even if that country is the United states.
Xamar who received 67% of their foreign aid from America/West, whose govt was created by Americans isn’t a Western Lackey. In fact the Blie Flag Somalians are leading Islamic Civilization back to greatness :dead:


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Xamar who received 67% of their foreign aid from America/West, whose govt was created by Americans isn’t a Western Lackey. In fact the Blie Flag Somalians are leading Islamic Civilization back to greatness :dead:
Bro this nigga is clueless😂 he thinks the US would send SL soldiers to yemen for a ground invasion😂 one A-10 warthog would send abdel malik al houthi and all his belligerents to akhira


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
LG got blown up on camera pal
U see ur so not serious OMG the second money gets mentioned u and ur friend turn quiet as mouse y’all don’t believe a word out of ur mouths ahlie I’m so certain this shit won’t happen I’ll happily put bread down unlike u guys fukk it I’ll put 3-1 odds my 300 to ur 100. Also ur words don’t mean shit to me ik ur not a serious guy jus a net banger from some goofy ass city like Oshawa 😭😭😭
Oh so he descends from the langaabs who lost their tribal war back in Arabia. :mjkkk:
At least I can trace my lineage back to Yemen unlike y’all monkey ass isaaqs tryna say ur folks descend from Iraq ain’t no one believing yo black ass from Baghdad kid 😭😭😭
😂goojacade was an ambush on one guuto and its arsenal. There are close to a hundred guutos in the SL army, we have D30s BM21s and D47s sitting in oog as we speak. Not to mention the heavy artillery we keep in hargeisa under tents in sinai😂 you dont even know the half of it
It's the first W Hartis had in more than a while.

Let them have it,bro.
No more pirate failed state jokes