Soap that returns your Virginity

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
@VixR that's why I advocate for young marriage. It's actually unnatural for men and women to stay single well into their 30s.

Aren't fertility and growth rates increasing though with proper nutrition and lifestyle comprehension?

Like iirc the average dude has his growth plates fusing at around 23 now, and women are increasingly having children in their late 20s and early 30s.

Getting married before 25 sounds like lunacy in this day and age given job competition and increasing wealth gaps.

Especially for dudes who lack a biological clock by and large. I wouldn't advocate early marriages to the snapchat generation sxb.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wait you said well into 30s. I guess a young marriage is correlated to that to mean mid 20s? Then we're in agreement.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Aren't fertility and growth rates increasing though with proper nutrition and lifestyle comprehension?

Like iirc the average dude has his growth plates fusing at around 23 now, and women are increasingly having children in their late 20s and early 30s.

Getting married before 25 sounds like lunacy in this day and age given job competition and increasing wealth gaps.

Especially for dudes who lack a biological clock by and large. I wouldn't advocate early marriages to the snapchat generation sxb.
I'd rather have my kids in my mid - late 20s, isn't it so that having kids in your later years increases the chances of your kid being born with autism or down's syndrom?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I think that was only correlated to the 35+ crowd and wallahi who's having a kid then. Personally I want a kid when I'm 27ish. My SO will likely be younger than me so it should be fine.
Aren't fertility and growth rates increasing though with proper nutrition and lifestyle comprehension?

Like iirc the average dude has his growth plates fusing at around 23 now, and women are increasingly having children in their late 20s and early 30s.

Getting married before 25 sounds like lunacy in this day and age given job competition and increasing wealth gaps.

Especially for dudes who lack a biological clock by and large. I wouldn't advocate early marriages to the snapchat generation sxb.

Get married young at 23 or 22 but do not have kids early wait for couples years. Marrying young is like having your best friend, lover, soulmate with you. It is beautiful thing.
"We met at university. She joined the same course that I was doing and sat next to me. The first question that popped into my mind was whether she was a new student and she cheekily replied that I must be a journalist for my investigative skills. From then onwards, the banter started, and we became good friends. I’m glad I was the first person to befriend her. She joined our study group of 3. But somehow, every time we come together to study, the others left gradually and in the end, it was us two that remained. We talked and became extremely close, studying together and spending lots of time together. We got married in our first year of our degree course and we both graduated at the same time with our two children by our side. Over here, it is quite the norm that the girl stays at home once married but given that she completed her degree and had the ambition to become a poet, we agreed to contribute both to society based on what we have learned and not be confined to the traditional way. I know our marriage wouldn’t have lasted if we didn’t face our obstacles as a team and made sure that we were each other’s pillars based on the friendship that we cultivated before we got married. Because the minute you allow external intervention to dictate the affairs of your family, you will be doomed. Your life partner is your closest friend, don’t treat them anything below that."


"Waxaanu isku baranay jaamacadda oo isku dufcad ayaanu ahayn. Anaga oo fasalka fadhina ayeey soo gashay sida caadada ah ardaygu markuu ku cusub yahay fasalka. Macalin ayaa wada oo fasalka keena laakiin iyadu kaligeed ayey socotay ardaydii ayey salaantay kadib way isoo garab fadhiisatay waxaan weydiiyey xageed ka timid? Ma ardayad cusub baad tahay, su’aalo caynkaasa ah kadib waxay igu jawaabtay inaad wariye tahay waan ogahay. Sidii ayuu kaftan noo dhex maray. Waxaan nasiib uu helay in aan noqdo qofka ugu horeeyay ee fasalka kala saaxiiba wakhtigaa aan jaamcadda ku jiray. Waxaay soctaba waxaanu noqonay koox 4 qof ka kooban oo wax wada akhrisata wada nusaacaynaa sidoo kale is garab taagan sidii hadba uu mid uga baxayey kooxda waxaay kusoo koobantay labadayada oo kaliya. Wakhti badan oo aan wada qaadanay is fahan na dhex maray waxaanu ku heshiinay in aan is guursano gurina wada dhisano anaga oo ku jirna sanadkii kobaad ee jaamacadda. Anaga oo laba ah ayaan iskugu soo galnay jaamcadda laakiin waxaanu ka qalin-jabinay anaga oo 4 ah oo wakhtigii qalin-jabinta waxaan dhamaysanay anagoo oo laba caruura isku leh. Sida inta badan dhacda dhaqan ahaan Soomaalidu, gabadhu markay jaamacadda dhamayso,reer yeelato, waxaa lagu yidhaahda gurigaaga fadhi, bes noloshaadu waa intaas, reerkaga hayso. Anagu waxaanu ku heshiinay, maadaame ay wax baratay oo hiigsaneysa inay noqoto hal buur, waxaan ku dhiiri galiyey inay bulshadda Soomaaliyeed uga faaidayso cilmiga ay baratay. Runtii, guurkayaga wuu dumi lahaa hadaanaan is garab joogsan caqbadaha kamaanaan gudubneen oo saaxiibtinimadii iyo walaalnimadii aanu isku baranay. Hadii guurkaaga dadkale so faragaliyaan, oo wixii arimaha qoyskaaga la wadaagtid dad kale, guurkaagu halis buu galaya. Lammaanahaaga waa qofka kali ah ee kugu dhow, weliga si kale ha ula dhaqmin."



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm turning 23 in two weeks. f*ck that shit. Do you guys know the statistics of these before 25 marriages? Like more than half of them break before they're 30.

Again we're not like our parents who had a life expectancy of maybe 65. Making a life altering decision just 4 years into adulthood is honestly a mentality I see championed by less sophisticated and broken societies. It's just not practical.


Queen of the light
Marriage sucks a useless contract be free and enjoy life who needs a woman and a man when you can have ten cats and freedom no nagging no smells no crying nothing just purring and constant cuddles
Wait you said well into 30s. I guess a young marriage is correlated to that to mean mid 20s? Then we're in agreement.


Aren't fertility and growth rates increasing though with proper nutrition and lifestyle comprehension?

Like iirc the average dude has his growth plates fusing at around 23 now, and women are increasingly having children in their late 20s and early 30s.

Getting married before 25 sounds like lunacy in this day and age given job competition and increasing wealth gaps.

Especially for dudes who lack a biological clock by and large. I wouldn't advocate early marriages to the snapchat generation sxb.

People will find all sorts of excuses to delay marriage. Marriage isn't a walk in the park but requires some effort and commitment just like with everything else in life.

Yes, women are conceiving in their late 20s and 30s but it becomes more dificult with age. Not just getting pregant but carrying a baby full-term. A lot of these "career women" end up regretting not starting a family early.

I advocate it for guys too because it's harder for them to remain chaste and it will make them mature quicker giving them a sense of responsibility and gives them a focus.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm turning 23 in two weeks. f*ck that shit. Do you guys know the statistics of these before 25 marriages? Like more than half of them break before they're 30.

Again we're not like our parents who had a life expectancy of maybe 65. Making a life altering decision just 4 years into adulthood is honestly a mentality I see championed by less sophisticated and broken societies. It's just not practical.
That's has do with the fact that people are more adolescent psychologywise(25 is the new 18) in western society nowadays and are therefore not as ready for the realities of marriage, that combined with the zina makes it possible for people to wait with marriage.

If you're not willing to commit zina it's very difficult to control ones urges as we're humans after all, that and the fact that marriage is half our deen.

People will find all sorts of excuses to delay marriage. Marriage isn't a walk in the park but requires some effort and commitment just like with everything else in life.

Yes, women are conceiving in their late 20s and 30s but it comes more dificult with age. Not just getting pregant but carrying a baby full-term. A lot of these "career women" end up regretting not starting a family early.

I advocate for guys too because it's harder for them to remain chaste and it will make them mature quicker giving them a sense of responsibility and staying away and gives them a focus.

That's actually a myth. I agree with the rest though.

18-25 for women and 25-30 for men is ideal.
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