Somali-Americans, explain this

Internet Nomad

It doesn’t even make sense.


Paid sellouts, no dignity. GOP probably looked at all muslim/somali names who have registered as republicans and contacted them.
Democrat sell and support Israel the same way as republicans. The Democrat states have forced parents to teach their kids about transgender.


Democrat sell and support Israel the same way as republicans. The Democrat states have forced parents to teach their kids about transgender.
@El Nino you liberal lover can give me million qashin. Where if your democratic president Biden on stopping this gaza war? Democrat=republican love and support Israel.
There's a photo of Farmajo at a local Republican BBQ floating around somewhere.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Democrat sell and support Israel the same way as republicans. The Democrat states have forced parents to teach their kids about transgender.
Caqli lex saac aad tahay, what makes you think anyone here supports democrats? Or are americans? Think you fucking dumb negro.

You damn child, stop this Trump supporter gimmick. Qof ku caayey aad rabtaa inaad taagertid. Damn coon.
Farmajo is a big phony. I remember when he renounced his American citizenship to show how wadani he was (he picks Somalia over his adopted America) but kept his Canadian one lol
Never knew he was a dual citizen. At least he has a place to stay if politics gets too vicious.

