Somali-Americans, explain this

New pfp dropped
Trump claimed there are “too many Muslims in minnesota” and wants to restore the Muslim ban and you have these idiots right behind him. Low iq twats.

Idiot Facepalm GIF


They are a boogeyman to the Republican/Right-wing base. Trump is the same guy who referred to Somalia as a shithole country. He also said that Somalis in Minnesota are a disaster to America. This rhetoric leaves absolutely no room for Somali Americans to be Trump supporters or Republicans.


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What the hell is this? :farmajoyaab:
It doesn’t even make sense.
Paid sellouts, no dignity. GOP probably looked at all muslim/somali names who have registered as republicans and contacted them.
It does when you think about it, first of all non of you guys live in america. 75% of somalis living in america are voting for trump. We are sick of democrats with their degenerate policies, but you mustve forgotten that somalis are new to country and are particularly affected by the economy. When we have biden for the past 4 years, yes he was not racist. Yes he was more vocal about supposedly supporting muslims. But thats all on tongue but not in action. Look, he dosent care about us just see what hes doing in Palestine. I understand that trump will support israel aswell but that leads me to my next point. If both of these candidates are racist with different approaches. Then why is trump better? you say to yourself, at least biden stays quiet about it. But no look at the economy, under biden the us dollar has become worthless. The mcChicken sandwich has gone from 1 dollar, to 4.49 dollars. in 4 years under biden. Now I know its extremely unprofessional to use mcdonalds as an inflation measurement. But the CPI and the way its calculated keeps getting weakened and weakened to benefit the bankers and thats a whole nother conversation in of itsself.

But to sum it up, the reason why people, particularly immigrant groups who previously were always blue are now choosing trump over democrats is because of economic and degeneracy reasons. Wallahi thats it, I actually live here and interact with many voting age somalis. And they all want trump, their sick and tired of the economy and degenerate acts. and I am too, Im also angry at all you climate taxed fools in europe, absolute pocket watching bums who do nothing but parrot liberalism, which im not totally against but my god is it terrible for the economy. at least with trump theyll have to change up the game in order to uphold the illuision of 'choice'


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American poltics is very superficial. They think biden’s doing a bad job on palestine so by voting trump things will be better lmao
No no no everyone knos both sides are israel, only superficial people are people outside of america telling people to vote for kamala. Look here we looking at our livihoods not our opinions. Trump cant do much other than talk, Theres a reason why 75+% somalis are voting for trump


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he still needs to appeal to the votes dummy, were talking about this is the largest gathering of rednecks and farmers all across minnesota just gotta parrot the media to get the vote. Look at the bigger picture its always about how he insulted us once. Id rather have a guy whos honest then a person who lies to please then is becomes worse then the honest guy. You guys dont know how bad the economy here. Everyones wishing for the economy like how it was under trump, Everyone. Its Terrible! Of course you europeans on 120% welfare 60% of your income going to straight tax wouldnt understand the hardships we face here. the working and business people.

Internet Nomad

he still needs to appeal to the votes dummy, were talking about this is the largest gathering of rednecks and farmers all across minnesota just gotta parrot the media to get the vote. Look at the bigger picture its always about how he insulted us once. Id rather have a guy whos honest then a person who lies to please then is becomes worse then the honest guy. You guys dont know how bad the economy here. Everyones wishing for the economy like how it was under trump, Everyone. Its Terrible! Of course you europeans on 120% welfare 60% of your income going to straight tax wouldnt understand the hardships we face here. the working and business people.

What the hell is this? :farmajoyaab:
Turkeys voting for Christmas

I’m interested though, why do they support him? Trump himself said the Muslim ban was returning and even more strict than before on the first day back in office. And he hasn’t exactly hidden his dislike of Somalis.

