Somali-Americans, explain this

If Trump does end up winning this election, and he does go through with the deportation. The laugh that I will laugh.
I hope he does simply because it will be hilarious. Seriously you can find useful idiots like these all throughout history.

People who are so gullible and foolish that you can convince them to act against their best interest.


The only true Yankee here
trump hugging flag GIF by Saturday Night Live
These guys are so dumb. Somalis represent almost everything Trump supporters despise: black, refugee, coming from the third world and Muslim. Sure some of them will pretend to be fine with Somalis, but it would be more accurate to say that they barely tolerate Somalis at best.

They don’t bother trying to appeal to Somalis and other minorities because they don’t need to. We’re irrelevant to them, compared to other communities. Even among other minority groups, Somalis are a very small demographic. if they don’t even care about reaching out to Asian Americans, who number in the millions, what makes you think they care about Somali communities?

Even though some racists like to pretend Somalis have “taken over Minnesota”, Somalis in Minnesota alone is barely 1% of the total population.
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Turkeys voting for Christmas

I’m interested though, why do they support him? Trump himself said the Muslim ban was returning and even more strict than before on the first day back in office. And he hasn’t exactly hidden his dislike of Somalis.
Islamic shariah doesn’t encourage migration to gaalo countries, so I don’t know why people are surprised when westerners want to curb mass replacement in their societies. Yes, I know they are hypocrites as their nations and armies often cause mass movements of people.

As for Somalia, If more young and educated men stay in Somalia rather than tahriib they could form a middle class to create a new political class to challenge the obsolete elders. If the few guys could create a the SYl in a colonial framework and make a movement spanning support from Djibouti to Kenya there is no reason why a similar phenomena can’t be recreated. A reduction in Somalis leaving Somalia for places like the USA and in remittances being sent will do wonders for Somalia. Both of these things will now happen naturally. It will force them to love and fight for their country. Right now, almost every able bodied young man in Somalia desires to leave and is lazily reliant on remittances.
You would be surprised to know how many Somalis and Muslims in general support conservatives

Their reasoning is usually because conservatives/republicans are less accommodating to the lgbt

Never mind the fact that republicans want to deport all of them back to the tuulo they came from 💀


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