Somali astrological, Scientific and Mathematical terms + their 1987 dictionaries

How do you say the Trig ratios in Somali? I’m guessing it’s just the Arabic ones (Jaya, jaybtmm, zil)
This is considered to be one of the big achievements of the Kacaanka. The use of the native language at all levels and in all contexts was possible since Somali acquired a very large number of technical and scientific terms to be able to express new concepts unfamiliar to the Somali culture.

I read a paper by a Somali linguist in explaining how this was made possible. They adopted a system of neologism − contrary to what
Western languages usually do by using Greek and Latin − restoring many archaic Somali terms in disuse.

Those terms, closely related to traditional culture, were given new meanings in some way related to the original one; the result was the creation of a new terminology that was accessible to the majority of the Somali people, at the time still without a high degree of education. In this way the Somali vocabulary was enriched and it became possible to produce immediately many textbooks for all schools from primary to high schools.



عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
I know there was kacaan high school texts that used these but has there been any actual use for this today?
Space = Fagaagga
Space and Time = Fagaagga iyo Semen
Solar System = Iskujoogga qorraxda
The Solar System = Isku-joog qorraxeed
Galaxies = Diillimo-caanoodyo

Planets = Meerayaasha
Planet = Meere
Planet = Malluug

The Sun = Qorraxda
Moon = Dayax
Mercury = Dusaa
Venus = Waxaraxirta(Sugra) ama Bakool
Earth = Dhulka
Mars = Farraare
Jupiter = Cirjeex
Saturn = Raage
Uranus = Uraano
Neptune = Docay

Saturn rings = Garaangaraha Raage ama Saxal
Dwarf planet = meere-cillin ah
Nebulae = Ciiryamada xiddigaha
Crab Nebula = Ciiryaamada
Super Nova = Xiddig dhimanaaya

Asteroids = Dhadhaabyo
Comets = Dibdheeryo
Meteorider = Burburka jibinta ama xiddigaha ridma
Meteor = Jibin
Meteorites = cir-kasoo-dhac ama shiidmadoobe

Light Year = If-sanadeed
Black holes = Dalool-madowbaha
Open Universe = Koonka Furan
Closed Universe = Koonka Xiran
Expanding Universe = isbaahidda Koonka
Light = ifka
Speed of Light = Xawliga ifka
Cosmos = Koonka
Color Spectrum = shucaaca ilayska-ifka

Lunar Eclipse = Dayax-madoobaad
Solar Eclipse = Qorrax-madoobaad
Calendar = Shintiris-sanadeedka
Leap Year = Sanad shindhalad ah

Astronomy = Xiddiga'aqoonta
Astronomers = ogaalyahannada xiddigo-aqoonta
Satellite = Dayaxgacmeed
Navigation Satellites = Hagidda dayaxgacmeedyada
Space Exploration = Sahminta fagaagga sare adduunka
Earth-based observatories = Rugaha kuurgalka fagaagga dhulkaku Saldhigan
Research Centres = Rugo cilmibaaris
Spacecraft = Gaadiidka Cir-maaxidda
Spaceships = Maraakiibta cir-maaxidda
Robot Vehicle = Alaadaha dadoobisan
Telescope = Doorbin
Mirror = Biladdaye
Lenses = Quraarada cadaska
Zoom = Waxweyneynta
Observatories = Rugo-kuurgal

Spherical = Ugxan
Rotation = meerwareeg
Rotate = udub-wareeg
North Pole = Qudbiga waqooyi
South Pole = Qudbiga konfur
Northern Lights = Wirwirka Qudbiga woqoyi
Southern Lights = Wirwirka Qudbiga koofureede
Equator = dhulbaraha

Core = Bu'
Inner core = Bu’da gudo-xigeenka
Sulfuric Acid = aashitada kibriidka
Greenhouse effect = kulaylkaydinta

Astronomical unit = Halbeegga xiddigaha
Diameter = Dhexroorka
Formula = Hab-xisaabeed

Particles = bitaanbitooyin
Anti-Particles = lidka-bitaanbitooyinka
Particles = iniino
Nuclear reaction = iskushubmidda bu'aha
Magnetic Field = Birlabta
Charge electricity = Cabbeynta Shixnadaha Jacda

Gravitational Forces = cuf-isjiidashada ama xoogga-jiiddada
Gravity = Cuf-jiiddada
Circuit: Mareegta
Current= Qulqulka
Forces = Xoogag
Earth's gravity = Xoogga-jiiddada dhulka

Inertia Law = Xogta qaynuunka nuuxsi wax-negaadsan
Acceleration = Xowli
Response Act = Qaynuunka falka iyo falcelinta
Theory of Relativity = Fikriga isudhiganka
Quantum Theory = Fikriga imisada ama meeqada
Mass = Jir
Energy = Tabarta
Relative = Hadba Rogmada
Electromagnetic wavelengths = Dhererka hirarka ku danabeysan birlabta

Pyramids = Taallo-tiirriyaadyo
Zodiac = Cutubka Meecaad
Constellations = Cutubyada xiddigaha

Aries = laxo
Scorpion =daba-alleele ama dib-qallooc
Cancer = naaf
Gemeni = mataanaha
Virgo = afaggaal
Sagittarius = dameerajoogeen
Pleiades =Urur
Leo = Libaax

Capacitor = Madhxiye
Resistor = Caabiye
Diode = Laba Qotinle
Transformer = Dooriye

Socod Karaarsan = Accelerated Motion

Amin = Time

Barobax = Displacement

Fogaan = Distance

Karaar = Acceleration

Keynaan = Velocity

Xawaare = Speed

Celcelis = Average

Socod Winiin = Circular Motion

Barobax –xagleed = Angular Displacement

Gacan = Radius

Karaar –xagleed = Angular Acceleration

Keynaan –xagleed = Angular Velocity

Xoog = Force

Culeys = Weight

Xoog –cuf –isjiidad = Gravitational Force

Xoog –dilaac = Shear Force

Xoog –giigsan = Tensile Force (tension)

Xoog –islis = Frictional Force

Xoog –ligan = Normal Force

Xoog –taab = Tangential Force

Xoog –urrur = Compressive Force (compression)

Xoog –xudumeed = Centripetal Force

Weheliyaha isliska = Coefficient of Friction

Daafad = Momentum!!!

Daafad –xagleed = Angular Momentum

Gujo = Impulse

Gujo –xagleed = Angular impulse

Kalka = Period

Maroojin = Moment

Maroojinta Wahsiga = Moment of inertia (Angular mass)

Walhade = Pendulum

Tamar = Energy!!!!!!

Hawl = Work

Awood = Power

Tamar-keyd = Potential Energy

Tamar-socod = Kinetic Energy

Speed = Xawaare
Velocity = Kaynaan
Acceleration = Karaar (I think this is more appropriate than xowli and this is how i remember it from Fiisigiska)
Deceleration = Karaar-jab

Average Velocity: Kaynaan Celcelis
Momentum: Daabadayn
Diffusion: Saydhin
Capacitor: Madhxinta
Capacitance Capacitor: Madhxinta madhxiye
Radio Activity: Kaah
Infrared: Casaan Dhiimeed
Decay: Qudhmis
Decay series: Qudhmis isdaba Joog
Resistance: Iska caabin
Concave Mirror: Bikaaco Golxeed
Convex Mirror: Bikaaco Tuureed
Virtual Image: Humaag Beeneed
Real Image: Humaag runeed
Displace Ment: Baro bixin
Noble gases: Hawooyinka Wahsada
Vector: Leeb

Hir = Wave!!!!!!!!!

Daryan = Echo

Itaal = Intensity

Tooxda maqalka = Range of audibility

Danan = Pitch

Isku duba-dhac = Resonance

Ileys = Light !!!!!!

Noqod = Reflection

Daahfurran/gudbiye = Transparent

Falaar abaareed = Incident ray

Golxo = Concave

Tuur = Convex

Xagasha qiirqiirka = Critical angle

Xisaab MATHS!

Soomaali = English

Tiro = Number

Tiro tirsiimo = Natural number

Tiro idil = Whole number

Abyoone = Integer

Jajab/Tiro lakab = Rational number

Mutaxan = Prime

Farac = Composite

Tiro maangal ah = Real number

Tiro maangad ah = Imaginary number

Tiro kakan = Complex number

Wadar = Sum

Faraq = difference

Taran = Product

Qeyb = Quotient

Urur = Set

Hormo-urur = Subset

Hormo-urur quman = Proper subset

Dhextaal = Intersection

Isutag = Union

Duleedin = Complement

Aljebro = Aljebra

Doorsoome = Variable

Tibix = Term

Hawraar = Expression

Tibxaale = Polynomial

Heer = Degree

Hawraar lakab = Rational expression

Isirayn = Factorization

Isir = Factor

Isle’eg = Equation

Isle’eg toosan = Linear equation

Isle’eg wadajira = Simultaneous equation

Sunsun = Sequence

Dareerimo = Series

Faansaar = Function

Wanqar = Symmetry

Tikraar = Intercept

Made = Asymptote

Tiirada = Slope

Weydaar = Inverse

Qiime sugan = Absolute value

Xididshe = Radical

Saabley = Quadratic equation

Joomitiri Geomtry

Bar = Point

Xariiq = Line

Xagal = Angle

Fool = Bearing

Barbaro = Parallel

Qoton = Perpendicular

Sallax = Plane

Goobo = Circle

Gacan = Radius

Dhexroor/Dhexfur = Diameter

Qaanso = Arc

Fatuuq = Sector

Labojibaarane = Square

Dhinac = Side

Laydi = Rectangle

Dherer = Length

Balac = Width

Saddex-xagal = Triangle

Sal = base

Joog = Height

Gundho = Centroid

Barbaroole = Parallelogram

Koor = Trapezoid

Qardhaas = Rhombus

Gunbur = Pyramid

Toobin = Cone

Dhululubo = Cylinder

Gabal Toobineed = Conic section

Goobo = Circle

Saab = Parabola

Gees = Vertex

Jeedshe = Directrix

Kulmis = Focus

Qabaal = Ellipse

Kulmisyo = Foci

Dhidib weyne = Major axis

Dhidib yare = Minor axis

Labosaab = Hyperbola

Dhidib-wadaaje = Transverse axis

Dhidib-xisti = Conjugate axis

Taxaneyaal = Matrices

Taxane = Matrix

Jiiftax = Row

Joogtax = Colunm

Suge = Determinant

Leeb = Vector

Itimaal = Probability

Abnaqan = Factorial

Raaboqaad = Permutation

Racayn = Combination

Waqdhac = Event

Xigidda = Differentiation

Xad = Limit

Xigsin = Derivative

Lid-xigsin = antiderivative

Abyan = Integration

Abyane huban = Definite integral

@Prince of Hobyo @Prince Abubu @Prince of Lasanod @Boqor Geeljire252 @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Bahal @Amun @Canuck @Rooble @Adheer Warsame @666 @RedStar @XawoTako @RedStar @DiricLover @Dire Dewa's son @Merca @merka @Hemaal @Adolf-Hitler @kaneki @ethan bradberry @Kaleel @AbdiJohnson @Tramo @Knowthyself @LarryThePuntite @Adolf-Hitler @Madara x @MadNomad @Zuleikha @TheMadMullah @Armadillo @Assata Shakur @DuctTape @Netero @Steamdevolopment @XamarCade

