Somali Atheists Need To Be Decimated

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The guy who did this is from Uk.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Who gives a shit? You're offended by this, you triggered snowflake? Learn to take disrespect and offense.
Astagfirullah. These are the typa niggas u know are gonna be booty bandits for fircown in jahanam.

Kkkkkk lowkey tho I did some haram shit like this once SMH. I was in qardho and grabbed a gram with my friend and there was no rolling papers so we had to roll a spliff using bible paper from a bible we found. Why the f*ck are there even bibles in somalia tho



I don't support this. But I don't think it's a killing offense either, talk less group decimation :whoa:
i mean...thats actually a smart idea. :siilaanyolaugh: but who rolls joints in the mosque? doesn't he know "peaceful" muslims would have him killed?

wait was this on somali features?
Who gives a shit? You're offended by this, you triggered snowflake? Learn to take disrespect and offense.

Listen you twat you're clearly the one that's triggered from my Title.
I know your type you've never stepped out of your safe space.
You're a dayuuth who said earlier on today on a different thread you'd legitimize prostitution in Somalia.
Lead by example.
I say go & off the women in your family.
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It was obviously meant to provoke and OP you are giving him the exact reaction which he wanted. If you believe in the afterlife let God be the decider of this mans fate.
Listen you twat you're clearly the one that's triggered from my Title.
I know your type you've never stepped out of your safe space.
You're a dayuuth who said earlier on today on a different thread you'd legitimize prostitution in Somalia.
Lead by example.
I say go & off the women in your family.
lol you want atheists put to death becouse of fairytale book being torn and your not triggered?

How do you know he's an atheist or even Somali?

He could be a Christian or Hindu or Sikh or Jew. He could even be Muslim himself. Muslims do worst sins than rip up a kitaab.
I dont care whether he's an atheist or not. There are principles that need to be respected, you can't just go around offending everyone and not expect a reaction.
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