Somali Atheists Need To Be Decimated

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Who gives a shit? You're offended by this, you triggered snowflake? Learn to take disrespect and offense.
Learn to disrespect? So why do you think cadaans cry when Muslims burn their flags which, to them, isn't even that sacred? Do you think it would be OK for me to approach you and disrespect you and then ask you not be triggered? You are sounding more and more like a xawayaan these days.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Learn to disrespect? So why do you think cadaans cry when Muslims burn their flags which, to them, isn't even that sacred? Do you think it would be OK for me to approach you and disrespect you and then ask you not be triggered? You are sounding more and more like a xawayaan these days.

Those cadaans are also fucking retarded xoolo. They get triggered over a fucking flag or national anthem. Bunch of colossal morons.

It's funny none of you care that his title was to decimate Atheists. There's nothing I'd kill people over but half of you became violent regarding Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo.

Kill Atheists? Cool mate
Book ripped apart? OMGDZ HOW DARE U?
People have the right to criticize other people's ideologies. People here make fun of Christianity and Judaism, but get uptight when people do that to your religion?
Those cadaans are also fucking retarded xoolo. They get triggered over a fucking flag or national anthem. Bunch of colossal morons.

It's funny none of you care that his title was to decimate Atheists. There's nothing I'd kill people over but half of you became violent regarding Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo.

Kill Atheists? Cool mate
Book ripped apart? OMGDZ HOW DARE U?
I dont support killing atheists but you can't blame me for not standing up for you lot when in this thread you and your comrades are either supportig this oe even cracking jokes? Listen sxb, I don't support whatever this lunatic wrote but I will not defend you if you all act like bunch of animals. Just so you know, that books is worth more than life itself to us, and you know this because you are a from a Muslim family, so why would you tell us to be disrespected and be OK with it? It is not just a book, keep that in your xoolo mind.
The guy said Somali Atheists Need To Be Decimated. But you're okay with that.

So what if the cartoons crossed the line? I'll tell you what's worse than depicting the prophet as a rapist in a magazine..Murdering people. And if you disagree then not only is your logic backward but your moral compass is also a disgrace.

No, I'm not okay with that but people can have their opinions, do you think people don't say the same about Muslims??

Reason would tell me that murder is worse, but I'm not a reasonable person.


The former is worse in my eyes but I also don't agree with the actions of a terrorist organization that kill Muslims for sport. Just to reiterate, I don't agree with either actions. You've also neglected to point out who the victims of the murder where, had you said an innocent person, no doubt it would be the other way around...

But Charlie Hebdo staff...Personally, I couldn't give a shit if that entire building burned to the ground this time tomorrow. Why should I show sympathy to people that are against my entirety? None of my damn business if ISIS bombs them, the only thing I'm going to be worried about is the backlash and the scapegoating of peaceful Muslims.

I'm sure other people think this way too. It's apparent that a celebrity scandal is more important than the massacres of people in non-white countries, things are only shocking when it's Europe or America and the same thing can be said about me. Went off on a tangent but u get the gist
Is it just me or is there more somali atheists than in other minority communities...
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How is anything near a crime?

I didn't say it was a hate crime, I said it's closer to hate crime than it is to constructive criticism

"a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence."
"the analysis and judgement of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work"


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Is it just me or is there more somali atheists in the minority community...

More than other minority communities?

I don't know, although the number is surprising to me at least here.
More than other minority communities?

I don't know, although the number is surprising to me at least here.
I bet half of the atheists here are just not religious muslims irl. They flip between belief and disbelief like day and night.
The religion of " peace" always baffles me. Whenever they take some sort of hit, someone needs to die. Why do u guys get mad when people point put the flaws in you're ideology? If i draw mohammed u gonna die, but Jesus is whatever... The hypocrisy. Is actually baffling how Somali Muslims have not executed Ayan hirsii, granted I'm not a fan of her, but she must be a wizard.
The religion of " peace" always baffles me. Whenever they take some sort of hit, someone needs to die. Why do u guys get mad when people point put the flaws in you're ideology? If i draw mohammed u gonna die, but Jesus is whatever... The hypocrisy. Is actually baffling how Somali Muslims have not executed Ayan hirsii, granted I'm not a fan of her, but she must be a wizard.
First of all, we do condemn the drawings of jesus or any other prophet for that matter.
Second, we are not against questioning or challenging our ideology here, but what we have issues with is people who want to use the quran as a toilet paper and then call us intolerants when we, and rightly so, make a fuss. It is disrespectful and very unintelligent and completely meaningless when one person resorts to using scriptures(any scriptures) as toilet papers knowing that those scriptures are scared to billions of people. Why can't you folks believe whatever you want and leave us to our beliefs and call it a day?

Let me and the rest of your camp ask you this, why do you feel the need to "offend us"?


Not your typical Farah
Their mission was probably to get a reaction and it appears they got it.

And a Farah threatening someone over something dumb as this is not surprising.


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It's very stupid to burn a book. I would only burn a book if it is in a different language because it is not much use to me.
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