Somali Atheists Need To Be Decimated

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B-but not all atheists are like that! Atheism means peace bro. Please don't generalize us for the actions of few of our members. # fight against atheophobia


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
We need proof he's Somali. Any gal who does this must die. I will be peaceful with you and accept you as long as you don't disrespect my deen.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Yes its abhorrent but why should someone die because of it?

As @McLovin said the guy is trying to provoke and you're letting do exactly that. Just let Allah deal with him.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
You're a bit of an idiot, to expect somebody not to get ticked off at being disrespected is stupid above all.

You can be upset but guaranteed many would go OTT.

Look how violent people became after the Danish cartoons and after Charlie Hebdo. Fucking drawings and cartoons ffs.

Are you offended? Stay offended.
You can be upset but guaranteed many would go OTT.

Look how violent people became after the Danish cartoons and after Charlie Hebdo. Fucking drawings and cartoons ffs.

Are you offended? Stay offended.

So if people can be upset, what was the point of your comment?
Those cartoons crossed a line...They still do, i suppose depicting a dead child as a rapist isn't anything to be outraged about in your book.
Sure some Muslims do overreact but with good reason.

I'll admit I was disgusted at the burned Quran pages but the only thing I'm offended by is your lack of logic in your comments.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
So if people can be upset, what was the point of your comment?
Those cartoons crossed a line...They still do, i suppose depicting a dead child as a rapist isn't anything to be outraged about in your book.
Sure some Muslims do overreact but with good reason.

I'll admit I was disgusted at the burned Quran pages but the only thing I'm offended by is your lack of logic in your comments.

The guy said Somali Atheists Need To Be Decimated. But you're okay with that.

So what if the cartoons crossed the line? I'll tell you what's worse than depicting the prophet as a rapist in a magazine..Murdering people. And if you disagree then not only is your logic backward but your moral compass is also a disgrace.


Accomplished Saaxir

Why do you support the disrespect of other people's religions? I would never do that to other people's holy books.

Personally I wouldn't do something like that, not out of respect for religious faith but because I find it rather crude.

You on the other support something far worse; the murder of a human being for tearing up a book.
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