Somali-Bantu ethnicity tag

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Nugaal will be a reservation for ethnic Somalis. The rest of the country will be under the Federal Bantu Administration.

We'll have casinos in remote Somali tuulo where the Bantu come to visit us and observe that strange minority group called Somalis. :siilaanyolaugh:
the Jubbaland s will win the National Bantu Association championship :siilaanyolaugh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
How can any of you fucking hypocrites claim to be Muslim? Your black asses trying to be racist to another African being is not only un-islamic, but outright disgusting and embarrassing.

when kalshaale is speaking reason :damn:


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
That's false, the Bantu population clearly predates the 19th century. Let's cut that Somali revisionist nonsense. The Bantu population aren't all from one specific place nor do they share a specific history. Some Bantus arrived during the great Bantu migration. Some arrived as slaves. One things for sure, the Bantu population predates the 19th century.

Bantu's in Somalia are people left over from the slave trade. What you are doing is actually historical revisionism as non actually lived anywhere in Somalia prior to the slave trade. You are right Bantu population are diverse people from various regions like Tanzania,Malawi and Mozambique, but however 99% of them are from the slave trade.

Theres no recorded history of extensive Bantu population in Somalia prior to the slave trade and the migration didn't reach the Somali coast at all. Those whom you see today were captured and sold into Arab slave traders by other Bantu's.

Also, it's a false notion to claim that the demonym 'Somali' is an ethnic identity. It's also a nationality. I mean, that should be self evident considering that there's a state called Somalia and its citizens are known as Somalis. Bantus therefore will be known by their nationali Somali, and their ethnic identity Bantu. Somali Bantu.

Its a false notion to claim ''Somali Bantu'' is demonym in the first place, unless you can find a single source that claims so. Every source refer to it as a Ethnonym which is a word not used to signify residents but Ethnic name. Thats what Ethnonym means ethnic name nor residential or national name.

Further more theres even a book on it that actually explains the implications of this name, and how it came about.

''Most international observers outside of a very small group of Somali intellectuals and aid agencies would be surprised to learn that the notion of ''Somali Bantu'' did not exist prior to 1991.They would be more surprised that the ethnic category of Somali Bantu was an inadvertent creation of the International Community-specifically aid agencies and the media. For social scientists who subscribe to construct theories of ethnic identity, the case of the Somali Bantu is attractive gist for their mill.''

Bantu ethnic identities in Somalia


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
You guys should stop conflating Ethonym with Demonym. One means ''Ethnic Identity'' (Ethnonym) and the other means ''Residential'' name (Denonym).

Demonym vs Ethnonym - What's the difference?


  • A name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place that is derived from the name of the place.
Why is it that people from the United States use American as ''their'' demonym ?
  • (obsolete) A pseudonym formed of an adjective.
The Logophile has my favourite demonym , I would write under it if he didn't.



  • The name of an ethnic group.

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Viva the children of Sheekh Bantu.

Sheekh Bantu ama magaciisa rasmiga sidoo loo yaqaano Sheekh Zulu Aw Zanzibar wuxu aha sheekh diinta faafinteeda bariga africa u yimi sidaasaanu ku soo galay geyiga Soomalida wuxuu guursaday gabadh soomali ah oo Reer Xamar ah



Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Somali is a ethnic identiy and not a nationality they will never be native ethnic Somalis but rather Bantus

What's funny people forget that Somalia is named after us and not vice versa. There is actually no problem with this ,since we can just construct a a slightly different demonym to differentiate between ''nationality'' and ethnicity.
False your notion that Bantus have lived in our region for 'centuries' is incorrect.

From 1800 to 1890, between 25,000–50,000 black African slaves are thought to have been sold from the slave market of Zanzibar to the Somali coast. They were part of the Arab slave trade from the 18thc century no records show they were within our borders before this time.

The Bantus came to our region along these time lines and not before as you. Claimed!
What's funny people forget that Somalia is named after us and not vice versa. There is actually no problem with this ,since we can just construct a a slightly different demonym to differentiate between ''nationality'' and ethnicity.
I totally agree, but the correct system works just fine they are somali Bantus by nationality and aren't ethnically somali that was the point I was trying to make.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
How can any of you fucking hypocrites claim to be Muslim? Your black asses trying to be racist to another African being is not only un-islamic, but outright disgusting and embarrassing.

Jarir used to narrate from the Prophet [SAW]:
"If a slave runs away, no Salah will be accepted from him, and if he dies he will die a disbeliever." A slave of Jarir's ran away, and he caught him and struck his neck (killing him).

These bantus formed a community based on runaway slaves. They dont have a right in our lands and I hope they are expelled and marginalized even more. They practice sixir as well and still have remnants of their pagan religions.
17 pages of whining and crying about a group of people that govern you and attempt to bring you some stability and peace.

ans, you want to be racist against beesha? Get your house in order first and establish some independent government that doesn't need another people to prop it up. Until then...Somali Lives Matter and the reverse racism of the ans will not be tolerated. :pachah1:

Jarir used to narrate from the Prophet [SAW]:
"If a slave runs away, no Salah will be accepted from him, and if he dies he will die a disbeliever." A slave of Jarir's ran away, and he caught him and struck his neck (killing him).

These bantus formed a community based on runaway slaves. They dont have a right in our lands and I hope they are expelled and marginalized even more. They practice sixir as well and still have remnants of their pagan religions.
So your entire justification for marginalising an entire community is from someone who lived 14 centuries ago? Stay classy!
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