Somali-Bantu ethnicity tag

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
There is this "Somali Bantu" community that live in San Diego.
They don't even mix with us there.
They roll with the madows and talk smack abt ethnic Somalis and you put them in their place they start saying we're racist.

They don't even pray at the same Mosque as Somalis, even tho reer benadiri does. Many of them distance themselves heavily from us.

Its almost like we are worlds apart walahi.

Maybe because we have been always racist towards them? I know I don't like to mix with people who don't like me.

In San Diego we don't mix with AAs, Latinos, or other Muslim ethnic groups. Does that somehow make us racist?

Nice logic going on here , unless we f*ck em , we don't like em. :ayaanswag: Somehow Communities/peoples don't have the right to have preferences .
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In San Diego we don't mix with AAs, Latinos, or other Muslim ethnic groups. Does that somehow make us racist?

Nice logic going on here , unless we f*ck em , we don't like em. :ayaanswag: Somehow Communities/peoples don't have the right to have preferences .
Nothing you have said in this post has anything whatsoever to do what you have quoted me saying.

I don't mean to patronise, but perhaps you would like to read it again/you've quoted the wrong post?


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
@NoName No i very much answered your post in context. No mistakes on my part.

I wasn't racist, I just pointed the facts.
"Somali bantus" are not ethnic Somalis nor should they claim to be. INFIDEL!!

Its not racist to point out that ''Bantus'' are not Somali. It's just a fact, people who think they are being tolerant/empathetic by doing this, when in actuality they are robbing them of their Bantu heritage and identity, furthermore even risk obfuscating Somali identity.

This is isn't simple nationality-ethnicity thing.

Because ''Somali-Bantu'' is the international NGO's and media's attempt to create an ethnicity. So its important to realize they are not named ''Somali-Bantu' for nationality, its an Ethonym. Infact the notion of ''Somali-Bantu'' never existed prior to 1991.

Read about it here ---->

Bantu ex-slaves live in India, Europe, Arabia. Only in Somalia have they been awarded linguistic accommodation not by the Somali people , but by western NGOs who think they have control over the definition of what and who is a Somali. .

Next thing you know ''Chinese-Somali'' , or ''Kikkuyu-Somali'' will be a new ethnicity soon. :susp:
@NoName No i very much answered your post in context. No mistakes on my part.
This is fascinating. I said:
Maybe because we have been always racist towards them? I know I don't like to mix with people who don't like me.
You took it to mean that I'm saying Somalis don't like to mix with other people and that makes them racist (which doesn't make sense in the case of Bantu Somalis, but let's not get to that), and further clarified that I implied unless you f*ck them you don't like them. That's a bizarre failure of basic literary comprehension. I've neither implied nor said anything close to what you took it to mean, and you're still firmly insisting.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
This is fascinating. I said:

You took it to mean that I'm saying Somalis don't like to mix with other people and that makes them racist (which doesn't make sense in the case of Bantu Somalis, but let's not get to that), and further clarified that I implied unless you f*ck them you don't like them. That's a bizarre failure of basic literary comprehension.

There is no other way to interpret what you said. You said we don't mix with bantus because we are A) Racist B) Don't like them.

You responded to the post below:

They don't even mix with us there.

To this you implied implied '''Maybe its because we have always been racist to them'' and then saying ''I don't like mixing with people i dont like''

Which is logically fallacious, forgetting the fact that Bantus are ethnically distinct from Somalis and Somalis being relatively homogeneous in their preferential choices of breeding regardless of race.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
i always thought somali bantu was just a nationality/descriptive term, similar to how some of us are somali-american, or british somali etc...especially to differentiate them from other bantu groups in kenya and other nearby places. and looking into it, that's in fact what it is

The term "Somali Bantu" is an ethnonym that was invented by humanitarian aid-supplying agencies shortly after the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia in 1991. Its purpose was to help the staff of these aid agencies better distinguish between, on the one hand, Bantu minority groups hailing from Somalia and thus in need of immediate humanitarian attention, and on the other hand, other Bantu groups from elsewhere in Africa that did not require immediate humanitarian assistance.

it's just a term, not a new ethnicity :lol:


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
i always thought somali bantu was just a nationality/descriptive term, similar to how some of us are somali-american, or british somali etc...especially to differentiate them from other bantu groups in kenya and other nearby places. and looking into it, that's in fact what it is

it's just a term, not a new ethnicity :lol:

It says ethnonym on what you quoted above.

The term "Somali Bantu" is an ethnonym that was invented by humanitarian aid-supplying agencies shortly after the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia in 1991. Its

Which is another way of saying its an Ethnic name . Its not just a simple term they have whole book about them constructing a new ethnicity with the use of the Somali name.

There are many ethnic groups living in Somali even prior to Bantu's none of them have ''Somali'' attached before their identity. There is no Such thing as Somali-Arab, or Somali-Oromo. No other minority is called Somali.

The purpose of a definition in sociological terms is to discuss groups with historical, social, mental, physiological, linguistic, cultural, similarities.

We have no hope of understanding anything if two polarized groups are collapsed into the same name.
There is no other way to interpret what you said. You said we don't mix with bantus because we are A) Racist B) Don't like them.

You responded to the post below:

To this you implied implied '''Maybe its because we have always been racist to them'' and then saying ''I don't like mixing with people i dont like''

Which is logically fallacious, forgetting the fact that Bantus are ethnically distinct from Somalis and Somalis being relatively homogeneous in their preferential choices of breeding regardless of race.
You're confused. In fact, I'm not convinced you can read. The fact that your second supposed quote from me is not what I said is a proof of that. I suggested maybe they don't like to mix with us because we have always been racist to them, which is a historical fact. I then proceeded to say that I don't like to mix with people who don't like me - not people whom I don't like, as your made up quote says. Go and learn how to read and write before coming on here and misusing phrases like "logically fallacious" as a result of a basic reading comprehension failure.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
To be fair dhabaal... Every country has a nationality term for citizens who were born there and/or received citizenship later. What would you call those people who are not ethnically somali (assuming this is in a developed Somalia)


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
An ethnonym (from the Greek: ἔθνος, éthnos, "nation" and ὄνομα, ónoma, "name") is the name applied to a given ethnic group.

bantus living in somalia are an ethnic group no? 99% of ppl on this planet would read/hear somali bantu and think "bantus from somalia"...and that's how it was created to be used. ur reading way too deep into it sxb


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
You're confused. In fact, I'm not convinced you can read. The fact that your second supposed quote from is not what I said is a proof of that. I suggested maybe they don't like to mix with us because we have always been racist to them, which is a historical fact. I then proceeded to say that I don't like to mix with people who don't like me - not people whom I don't like. Yes, you read that right, whom would be the correct word to use in your made up quote, not who. Go and learn how to read and write before coming on here and misusing phrases like "logically fallacious" as a result of a reading comprehension failure.

No need to get hostile. Its your own fault for not specifying it, whether you were referring ''Bantus' or ''Somalis'' is left up to interpretation/

I thought you were referring to ''Somalis'', which didn't make sense hence the term ''Logically-fallacious''


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
bantus living in somalia are an ethnic group no? 99% of ppl on this planet would read/hear somali bantu and think "bantus from somalia"...and that's how it was created to be used. ur reading way too deep into it sxb

Yeah simply ''Bantu'' could be an ethnic group, attaching the Somali ethnic name along with it make it a whole another story.

''Somali-Bantu'' is misleading and it gives the perception there is another variant to being Somali.


Pepe Trump
Yeah simply ''Bantu'' could be an ethnic group, attaching the Somali ethnic name along with it make it a whole another story.

''Somali-Bantu'' is misleading and it gives the perception there is another variant to being Somali.

Listen mate, people have made it abundantly clear what the term 'Somali Bantu' actually implies. They're Somali citizens of Bantu background. That's very very simple.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Yeah simply ''Bantu'' could be an ethnic group, attaching the Somali ethnic name along with it make it a whole another story.

''Somali-Bantu'' is misleading and it gives the perception there is another variant to being Somali.
u need to separate the somali ethnic group from the nationality

is somali-swede an incorrect and misleading term too? nobody in their right minds hears that and thinks blonde hair blue eyed somalis or that it's some insidious term that seeks to redefine the swedish ethnic group. it's just a descriptor, it's not that serious fam


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
u need to separate the somali ethnic group from the nationality

That what they need to do. Nationality is a extremely poor classification for banding people together when race is far more an active factor in historical and social-economic realities.

is somali-swede an incorrect and misleading term too? nobody in their right minds hears that and thinks blonde hair blue eyed somalis or that it's some insidious term that seeks to redefine the swedish ethnic group. it's just a descriptor, it's not that serious fam

Somali swede is not an ethnic name. ''Somali-Bantu'' is an attempt to construct an ethnic name

Somali-swede is descriptive term to describe Ethnicity-Nationality. Nationality being just the color of someone passport.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
You guys accept Reer Xamar and Reer Barawe but not the Bantu. I bet if they were uncle Sams in Somalia you guys would accept them lol. It is no suprise that they distance themselves from us, they have centuries of grievances, it's only typical given they have been and still are treated so poorly. They cop discrimination and have no place in the government of Somalia. Also I don't see the need for you guys to be making fun of that girl, she looks like a little kid. Grow up guys.

How did this stupid thread reach 10 pages?


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Somali swede is not an ethnic name. ''Somali-Bantu'' is an attempt to construct an ethnic name

Somali-swede is descriptive term to describe Ethnicity-Nationality. Nationality being just the color of someone passport.

Will you accept Bantu-Somali then?????


Pepe Trump
That what they need to do. Nationality is a extremely poor classification for banding people together when race is far more an active factor in historical and social-economic realities.

Somali swede is not an ethnic name. ''Somali-Bantu'' is an attempt to construct an ethnic name

Somali-swede is descriptive term to describe Ethnicity-Nationality. Nationality being just the color of someone passport.

Wait, how is race any better?! That's an audacious claim. Please, elaborate.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Will you accept Bantu-Somali then?????

I accept them as fellow human beings. Not us fellow Somali, because calling them Somali would just not be true. They are Bantu.

Nothing wrong with stating that.


Pepe Trump
I accept them as fellow human beings. Not us fellow Somali, because calling them Somali would just not be true. They are Bantu.

Nothing wrong with stating that.

Their nationality is Somali. You're purposely making things complicated. It's not very hard to recgnise that this is not a question about ethnic lines but a question about nationality. The demonym of Somali is both nationalistic and ethnic. For example, being Russian is not just a national term, it's also an ethnic term for ethnic Russians.
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