Somali Bantus come out in North Gaalkacyo


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@GaradShabeel in 1800 beesha muse sultan were bringing Zanzibarian from Zanzibar to banderbayla to work for them πŸ˜‚ listen to this muse sultan legend general abdullahi said samatar


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@GaradShabeel I have no problem with my muslim somali bantu brother 🫑🫑🫑 in banderbayla they have thier own xafad call golaan… we are civilized people we are not cawan niggaz like @convincation who burn somali bantu brother because of Siil abgal bu wasay πŸ˜…


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
War hee dheh, are you trying to confirm these allegation against your clan??!? Take the L for dragging your clan’s name πŸ˜‚
My clan were bringing Zanzibarian from Zanzibar 1800 to bayla well the Anglo-saxon were taken West African to North America πŸ˜‚ tariqdha Anglo-sexon iyo osman mohamud ba siman booowe
My clan were bringing Zanzibarian from Zanzibar 1800 to bayla well the Anglo-saxon were taken West Africa to North America πŸ˜‚ tariqdha Anglo-sexon iyo osman mohamud ba siman booowe

War maxaa Zanzibar idin geeyey? πŸ˜‚

Weren’t the Oromos taken as slaves in JL when the land was taken from them? What about Waamo MJ?


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