Somali Bantus come out in North Gaalkacyo


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
So they were incorporated into cismaan maxamuud? The whole β€˜bah’ thing is Darood abtirsi culture.

10k slaves they brought I heard and they all surprisingly vanished :hmm:
Nope they arenot assimilated they call them self bah mumin πŸ˜‚
Here is the latest election in bandeybeyla they got 2 seat in thΓ© district
1. Osman maxamud 13
2. Amaanle 6
3. Ismail saleban 4
4. Ismail yonis 2
5. Baho mumin 2
I know, but still me personally I don't think having large numbers of them in PL is good in the long run.
Bro i said this to u my reer abti are majerteen i am murusade it blows my mind how naive my reer abti to encourage these jar**r on us thinking it will hurt them tomoorow it will be puntland next . Do u think they wont come for u they will claim they own puntland
Bro i said this to u my reer abti are majerteen i am murusade it blows my mind how naive my reer abti to encourage these jar**r on us thinking it will hurt them tomoorow it will be puntland next . Do u think they wont come for u they will claim they own puntland
Exactly, they're now denying that they were brought from Mozambique and Tanzania as slaves by Arab slave traders. In the near future they'll deny that they came from southern Somalia and say Puntland unakah leh. Gotta ship em out Las Canood style.


Dadka was mise adaa lagu wasaa, as simple as that. You have come back and already on your bullshit sxb, where was the growth?

Anyways, look at mouthwatering beautiful somali bantu girls, I would marry these girls ASAP if I had the opportunity.

I told you guys hawyie=Bantu the same people πŸ˜‚


Bro i said this to u my reer abti are majerteen i am murusade it blows my mind how naive my reer abti to encourage these jar**r on us thinking it will hurt them tomoorow it will be puntland next . Do u think they wont come for u they will claim they own puntland
So you are biracial πŸ˜‚
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No, they are stand alone. Been there for ages. They have normal puntite culture and speak the boqor's af somali. Non of the gibberish spoken by recent arrivals from the south.
Bah dirooble is my mom sub clan of cusmaan maxmuud does that mean they ar stand aline and not cusmaan maxmud what the f**ck.
Boqir kandiid is bah dirooble saaxib


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