I'm Marehan@Asaana Are you Arab or Nubian?![]()
I'm Marehan@Asaana Are you Arab or Nubian?![]()
I'm Marehan
Are you Bataheen,Ja'lin or Baggara?I'm Marehan
Sorry brother but I don't share my qabil, maybe I will in the future.Are you Bataheen,Ja'lin or Baggara?
I'm aware of that but your shoulders do not get that broad from excercise alone. There's a lot of bodybuilders that look small despite having massive delts, pic related doesn't look that bigger in the after photo but tbf it's only 5 monthsYour shoulders can get broader from exercise. You didn’t know that? Most people aren’t born with these large strong frames but they are attainable. I seen an indhoyar boy during highschool go from small and frail to a large build over a semester and summer break
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How are you Maregan and Sudanese at the same time?Sorry brother but I don't share my qabil, maybe I will in the future.
I was joking, but on a serious note there are Sudanese people of Somali descent (I'm even friends with one) so it's possible.,how are you
How are you Maregan and Sudanese at the same time?![]()
مش مشكلة اختي ولله انا احب الشعب السودان مرة و احترمكم مرة.عندي اصحاب كثير من السودان اغلبهم من الخرطوم لاكن في من دارفور و كمان من الشرق.الصومالين و السودانين شعب واحد و نشبه بعضناSorry brother but I don't share my qabil, maybe I will in the future.
I said we're happy to host them as long as they behave.
Not "I will expel them if they don't behave", seems like you're projecting your post-2011 deportation trauma.![]()
That map clearly shows rugged terrain. Here's a picture of the area before the dam was built:
I'm Sudanese, and we're hosting Chadians (Zaghawas) despite their violent tendencies.A distinction without a difference.
You will "host" them? Who are you to "host" them when they've been there since antiquity? You're not hosting anyone... it's their land.
"Trauma" you say? We took the most resource rich, water rich and most fertile part of the Country.
I come from military families that physically contributed to the absolutely necessary partition of Sudan; whatever problems we have (and they're exhaustive and substantial) we can rectify; you can't rectify Khartoum funding Arab groups to encroach on your lands without the cover of Sovereignty and an army of some sort.
I would rather that than answer to some Afro-Arabs in Khartoum-Omdurman.
Thanks for that picture; I'll now concede on this point for the Merowe dam.
South Sudan's agricultural potential is vast; contrary to your opining on our topography, we have large mountains and valleys that we can use to redirect water into and create large reservoirs.
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You're c-ccccccc-c-cccccc-----ccccccccchristian????????????I'm in the middle of a debate with another Sudo over here and you're proselytising?
Thanks anyway, mate.
It's about the oness of God, I'm sure we have the same God ☺ it's Arabic and English, you will know what Muslims believe about God.I'm in the middle of a debate with another Sudo over here and you're proselytising?
Thanks anyway, mate.
I'm Sudanese, and we're hosting Chadians (Zaghawas) despite their violent tendencies.
You didn't take anything, it was never our land.
If anything we took Gezira from you, and I would much rather that than your swamps with freakish climate and meager oil reserves.
We have more than enough resources and arable land (more than all Arab countries combined).
It has been over a decade since you split with the alleged best part of the country yet you have nothing to show for it.
Better yet you depend on your historic enemies for basic knowledge.
I refuted your source many times, get over yourself.Your ahistorical renditioning of history continues unabated I see; the sources I provided clearly show that the Zaghawa are not foreign and no amount of repeating this drivel will change that.
"Violent tendencies"? So the Baggara Arabs are peace loving?
Say please.Good, we still need Kafia Kingi returned.
Only the northwestern corner of the country is uninhabitable barren desert. So if you can do that then why don't you? Talk is cheap.Better than living in mostly barren deserts that resemble the landscape of mars; you can dredge swamps and build dikes.
With the exception of the Dinka, dozens of Nilotic tribes left the Gezira over a thousand years ago, and the biggest contributing factor were the droughts in arid Sudan.
If our oil reserves are "meagre" (with 90% yet to come online) then you have whatever is lower than "meagre".
Civil war doesn't count, so in that case we have 5 years on you yet are at least 20 years ahead. Never said it was something to pound my chest about, but unlike you I know my place and it's certainty above yours, even with less arable land and supposedly less resources.And almost 70 years since your independence, and this is your level of development? Your current level of development is something to pound your chest about?
Severed in due time? The border was recently opened and Northern companies are exporting their goods and services to the South.The links between the North & South (fostered by traitors) are far too intimate and there's no justifying them; they'll be severed in due time.
There's nothing that Sudan has that can't be sourced elsewhere.
Sudanese products are very cheap, we made a survey in the market and found out that the price of tomato sauce from Uganda is 700 South Sudan pounds (4 U.S. dollars) compared to our product that is 2 dollars
I refuted your source many times, get over yourself.
Well they were attacked first and have the right to defend themselves from terrorists.
Say please.
Only the northwestern corner of the country is uninhabitable barren desert.
So if you can do that then why don't you? Talk is cheap.
Yet your people never left but were rather expelled.
Both our countries have meager oil reserves, but we have more metals including uranium.
Civil war doesn't count, so in that case we have 5 years on you yet are at least 20 years ahead.
Never said it was something to pound my chest about, but unlike you I know my place and it's certainty above yours, even with less arable land and supposedly less resources.
Severed in due time? The border was recently opened and Northern companies are exporting their goods and services to the South.
I guess, but you'll be paying more.
Your source was that they were here in the 11th century, and I told you countless times that other foreign groups were in Sudan for longer so that doesn't mean anything. As for the elder I'm sure you have some cousins in or near Omdurman that can ask a Zaghawa on your behalf.So you suffer from delusions of grandeur in addition to amnesia? You refuted nothing; your only response (to an actual source) was that some elder apparently told you that the Zaghawa were foreign to Sudan.
That doesn't qualify as a refutation. It's cute that you think so though.
Can you even take back Abyei?Please? We occupy half of it and we'll take it all back, once the traitors are removed or replaced.
This whole thing is all a dividend from Garang's untimely death; at least we took Malakal from the Funj and what is now Upper Nile State.
You're slow, that was a response to your comment on other Nilotic groups voluntary leaving Gezira while the Dinka were an exception.You live in a world of your own imagination; what part of we voted to leave (99%) do you not understand?
So does Sudanese Kafia not have uranium? The ongoing gold rush is well documented, and here's a paper on some other metals. This is backed by the UN and other organizations:You have proven nothing regarding these metals that you apparently have; no industry journal; no independent estimates.
Oh my goodness, this is like me asking you who told you to rape Nuer women and destroy non-Dinka refugee camps like savages? Please seek mental health. Maybe if you didn't chimp out by starting an unnecessary war then we can call it a 55 year head start but it's 5 and we're 20 years ahead of you. Not to mention you'll never leapfrog us, especially since you're a landlocked country so everything will be more difficult and expensive for you.
You have more than half a century on us and you're 20 years ahead?
The entire period counts; only a child would argue otherwise. It doesn't matter if you had wars during that time; nobody told you that you had to renege on the 1972 Peace Agreement or to be swayed by extremists. That was your choice.
Who told you to host Osama Bin Laden? Who told you to engage in activities that would have you implicated in multiple terror attacks outside Sudan? Who told you (Egyptian allegations) to attempt an assassination attempt on Mubarak?
Grow up and accept what you did instead of acting like a toddler and thinking that 55 years head start can be magically whittled down to 5.
And your place is being our maids and laborers while your Nilotic cousins fight wars for Arabs and our generals reap the benefits.Your place is signing up to and serving the Arabs in all their wars and being the black poodles of the Arab world; your place is being independent for almost 70 years and having little to show for it.
Your place is your medical students going to Syria to fight for ISIS or to render their training to the Arabs.
Hopefully. We'll focus on much larger markets like the gulf.It will be severed; the EAC will gradually replace Sudan.