Somali cheating wife

I've heard about a guy in Suuqa Xoolaha, whose official job is to have honga bonga the wives of those whose husbands are in the Western countries, they do call him...and it's real, u could search for him
I agree they cheat too laakin I've heard way more cheating stories from poor naago with nothing to lose.

Marrying anyone back home and never bringing them to the states is just asking to be cheated on.
It all depends on the socioeconomic status of the people your around. If your around poor/middle class people your gonna hear all their stories. if your around upper middle/rich you hear their cheating ways. In the end people need to be more discreet LOL cuz why I gotta know. Its crazy though why aren't you bringing her back to the states.


Wabari Guleed Liban
Why would you as a woman cheat on your husband in Somalia of all places, barely any laws especially against domestic abuse that nigha will kill you and NO one will defend you for it 😹
I don’t know where I found it, but I saw a video of a Madowweyne guy killing his wife because she was apparently cheating. So yes, in Somalia, it isn’t very smart to play with a man’s pride not that I agree with it
So, I was back in Somalia early in 2023, and the place I visited had a lot of Somali wives whose husbands were working in the West. I used to talk to people, and one time, this Ciyaal Xafad guy told me a crazy story about a trucker in the U.S. whose wife was cheating on him. Now, to be fair, I understand it’s not a good idea to leave your wife alone for months or even years because, after all, she’s a human being with needs.

Anyway, this lady let’s call her Hodan got very lonely after her husband had been gone for about nine months. There was this Bajaj driver let’s call him Ahmed who helped her out one time. When Ahmed saw a woman all alone, he started chatting her up, asking things like, β€œWhere’s your husband?” As someone who had been alone for almost a year, Hodan opened up and told him all her problems. Ahmed saw an opportunity here and started bringing her food every day, sometimes even for free.

Long story short, they got pretty close, and Ahmed was soon β€œgetting the cheeks” on a regular basis. But this is Somalia, and people are very nosy. Someone eventually called the husband let’s call him Abdi, Abdi took the first flight he could back home. They told me he beat the living daylights out of his wife and eventually divorced her.

So, my advice to the brothers here: if you’re going to marry a girl back home, you better be taking care of her. Or, like Dabcasar said, someone else will take care of her for you.
What are you, the local scuttlebutt spinner?
In .So, the likelihood of a wive whose husband is abroad living alone in a city where a stranger would frequent the family home is highly unlikely, unless of course you are talking about some underground sub culture. Her family would be around her, so are his family, and the neighbours would spot it immediately calling attention to it. You would make a poor fiction writer. Stop spinning fantasy blather.

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
What did these odeys expect? Did they seriously think the young girls they marry back home are attracted to them :wow:

Ngl I hope more of them get cheated on so they stop ruining homes to get their gus wet
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Wabari Guleed Liban
What are you, the local scuttlebutt spinner?
In .So, the likelihood of a wive whose husband is abroad living alone in a city where a stranger would frequent the family home is highly unlikely, unless of course you are talking about some underground sub culture. Her family would be around her, so are his family, and the neighbours would spot it immediately calling attention to it. You would make a poor fiction writer. Stop spinning fantasy blather.
It’s called Socializing go touch grass and leave this forum for once
i have no sympathy for that man as he has a first wive in the west

What's wrong with you and those who have liked your post? How can you like a post promoting adultery? How does Halal polygamy mean someone deserves for his wife to commit adultery on him?

She signed a marriage contract with him. A covenant that she will guard in her husband's absence what Allah has ordered her to guard..her chastity and her husband's property.

You guys need to get over your hate for polygamy. It's Halal and you can't reject it since it's in the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet s.a.w. But in your warped heads unconsciously a man getting a second wife is cheating and so a second wife cheating on her husband is no different.

What’s the point in marrying someone if you aren’t ever going to see them or be with them. Not seeing your wife for a year is crazy? When he clearly had the means to go see her. It’s just pure plain greed and odd all over.

Islamically a man can be away from his wife for 6 months. Most scholars say that if its longer then he has to ask his wife if she accepts it. If she says you can't be away from me for a year then she can take her matter up to the court.

A lot of Somali men from the older generation have families in Somalia/Kenya/Egypt/Turkey. Either as a second wife or got remarried and started a new family after getting a divorce in the west. Most of them work 1 year away since well who's going to pay the bills? It's not like they are away for no reason...they are away for work. Same as a pilot, ship captain or truck driver or army personnel or an ngo worker who is away from their families for long durations.

This kind of things happen once in a bluemoon, it’s very rare for a Somali woman to cheat her husband regardless of location

Bro some people on this forum like to spread faaxisho and pretend a rare thing is common amongst the Muslims. Even if there are rare cases of this is one thing, but to make it out like gabdaha somaliyeed who marry men from abroad are commiting adultery to the point its a common fact? Ilaahi haa laga cabsado.

Most sisters on here when a somali girl in the west is attacked they are the first to defend them. But they are okay with somali girls not from the West being labelled as cheating adulterers? It's like they have cuqdad for somali men in the west getting married back home, and so want to smear and make the girls back home look like golddiggers/adulterers/stupid and lacking any ilbaxnimo...anything that puts them in a bad light and make themselves feel superior.

And to those accusing chaste muslim women have they not read Surah Nuur? Don't they know its a great crime to accuse chaste Muslim women of zina and adultery?

Verily, those who like that (the crime of) illegal sexual intercourse should be propagated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you know not.

And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, (Allah would have hastened the punishment upon you). And that Allah is full of kindness, Most Merciful.

21. O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan), then, verily he commands Al-Fahsha’ [i.e. to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.)], and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islam, etc.)]. And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.

22. And let not those among you who are blessed with graces and wealth swear not to give (any sort of help) to their kinsmen, Al-Masakin (the poor), and those who left their homes for Allah’s Cause. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

23. Verily, those who accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity and are good believers, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter, and for them will be a great torment,

On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs or feet will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.

25. On that Day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will know that Allah, He is the Manifest Truth.
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And also you guys use spoilers for most sensitive somali issues...Why hasn't any been used in this thread?

Even the OP should've put his post in spoilers. You guys think it's OK to make good Somali women look like adulterers for all the haters to see?

Shame on you guys. Gabdaha Somaliyeed both in the west, back home and everywhere its unheard of them commiting adultery...don't act like a rare occurrence is something common.
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I learnt over the years, when people bring up these types of salacious, if tantalising stories, mind you uncommon in Muslim / conservative communities, it is most likely a reflection closer to home, a projection of sort, and instead of owning it, they tend to stretch a wider net to tarnish the image of the entire community for its normalisation, and to lessen the stigma associated with the practice. One of the reasons I abhor hood rats and thier culture.

I could not envisage families being separated, kids growing up without fathers, and am opposed to the idea of wives left to fend for themselves, perhaps this was out of necessity in the old days, but today I see no rhyme nor reason.


Wabari Guleed Liban
I learnt over the years, when people bring up these types of salacious, if tantalising stories, mind you uncommon in Muslim / conservative communities, it is most likely a reflection closer to home, a projection of sort, and instead of owning it, they tend to stretch a wider net to tarnish the image of the entire community for its normalisation, and to lessen the stigma associated with the practice. One of the reasons I abhor hood rats and thier culture.

I could not envisage families being separated, kids growing up without fathers, and am opposed to the idea of wives left to fend for themselves, perhaps this was out of necessity in the old days, but today I see no rhyme nor reason.
Have you been cheated on??
Noted, laakin it’s funny you say I am projecting yet your the only one who has been projecting random stuff in this chat
See, had I been the scuttlebutt asperger, sired by a denizen with ladies of the night, acquainted with the subject matter, I could have been charged with deflections or possibly projecting, but since I am not, then I could not possibly be liable, could I? Whereas in you case, you come across as if the poster boy urchin from Portobello dark corners. Besides, real men do not broach subjects intended to debase the good name of the ladies. Numpties, on the other hands, revel in blather.


Wabari Guleed Liban
See, had I been the scuttlebutt asperger, sired by a denizen with ladies of the night, acquainted with the subject matter, I could have been charged with deflections or possibly projecting, but since I am not, then I could not possibly be liable, could I? Whereas in you case, you come across as if the poster boy urchin from Portobello dark corners. Besides, real men do not broach subjects intended to debase the good name of the ladies. Numpties, on the other hands, revel in blather.
Oh I see, you have got a sense of humour and could spot flaw in your sprint. I'll let you be. Just practise how best charm the ladies, and speak not of their ill-repute, nothing else. And whilst at it, spend less time in dark allies, just 'cos you were unfortunate to have been in them, does not mean you are destined forever. There is light out in the open. Come and join the rest!


Wabari Guleed Liban
Oh I see, you have got a sense of humour and could spot flaw in your sprint. I'll let you be. Just practise how best charm the ladies, and speak not of their ill-repute, nothing else. And whilst at it, spend less time in dark allies, just 'cos you were unfortunate to have been in them, does not mean you are destined forever. There is light out in the open. Come and join the rest!
ChatGPT been doing the work I see :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

