Somali claim over Galbeed is more legitimate than SLand + Taiwan is not similar to Sland


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
That map shows Khatumo as a disputed area lool. I read this report a day or two ago and last time i read it said something about it being in exchange for Somaliland's recognition

Somaliland has been making economic progress and policy changes(Berbera port developments, infrastructure, manufacturing facilities etc ). If it only focused on that instead of bending over to do stupid political moves that alienate them from or marginalize other Somalis or auction off their territorial sovereignity to Ethiopia and now potentially to the UAE, in their quest for recognition they could have been a rich industry hub exploiting their strategic position. All they are doing is bringing destabilization and mayhem to the region

They should be more like Taiwan. See what i like about Taiwan why i respect it so much is that it never tried to distance themselves from being Chinese or other Chinese people and claim it and they are not overly obsessed with seeking recognition and are keen to keep stability in the region. They don't beg their colonial past either and view their resistance to it as a pillar.

They should look at Taiwan as an example to follow and view the rest of Somalia as a economic partner , like Taiwan views China as such. Taiwan is one of China's biggest investors and its biggest trade partner. Not everyday brainless recognition seeking.

Taiwan πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό is completely different from Somaliland.

The government who rules Taiwan claims that they are the sole government of China and hold claim to all these lands:


The Taiwanese government is the same government that fought and lost the civil war agaisnt the communist CCP that rules China today. The Nationalist KMT party fled mainland China and set up in Taiwan.

The Taiwanese government was actually the ones who sat as the representative for China in the United nations and was actually in the 5 permanent members of the security council along with the Soviets, USA, UK and France until the Chinese ccp became recognised as the sole China by the United nation in 1971.

Taiwan's official name is The Republic of China. This is why the ccp in Beijing is so focused on invading Taiwan.

And even so, Taiwan isn't even fully recognised by these countries and even thr United States doesn't call them a country nor explicitly states they're Chinese. They're in this weird state of limbo.

The only reason Taiwan remains relevant is due to their Semi conductor industry making Taiwan one of the most important country in the world as its one of the few that produces semi conductors at such a level.

Meanwhile, Somaliland is merely another african shithole secessionist group trying to break away from Somalia. It's only claim to being a country is that it's borders were drawn in the Berlin conference of 1889 and the land was given to the British to set up a colony to protect shipping trade routes to their Indian colony that passes through the red sea to England.

It's government has no legitimacy, the Taiwanese government was the government of China during ww2 before being beaten by Mao in 1949.

It cannot challenge the authority of the internationally recognised government of Mogadishu which, as far as every country is concerned, rules all lands from Awdal to lower Juba.

As far as the international community is concerned, Somaliland, puntland ect. Are all just regional government of "autonomous states" within the country of Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄

There is no question about this fact by every relevant question. The only country that tries to bend this fact is 4th world shothole called Ethiopia.

This doesn't matter to me as I was in Djibouti πŸ‡©πŸ‡― as a child watching niggas lift ethiopias food aid from the Port. Whatever Ethiopia does has no real affect. They're are 1 bad harvest away from state collapse and currently have civil wars and genocides that were only calmed down a few years ago.


If you go to maps you will see a dotted line between Somalia and Ethiopia, this is due to the disputed border between the two governments. The Somali claim to Galbeed is more legal than Somaliland or Puntland or any succession from states within Somalia.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
I actually have a real country πŸ‡©πŸ‡― but whenever people ask what I am I always say Somali. When I lived in Djibouti for 2 years we called ourselves Somali.

So imagine my surprise when I come on the internet and see these secessionists trying to distance themselves from Somali.
I actually have a real country πŸ‡©πŸ‡― but whenever people ask what I am I always say Somali. When I lived in Djibouti for 2 years we called ourselves Somali.

So imagine my surprise when I come on the internet and see these secessionists trying to distance themselves from Somali.

Unify with Mogadishu or stop capping. You should be petitioning your government to put their sovereignty under Mogadishu, otherwise you exhibiting fake patriotism which is often just self-interest.

You should start a revolution to achieve this.
I would agree Taiwan has a better case than Somaliland but Somaliland still has one of the best cases in the world. Definitely the best case in Africa.

Puntland has little no to case so that's just a junk argument.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Unify with Mogadishu or stop capping. You should be petitioning your government to put their sovereignty under Mogadishu, otherwise you exhibiting fake patriotism which is often just self-interest.

You should start a revolution to achieve this.
Djibouti did try to unify with Somalia but many factors stopped this.

First the French and tbe Canfar collaborated with each other and also killed the independence activist in the 1960s.

Then after we gained independence we didn't because of course the French had and still have their Millitary bases in the country.

Even if we removed that factor, we gained independence after the 1969 revolution, the Djiboutian President Aptidon was a fierce anti-communist and hated Siad barre due to being a socialist.

I'd happily join Somalia, the borders are illegitimate to me. It's like Iraq-Sryia, or Albania-Kosovo. These borders were drawn by Colonialists.
Djibouti did try to unify with Somalia but many factors stopped this.

First the French and tbe Canfar collaborated with each other and also killed the independence activist in the 1960s.

Then after we gained independence we didn't because of course the French had and still have their Millitary bases in the country.

Even if we removed that factor, we gained independence after the 1969 revolution, the Djiboutian President Aptidon was a fierce anti-communist and hated Siad barre due to being a socialist.

I'd happily join Somalia, the borders are illegitimate to me. It's like Iraq-Sryia, or Albania-Kosovo. These borders were drawn by Colonialists.

You wasting time arguing against Somaliland and saying what a great patriot you are when you could be taking real steps to push for unification. You could be lobbying your government. Starting threads for the unification etc. But most Somalis I notice engage in aggressive nationalism and not patriotism (hate neighbouring countries and so called traitors) but do nothing to unify their country and peoples.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
I would agree Taiwan has a better case than Somaliland but Somaliland still has one of the best cases in the world. Definitely the best case in Africa.

Puntland has little no to case so that's just a junk argument.
Somaliland doesn't have "one of the best cases jn the world" unless you think shouting at the UN saying "We wuzz British colony bleaze give independence Britian" is a valid argument, compared to actual arguments for Statehood like thr Kurds, Azwad and such.

You do not even have concrete control over 2/3 of your claimed territory. You'd be better off just taking your isaaq lands and trying to make that a country. Enough with this fake "Northern Somalis" bs you try force to create this false distinction.
Unify with Mogadishu or stop capping. You should be petitioning your government to put their sovereignty under Mogadishu, otherwise you exhibiting fake patriotism which is often just self-interest.

You should start a revolution to achieve this.
I always thought if SL was serious about independence, they would work to mend relations with their neighbours to be, they would allow or begin the process of border demarcation, they had a big window during the civil war and the early 2000s but they didn’t, instead they fought amongst themselves, attacked neighbouring clans and showed themselves to be nothing more than a belligerent actor, all while accepting mogadishu aid on the down low.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
You wasting time arguing against Somaliland and saying what a great patriot you are when you could be taking real steps to push for unification. You could be lobbying your government. Starting threads for the unification etc. But most Somalis I notice engage in aggressive nationalism and not patriotism (hate neighbouring countries and so called traitors) but do nothing to unify their country and peoples.
Talking to me as if I'm the dictator sitting in the presidential palace
Somaliland doesn't have "one of the best cases jn the world" unless you think shouting at the UN saying "We wuzz British colony bleaze give independence Britian" is a valid argument, compared to actual arguments for Statehood like thr Kurds, Azwad and such.

You do not even have concrete control over 2/3 of your claimed territory. You'd be better off just taking your isaaq lands and trying to make that a country. Enough with this fake "Northern Somalis" bs you try force to create this false distinction.

The case is legal and doesn't involve defacto control of territory so you don't even know the first thing about what you are talking about. There's zero case for Isaaq territory or Dhulbahante for that matter they ceased to be legal entities on Independence when the protection treaties expired. SL has borders on independence - a defined territory recognized in the AU charter. This is the starting point then you have principles like territorial intergrity which is the counter point to SL borders.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Stop making excuses and start a popular movement.
If our government did have free elections and ee had a Somali Nationalist party I can assure you they'd win.
But political opponents to IOG either get killed or are forced to flee the country.
They wouldn’t oppress the folk in SSC or Awdal, they’d allow voting or at least peaceful consultations with their elders, they’d like build an actual case for independence instead of acting like a robber state, directing their social media mouthpieces to attack Ilhan Omar with fake translations of her speech and put Somalis in the west at risk, bear in mind a lot them being Isaaq and supporters of SL


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
The case is legal and doesn't involve defacto control of territory so you don't even know the first thing about what you are talking about.
If you're trying to advocate for recognition of your state, the least you can do is have de facto control of the territory you claim how retarded is that statement 😭😭😭

There is nothing legal about this case, why haven't you gotten any progress done to recognition in 30 years, all you have if Taiwain which isn't even recognised as a country by the Americans and the 4th world ethiopians.
The case is legal and doesn't involve defacto control of territory so you don't even know the first thing about what you are talking about. There's zero case for Isaaq territory or Dhulbahante for that matter they ceased to be legal entities on Independence when the protection treaties expired. SL has borders on independence - a defined territory recognized in the AU charter. This is the starting point then you have principles like territorial intergrity which is the counter point to SL borders.
SL has no claims, absolutely none, zilch, nada, to the borders of the British protectorate of somaliland, the case you build for SL being a successor state of the protectorate of somaliland is shoddy and full of holes. If you were serious about independence or recognition, you’d actually come to see this and try to rectify it with proper border demarcations and referendums for those Somali clans on the periphery as to whether they wish to remain a part of Somalia or join SL, however SL rocked up and massacred and killed many, and now they’ve got their due back
SL has no claims, absolutely none, zilch, nada, to the borders of the British protectorate of somaliland, the case you build for SL being a successor state of the protectorate of somaliland is shoddy and full of holes. If you were serious about independence or recognition, you’d actually come to see this and try to rectify it with proper border demarcations and referendums for those Somali clans on the periphery as to whether they wish to remain a part of Somalia or join SL, however SL rocked up and massacred and killed many, and now they’ve got their due back

Well nada and zilch are loading in more ways than one.

You soon:

Aaron Paul He Cant Keep Getting Away With This GIF by Breaking Bad


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Well nada and zilch are loading in more ways than one.

You soon:

Aaron Paul He Cant Keep Getting Away With This GIF by Breaking Bad
First of all, your proof that Somaliland's secession has a good claim is some random kenyan no one knows about, in a tweet with only 90 likes and the only comment underneath it is this :
Taiwan πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό is completely different from Somaliland.

The government who rules Taiwan claims that they are the sole government of China and hold claim to all these lands:

View attachment 333597

The Taiwanese government is the same government that fought and lost the civil war agaisnt the communist CCP that rules China today. The Nationalist KMT party fled mainland China and set up in Taiwan.

The Taiwanese government was actually the ones who sat as the representative for China in the United nations and was actually in the 5 permanent members of the security council along with the Soviets, USA, UK and France until the Chinese ccp became recognised as the sole China by the United nation in 1971.

Taiwan's official name is The Republic of China. This is why the ccp in Beijing is so focused on invading Taiwan.

And even so, Taiwan isn't even fully recognised by these countries and even thr United States doesn't call them a country nor explicitly states they're Chinese. They're in this weird state of limbo.

The only reason Taiwan remains relevant is due to their Semi conductor industry making Taiwan one of the most important country in the world as its one of the few that produces semi conductors at such a level.

Meanwhile, Somaliland is merely another african shithole secessionist group trying to break away from Somalia. It's only claim to being a country is that it's borders were drawn in the Berlin conference of 1889 and the land was given to the British to set up a colony to protect shipping trade routes to their Indian colony that passes through the red sea to England.

It's government has no legitimacy, the Taiwanese government was the government of China during ww2 before being beaten by Mao in 1949.

It cannot challenge the authority of the internationally recognised government of Mogadishu which, as far as every country is concerned, rules all lands from Awdal to lower Juba.
View attachment 333595

As far as the international community is concerned, Somaliland, puntland ect. Are all just regional government of "autonomous states" within the country of Somalia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄

There is no question about this fact by every relevant question. The only country that tries to bend this fact is 4th world shothole called Ethiopia.

This doesn't matter to me as I was in Djibouti πŸ‡©πŸ‡― as a child watching niggas lift ethiopias food aid from the Port. Whatever Ethiopia does has no real affect. They're are 1 bad harvest away from state collapse and currently have civil wars and genocides that were only calmed down a few years ago.

View attachment 333596

If you go to maps you will see a dotted line between Somalia and Ethiopia, this is due to the disputed border between the two governments. The Somali claim to Galbeed is more legal than Somaliland or Puntland or any succession from states within Somalia.

You made a seperate thread lool

Already responded to this in the other thread
I know Taiwans history and the geo-politics i follow it closely. I never said it has the same history as Somaliland.

Only that they are both similar in the sense that they claim to be ''Somali'' ''Chinese'' governments but at the same time see themselves as a separate governed entities from Somalia & Mainland China but are also unrecognized internationally. They are both formerly colonized regions as well.

The difference is that Taiwan does not let it's unrecognized status or it's standings with China get in the way of developing it's country.

But yeah your point of Somaliland not having legitimacy might by the reason why it's obsessed with recognition seeking to it's own detriment.
The only reason Taiwan remains relevant is due to their Semi conductor industry making Taiwan one of the most important country in the world as its one of the few that produces semi conductors at such a level.

Meanwhile, Somaliland is merely another african shitholr secessionist group trying to break away from Somalia.
Response from the other thread:
Also this proves my point. Somaliland does not have to be another poor African region and can build relevant viable industries that generate sustainable wealth , it wont' matter whether the world recognizes it or not , all that matters is what value you offer and countries will do business with you.

Somaliland is slowly recognizing it's strategic potential as a maritime, logistics and industrial hub , making some headway in that direction

Read through this:
Waaqoyi aka Somaliland development.

Berbera beachside urban development project

The urban development project also focuses on fostering inclusion and providing space for local livelihood generation10.

Launched in 202111, the beachfront development plan consists of pedestrian walkways, 41 benches, 10 gazebos, 36 sunbeds, 3 swings, 35 recycling bins, 324 trees, and 203 solar-powered streetlights12.

Berbera city urban infrastructure development project
The project will support inclusive and sustainable development of the coastal city through strengthening the capacity of the municipality in urban planning, improving the waste management system as well as stimulating employment and entrepreneurship for urban communities.

Berbera similar to Bosaso is developing and expanding it's port but also including an economic zone.

Port expansion they have completed Phase 1 has been completed. The bosaso port expansion was a smaller scale one.

BERBERA ECONOMIC ZONE: An integrated maritime, logistics and industrial hub in the horn of Africa.






The development of the Berbera Economic Zone (BEZ) in proximity to the Port of Berbera positions it as the new integrated maritime, logistics and industrial hub in the horn of Africa.
Modelled on Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza), DP World’s flagship project in Dubai, the BEZ aims at providing local and foreign investors with a conducive and competitive environment for investment and trade.

A lot of this is still currently in construction , so quite a while before it looks like the above designs.


They are also building out various roads to facilitate this , one is the Berbera through Galbeed , at a later date they are going to build a road corridor from Bosaso and from Berbera to Bari and Koonfuur.


The Berbera road corridor has a round about that leads to different towns and regions

Berbera to Buroa road highway

They opened a cement plant in Berbera

Various cement processing factories has been set up from it, under Somali Horn Holding Group of companies

Hargeisa experiencing various urban housing projects:

Aragsan Xafaad
Current areal view of it




Rugsaan Xafaad
Current areal view of it

The water pipeline system alongside bosaso in the other post

Concrete plant opened in Hargeisa City
