Somali culture is inherently inferior

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@Cauli lives in England and in London gangs kill one another for postcodes regardless if the perpetrators or the victims are all Somalis. They call it the postcode wars. Somalia is safer than London if you are an ethnic teenager living on a council home or the projects.

How postcode wars have made London a murder capital
The homicide toll this year has reached 50, as gun and knife attacks spiral out of control.

I know you hate our kind, but it's mostly Madows that do that
Literally anyone could cherry pick and write this BS about their own people.

You really should seek therapy, at this point it's concerning. You hate yourself.

Some of you are so weird, I would pay to see how you function in the real world, fascinating really.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
The amount of realness I read here today is unreal in this great thread of OP it was just I was at work for I would've replied sooner. Wallahi billahi my eyes are opened far and wide. I've been saying this for a good time too. Somali culture is inferior. It is culture that separates people and not ethnic or racial classifications.


Literally anyone could cherry pick and write this BS about their own people.

You really should seek therapy, at this point it's concerning. You hate yourself.

Some of you are so weird, I would pay to see how you function in the real world, fascinating really.
You really wouldn’t, trust me. :noneck:
I don’t really agree with you @Cauli. But I agree that there is something inherently wrong with the Somali community nowadays. The boys are all becoming wretched criminals and drug dealers dressing like imprisoned s, the mothers are unsympathetic and unkind to their children and bring down their self-esteem at every turn, the dads are chasing easy money with their loser friends and not setting a good example to their kids on how to have a successful career and the girls are ting it up in clubs and sheesha bars with madows and salafist thugs.

The big question is: why is this happening, and why all at once? No other demographic is being hit as hard as we are.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The amount of realness I read here today is unreal in this great thread of OP it was just I was at work for I would've replied sooner. Wallahi billahi my eyes are opened far and wide. I've been saying this for a good time too. Somali culture is inferior. It is culture that separates people and not ethnic or racial classifications.

Wallahi he hit the nail on the head, Somalis rather qashin his post than accept these hard truths.

@Cauli thank you for speaking about something thats on my mind always. Everytime I walked the streets of Mogadishu all I see on store ads were white people, arab people, barely any Somali girls were used in the billboards. For God sake imagine a whole nation of blickity black skin people using an Arab girl as a billboard for Eid clothes? its freaking ridiculous!

dont get me started on the arab bootyclapping burka crisis and the men are even worst wearing long ass thowbe and shemagh in freaking Somalia

I gave up when I saw the obessession with bollywood too



and thats 150yrs ago by a beaten wounded Brit who been there couple months at most.

Persona non grata who came with his preconceived superiority complx and we running away with it.

he is no important. stupid africans !

And somehow we're the ones with the inferiority complex :bell:

Stop insulting the Op and if you disagree with him, debunk his theory. No culture is perfect, some have bad elements to it and is constantly reformed to meet the new demands and expectations of its members and others are totally primordial inherited from camel herders nomads and are incompatible with modernity. A culture that promotes anarchy, hunger and being a basket case for the generosity of others for its adherents to survive is terminally sick and thus requires reinvention. Where is so “beautiful” about Somali culture and who does it benefit?


"The boys are turning to crime"
"The women are wh*res"
"The mothers are soulless"
"We're selling ourselves to *insert foreign people*"
"We don't care about our own"
"Somehow we're special and way worse than other people"


Been there, seen that. Next time be more original in your essays, walaal. My nose burns from all the self-hatred that's burning here.


Illuminated Xalimo
Certainly Somali culture, when measured by the standards of humans wholly taken in by a finite, chaotic, ephemeral, Godless physicality is worse than useless. It does not promote hard-work; it does not generate wealth. It cultivates death, misery and nihilism. Ah! but what about when you understand that the purpose of human life is to cultivate the will to death? That You are God killing himself and all creation. When you shed the ape-imposed psychological complexes thrust upon a divinity who truly cares nothing for what you do here other than seek death. Then You really understand that you have been blessed, not cursed! You are, if anything, the truly Chosen People. Destroy all you can, and then be destroyed! Nothing else matters than reducing something to nothing
Certainly Somali culture, when measured by the standards of humans wholly taken in by a finite, chaotic, ephemeral, Godless physicality is worse than useless. It does not promote hard-work; it does not generate wealth. It cultivates death, misery and nihilism. Ah! but what about when you understand that the purpose of human life is to cultivate the will to death? That You are God killing himself and all creation. When you shed the ape-imposed psychological complexes thrust upon a divinity who truly cares nothing for what you do here other than seek death. Then You really understand that you have been blessed, not cursed! You are, if anything, the truly Chosen People. Destroy all you can, and then be destroyed! Nothing else matters than reducing something to nothing




يا نبي سلام عليك
This might take a while. Have a seat.

To proceed:

If you were to actually explore the dynamics of Somali culture, it's pretty clear that we are inferior to every culture except (perhaps, just perhaps) sub Saharan African culture. I'll make my case. All the fake pride aside.

It's a phenomen that is inescapable, from the Somali wadaad delivering sermons in the Mosque to the drug dealer supplying the local borough. From the Somalian twerking on social media to the pseudo nationalist donning 'Somali' attire and exhibiting typical platitudes. I've somewhat figured out something common in all of the divergence I pointed out above. They all exhibit an inherent inferiority that I believe stems from Somali culture itself.

For example, the 'Somali wadaad'. Reading and studying recent and post colonial Somali history, one thing always caught my attention. The swift and unchallenged penetration of non native religious ideologies that have made its way to Somalia in recent years.
By the time that the Somali identity was formed many centuries ago, it was known to all, far and wide, that to be Somali was to be a Sunni Ash'ari in theology, Shafi'i in Jurisprudence and Sufi (mainly Qadiri) as making up the religious establishment. Somalis are one of a few unique example in the world, in which they wholeheartedly accepted Islam as a religion without ever being colonised by Arabs or being defeated in conflict.

Fast forward.... A few students who were sponsored by the Saudi government to finish their studies (Wahhabism/Salafism) in Saudi Arabia, came along and when they returned to Somalia almost supplanted the foundations of something which existed for over a 1000 years where in other Muslim countries, the prevalent superior cultures would have made this penetration almost impossible. Somalia/Somaliland is one of the few, if not only countries/regions in the Muslim World in which the religious sector was successfully monopolised by a foreign ideology that was born in 18th century Arabia.
The reason? An inferiority embedded within Somali culture. Anything foreign to our own or anything is superior, better and greater (early conclusion). Is it then a surprise to see, that to be a great Muslim (Wahhabi), you should preferably wear Saudi cultural attire? Like a shimagh or a bisht? How many modern Somali Islamic scholars have you seen wearing native East African attire? A point of contemplation, I hope.

The Somalian is also a product of an inferior culture, the Somali culture. She is not prized, valued or even loved in the culture that she was born into (Somali women were nothing more than something to be dispensed with, she can be kidnapped or sold for a 100 camels). She senses her devalued state in society, so by nature, the Somalian desires every man other than her own (anyone/thing that can value her) and with good reason. An English colonialist once noted:
"Somali women prefer amourette with foreigners... for indeed the stranger filleth the eye".

It is also a recurring generational inheritance. The Somalian is influenced by her uncouthed, undesirable ascendant i.e 'mother'. The mother is on the phone 24/7, badmouthing her husband or most likely, ex husband, in front of the children, downlplaying her role in ruining her own marriage (she probably wasn't a good wife) until the children grew up to be, guess what? Yep, s and drug dealers. It is no surprise that an English colonialist once said: "Somali women are neither loved nor respected by their children". This is the product of Somali culture. Inherently, the majority of Somali women believe deep down, that any man is better than a Somali man. In her simple and feeble mind (which doth not exist a grain of intelligence), she elopes with an ex-con, criminal and undesirable non Somali with the justification that Somali boys are 'not doing well' in life... Alas for the .

The Somali drug dealer is nothing more than the send out boy (in majority of cases). He often does the dirty work which carries all the risks of potential harm whilst his slave master is opening up businesses on the high street. A combination of low intelligence and an inherent level of inferiority. He knows his place. He doesn't complain because he realises that he is nothing more than a cotton picker. Compare him to the Somali wadaad who when he sees an Arab Shaykh trembles with awe and opens the doors and encourages him to 'lead' the Prayer, simply because he is Arab, he must be more religious, more pious and more devout than us i.e. Black African Somalis. Both are struck down by the same disease despite the divergence in profession and lifestyle. The same can be said about the Somali 'politician', the Somali 'atheist', the 'BLM' crew, the 'LGBT' Somalis, the Somali 'Salafists' and religious community. They, despite their differeng views and ideologies, have much more in common with eachother which is that their ideology has been influenced primarily by their experience and culture as 'Somalis' as opposed to other communities who are influenced by a plethora of different experiences, many being secondary in nature.
Whether he is a Somali warlord who commands bravery against another Somali community but is humbled by a foreign leader (insert name), or a Somali gangster who builds his reputation fighting other Somalis but dare not venture against non Somali gangs or a Somali 'politician' who sells Somalia's assets to foreign powers to Somali tribal 'elders' who compete with eachother as to who can be a greater servant to the Queen or King lauding over them.... It's very fascinating to come to the conclusion that they all are in fact the same.

In conclusion, Somali culture is inherently inferior to superior cultures like Arab, Asian, European cultures, an inherent level of inferiority has transformed Somali culture into something extremely fluid, a subconscious realisation that if it's 'Somali' or originally 'Somali', it's inferior and thus it has come to pass. Accept it. Embrace it. Acknowledge it.

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I'm not sure about the other points you made but this is definitely true. Its especially worse in the Somali diaspora or atleast in the UK where most Somalis are salafi influenced and calling asharis/maturidis deiviants and sufis grave worshippers. Funny you see all these Somali sheikh wearing Saudi head scarf like it's some sort of sunnah instead of a turban which is an established sunnah:icon lol::icon lol:


@Cauli well done sahib its fair to say their is an issue with this fake inferiority complex we created for our selves

We went from defeating the omani khawarij and forcing them to pay tribute to allowing ourselves to be brainwashed by salafi kuffars

It's not selfhatred to point at rooms for improvements


Make Dhulos Great Again
I agree, for western Somalis it’s over, most Somalis grew up in a cold household with a mother who doesn’t really know how to raise children, and the father is not there or he’s out with his friends talking about what they would do if they were president of Somalia. I’ve said this before somalis back home need a Donald trump, a full blown nationalist who wants to bring back Somali culture, main example to invest in farming and education, roads, sewer system etc. We need complete removal of these Arab worshippers who have reached the highest level of disrespect by putting Arab women on billboards even though none live there, it would make sense in a place like the west like London but for that to be the case in Somalia it’s clear that there is severe Arab worship, previously it was about being a good Muslim following the Quran now it’s about being a good wahabi. There is a reason why child rape has been on the rise, criminals are protected by the their clan leaders and sheikhs, when western people say Islam is backwards they are confusing pure Islam with Wahhabism, remember Islam is what brought light to Europe but that Islam is no more they see today’s Islam and believe they’re seeing the same thing but any true believer in God can see that it’s the rise of Wahhabism that has destroyed the Arab world and any majority Muslim country......Somalia needs a complete overhaul ASAP4BCDBC54-BA6F-4AAF-906F-AF4868612F8B.png4BCDBC54-BA6F-4AAF-906F-AF4868612F8B.png4BCDBC54-BA6F-4AAF-906F-AF4868612F8B.png

Samaalic Era

Somali culture is unorganised and lacks symbolism and ambition. Semitic cultures in general are set in their goal of global assimilation which keeps the culture alive. Its similar to when you are a teacher. The knowledge you learnt is reinforced by teaching it.

Somali history needs to be made into art as well as into shows,games and other forms of entertainment. Also a large collection of stories that are modified and spiced up.

If we are not aggressive in terms gaining influence, Somali culture will rot away
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