Somali diaspora Growing fast


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Thousands of Somalis leave Somalia each month,Either heading towards Europe or down south towards the camps to get registered I’m seeing more Somalis than I see Arabs in London


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
In Somalia right now to see what’s popping and all the niggas I knew left to South Africa or other African countries even the old heads packed up

I’m the last man standing in my village and even I’m heading back in 1 month 🤔
Compared to the first wave or second wave of Somalis coming to Canada I think it’s gotten less and will even get lesser. A lot of people I know are relocating back home. They’re investing, creating businesses, and buying up land. I need to get my money up and invest.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
These fobs from Somalia don’t know how tough life in the west is being a taxi driver in Minneapolis working 50 -60 hours a week and raising your kids in the hood is not ideal
Thousands of Somalis leave Somalia each month,Either heading towards Europe or down south towards the camps to get registered I’m seeing more Somalis than I see Arabs in London
I’m not sure about North America, but in Europe, Germany is the only country where the Somali population is still growing significantly.

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Somalis should migrate to LATAM. Or central-asia
I have been to LATAM that place is extremely corrupt, and the wages are extremely low there entire economic model is centered around farming (Brazil )and manufacturing cheap stuff to sell to America(Mexico ) all the politicians and millionaires come to Miami in the summer time to party and stash Money

Somalis better off in North Carolina and Texas low taxes , high paying jobs , cheap housing, and good schools

The truth seeker

Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Somalis should migrate to LATAM. Or central-asia
Miami is like Hong Kong at this point completely different from the main land has a distinct feeling its like it’s own country really international financial hub neutral point where everyone can meet all the money in Latina America is operated from there Bank of America, Jp Morgan , Goldman sachs , etc saudi royals and Chinese business business men have been investing heavily they saying it’s the next Silicon Valley


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Kenya is run by Somalis one of the few diaspora who are business savvy and are financially literate
Somalis are very financially literate everywhere even back home

it’s just that they are not school literate,when they go to the west they have to get quick cash jobs to support family back home


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