What happened to my Swede-Somali convo? XD
At the end of the day gloating about rape is disgusting. Humans are not chattel. We don't hear Europeans boasting about who they enslaved bari hore. It's normally a mark of shame. I'll give them that. I doubt you'll hear a Nordic person today loudly proclaiming his ancestors enslaved a Frank, Celt or Anglo-Saxon. It's not something to be proud of.
They stopped hating on you and moved on to me. Because you can't see these niggas in the night, they are night riders. I consider you cadcad join us bro, you're the first one I met on the forum.
But I'm Majerteen though? XD
Read again fuccboi "during the first years of pastoral occupation.."
What kinda life was that
He's gloating about raping bantu women lmao
It doesn't matter, cadcad is not a tribe it just means your not one of the night riders. I have a second cousin that's majerteen half cadcad nice guy. I recruit you to cadcads, my family are well-respected among us, welcome bro.
Da entire book about banaadiri calaacal about gettin hoed by Somali clans, just the primae noctis stood out for me like whoa that's gumeysi on a unheard ofscale only stopped by Abu Ahmad Ala al-din who was like nah bro you ain't takin my daughters like erry one else
Ceeb badan. No matter who it is it isn't something to be boastful about.